Minutes of a Meeting of Walton Parish Council held on Monday9th May 2016in Walton Village Hall.
Present:CllrsJ Fowler (Chairman), T Brocklebank, B Hogg, S Wood,A Armstrong and F Winter.
Apologies:CllrT Mark and County Cllr J Mallinson.
In Attendance: City Cllr S Bowmanand threemembers of the public.
867/16 / Election of Chairman 2016/17
Resolved to elect Cllr J Fowler as Chairman for the Council year 2016/17. Cllr Fowler signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Election of Vice-Chairman 2016/17
Resolved to elect Cllr T Brocklebank as Vice-Chairman for the Council year 2016/17.
Minutes Of Meeting Held Monday14 March 2016
Resolved that the minutes of the last Parish Council meeting be agreed and signed as a true record
868/16 / Requests for Dispensations
No requests for dispensations were received.
869/16 / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Wood declared an interest in all matters relating to the Save our Pub Group.
871/16 / Public Participation
City Cllr Bowman advised Cllr’s regarding recent election results, including that of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Administrative and Governance Matters
Noted that training was to take place on Monday 23rd May in the Village Hall from 6.30pm – 9pm. All Cllr’s are to make every effort to attend.
871.2/16Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
Resolved to adopt updated Financial Regulations. Also noted that no changes are currently deemed necessary to the Standing Orders.
871.3/16Appointment of Representative to Outside Bodies
Resolved to appoint the following representatives:
- Walton Village Hall Management Committee: Cllr Winter
- Save Our Pub Group: Cllr Fowler
- Brampton and Beyond: No representative appointed
- Hadrian’s Wall Walks Group: Cllr Wood
- Broadband Champion: Project completed therefore no rep necessary
Noted that a planned service through the village will commence from 1st September. Full details are expected to follow.
Resolved: to provide publicity for the project.
871.5/16 Transparency Funding
Resolved to approve an application for a grant towards compliance with the Transparency Act.
872/16 / Village Green and Common Land
872.1/16Land Adjacent to the Grove
Noted that the application has been approved by Land Registry, except for a 1m strip at the road side that has been reserved by the Highways agency. Full details are expected for the July meeting.
872.2/16Commemorative Plaque
Noted that the project has now been completed.
872.3/16 Railings at Church
Resolved to proceed with painting the railings using Parish Councillors as volunteers. Paint will be sourced by Cllr Hogg. Cllr Armstrong will arrange one or two evenings in June to progress.
872.4/16 Tree Risk Assessment
Noted that a tree risk assessment had been carried out that had highlighted a number of trees requiring works. Discussion was held regarding long-term planning of maintenance and also dispute over the Council ownership of some of the trees listed. A suggestion was made that a more comprehensive pollarding of the trees may prove more cost effective in the longer term. Cllr’s agreed to walk around the trees following the closure of the meeting to gain a better understanding of the issues and discuss the matter fully at the next meeting.
872.5/16 Goal Posts
Revised guidelines relating to goal post safety were considered. The metal hooks on the permanent goal posts are to be removed as soon as possible and it was felt the best solution for the portable goal posts would be to secure them to a strainer at the edge of the Village Green. The matter will be re-discussed at the next meeting.
872.6/16 Play Area Inspection
Noted that the annual play inspection has been carried out with a number of ‘very low risk’ or ‘low risk’ items present. Costings for the re-laying of the safety surfacing will be considered for the next financial year.
872.7/16 Village Green Checklist
A checklist for the assessment of the condition of the village green has been devised. It was agreed to carry out the checks monthly, with additional reporting if needs be. Cllrs Mark and Hogg will be responsible for the checks, alongside Mr I Bullough. / BH/AA
874/16 / Planning Matters
16/0352 Sandysike Barn, Walton, Brampton, CA8 2DU - Removal Of Condition 4 (Restricted Occupancy) Of PreviouslyApproved Application 11/0064
Resolved: No representation to be made on the application.
16/0383 Land between Overdale and Roman House, Walton, Brampton, CA8 2DH - Change Of Use Of Former Workshop To Dwelling (Revised Application)
Resolved: No representation to be made on the application.
16/0167 The Old Centurion, Walton, Brampton, CA8 2DH - Change Of Use Of Public House (A4 Use) With First Floor Letting Rooms And Ancillary Residential Accommodation To Cafeteria/Restaurant (A3 Use) With First Floor Ancillary Residential Accommodation
Noted that permission has been refused.
Outside Bodies
No reports from outside bodies were received.
875/16 / Financial Matters
875.1/16Internal Audit Report
Noted the internal audit report with no issues to raise.
875.2/16Annual Governance Statement
Resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2016 and authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual Return.
875.3/16Accounts to the Year ended 31st March 2016
Resolved to approve the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2016 and authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual Return.
875.4 Insurance
Resolvedto take out a three year long-term binding agreement with Came & Company insurance at an annual premium for year one of £946.98. This includes payments for the play area and village hall.
875.5 SLCC Donation
Resolved to make a contribution of £15 towards the Clerks membership.
875.6 Expenditure
Resolvedto authorise two councillors to sign to authorise expenditure on the payment schedule dated 9 May 2016. The balance at bank at 30th April was £12,875.28 (with £1306.77 ring-fenced play area funds).
875.7 Receipts
Noted the receipt of £4871.35 being the precept as well as £448.65 CTRS grant, both from Carlisle City Council.
875.8 Budget 2016/17
Resolved toagree the updated budget that had been previously circulated alongside the agenda.
876/16 / Councillor Matters and Agenda Items for Future Meetings
No items were raised.
877/16 / Correspondence
A schedule of correspondence, notices and publications received since the last meeting was noted.
878/16 / Date of Next Meeting
Resolved that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 11thJuly 2016in the Village Hall, Walton at 7.30pm. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40. Councillors then conducted a site visit of both the trees and the goal posts. Quotations will be obtained for the pollarding of the trees and the matter will be highlighted in the next newsletter to allow for parishioners to have their say.
Signed (Chairman):………………………
11 July 2016