HUEN 1010 Dr. Fredricksmeyer

Memento as a Modern Oedipus Story

I.  Introduction/thesis

Memento as a modern iteration of Oedipus Rex

II. Summary of the film in forward chronological sequence (see the back of this sheet)

III. Correspondences between the two works

plot, setting, characters, and narrative structures

IV. Further correspondences: logos/ergon themes

first theme

language as indeterminate (ambiguous or misleading)

logos has no inherent relation to ergon-

Gorgias: On the Nonexistent

Oedipus Rex

Partial disjunctions between logos and ergon-


Total disjunctions between logos and ergon-

“From words a false appearance arose” (680).

“What reason did Polybus have, then, to name (onomazein) me son” (1021).



Partial disjunctions between logos and ergon-

Facts 1-4

Total disjunctions between logos and ergon-

Facts 5-6

second theme

language as an irresistible force in human affairs

logos effects ergon-

Gorgias: The Encomium of Helen

Oedipus Rex

answer to the riddle of the Sphinx

both oracles


Tattoos: “John G. raped and murdered my wife.” “Find him and kill him.”

esp. Facts 5-6

V. Influence of postmodernism

Derrida and de Saussure

signifier vs. signified (parallels first theme)

Foucault and other post-colonialists

language and reason as hegemonic tools (parallels second theme)

VI. Ontological, epistemological, and linguistic issues revisited

Summary of Memento (in forward chronological sequence)

Leonard’s wife was raped and ostensibly murdered by two men, one of whom escaped after knocking Leonard unconscious. From the blow to his head Leonard received anterograde amnesia, or the inability to commit experiences since his trauma to long-term memory. Relying especially on police notes, and clues he has written on the backs of photos and tattooed on his own body, Leonard tracks down and kills the supposed second culprit at the beginning of the story. Teddy then tells Leonard that the man he just killed was not the second culprit. According to Teddy, Leonard killed the second culprit a year earlier and since then has killed several innocent people with Teddy’s help. Further, according to Teddy, Leonard’s wife survived the rape and Leonard himself killed her when, as a result of his anterograde amnesia, he overdosed her with insulin for her diabetes when she was in a suicidal state. Leonard now hates Teddy and responds to his revelation by destroying some clues and fabricating others that inevitably lead him to misidentify Teddy as the second culprit and kill him at the end of the story.