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Books Quantity Total
Coping Successfully with Chronic Illness (Neville Shone) £8.99 + £2.00ppA helpful guide that sets out a healing plan designed to motivate and empower.
This book explains how a holistic focus on healing will help you to pick up the pieces
and move on
Coping Successfully with Pain (Neville Shone) £8.99 + £2.00pp
Step by step help and advice on how to build strength, recover mobility and control
pain. This useful guide aims to help you understand your pain, increase your activity
and enjoy a fuller life.
Pain Relief without Drugs (Jan Sadler) £12.00 + £2.00pp (£1 off RRP)
This book shows how to reduce the grip of pain by changing personal reactions to it
and offers easy to use self-help techniques. It also gives step by step instructions for
various relaxation exercises and includes a CD narrated by the author.
The Pain Management Handbook (Neville Shone) £8.99 + £2.00pp
A comprehensive programme of effective exercises to free yourself from pain.
Topics include understanding pain, relaxation, coping with setbacks and
complementary therapies.
CD’s Quantity Total
Neville Shone CD1 £4.50 + £1.50ppIntroduction to basic relaxation skills of correct breathing into the diaphragm.
Progressive relaxation using thought processes and learning how to change
the way your body feels. This CD can also be used to help relaxation or sleep.
Neville Shone CD2* £4.50 + £1.50pp
Visualisation, going into positive memories, using these as a resource on
which you can always draw when needed. Using visualisation reinforces
feelings of hope and leaves you feeling alert and active.
Neville Shone CD3 £4.50 + £1.50pp
The first 15 minutes are an introduction into deep relaxation, physical and
emotional. This is followed by an Oscar Wilde story “The Selfish Giant”
and is accompanied by especially composed music.
Phil Sizer “Simple Relaxation” £4.50 + £1.50pp
Our Training Manager, Phil, takes you through several different relaxations
of varying lengths to help relax the mind and body.
Pain Association Scotland - Moving on & Dreams in the Mind’s Eye
£1.00 + £1.50pp
Neil Berry – Living with Chronic Pain £4.50 + £1.50pp
* Also available in tape format
I enclose a Cheque/Postal Order for £______made payable to Pain Association Scotland,
to cover the cost of the Book/CD/Tape(s) plus postage and packing.
Please return this form together with your remittance to:
Pain Association Scotland, Suite D, Moncrieffe Business Centre, Friarton Road, Perth, PH2 8DG
Tel. 01738 629503. Email Scottish Charity No. SCO14486