Builder’s Risk Application
Name and Address of Applicant: / Name and Address of Producer:
Applicant is: / Individual / Partnership / Corporation / Joint venture / Other
Interest of Applicant: / Owner / Contractor / Other
Mortgagee (Name and Address):
Loss Payable:
Application is for: / Policy / Quotation / Date of Application
Policy Term: / From / To

Description of Project (including Jobsite address):

Limits of Insurance

a. / $ / At the described project site
b. / $ / In temporary storage at any location other than the project site ($25,000. Automatic Provision)
c. / $ / While in transit ($25,000. Automatic Provision)
d. / $ / "Soft Costs" Limit
e. / $ / Expediting Expense Limit
f. / $ / "Business Income" including "Rental Income" Limit
g. / $ / Maximum any one Occurrence
Deductible: / $1,000 / $2,500 / Other $
Waiting Period (5 days unless indicated): Business Income, Incl. Rental Income (3, 10, 15, 30 day options)

Soft Costs (3, 10, 15, 30 day options)


Has contractor engaged in this type of project before? / Yes / No / If Yes, for how many years?


Fire Resistive Modified Fire Res. / Masonry Non-comb / Non-comb / Joisted-Masonry / Frame
Completed value $ / Estimated time to complete project years / months
Total square footage / Number of floors above ground / Below ground
Intended occupancy when completed
Type of proejct: / Ground-up Construction / Renovation/Rehabilitation
(Complete Supplemental Renovation/Rehabilitation Application)
Is construction lift slab, tilt-up or prototype? / Yes / No
Is project on filled land? / Yes / No / If Yes, are pilings used? Yes No


Distance to operating fire hydrant / Fire Department: Paid Volunteer
Will the project be equipped with working standpipes? Yes No / Town Protection Class
Will temporary heating be used? Yes No If Yes, described in remarks.
Will the project site be: Fenced? Yes No Locked? Yes No Lighted? Yes No
Will the watchman be on premises during non-working hours? Yes No


(Flood means waves, tides, tidal waves, overflow of any body of water, or their spray, all whether driven by wind or not, mudslide or mudflow, and water that backs up from a sewer, drain or sump.)

Is Flood coverage desired? Yes No If Yes, complete the following:
Is project site in National Flood Insurance Program Flood Zone A or B? / Yes No
Name and distance of nearest body of water to project site.

Height of project site above nearest body of water. Flood limit $ Dedcutible $


Is Earthquake coverage desired? Yes No / If Yes, Earthquake Limit $ / Deductible $

Soft Costs & Expediting Expense

Is Soft Cost coverage desired? / Yes No

If Yes, check the type desired and provide the following information which is applicable to the project site.

Soft Costs / Annual or Full Dollar Amount*
Construction Loan Interest
Real Estate and Property Taxes
Advertising and Promotional Expenses
Insurance Expenses
Architectural Fees, Building Inspection Permit Fees, etc.
Commissions, Legal, Accounting Costs, Administrative Fees / $
Total Extra Expense Values: / $
Expediting Expense
Total Expediting Expense Values: / $

*Show full amount of exposure for the entire job. Limit of Insurance may be less. See Limit entry on Page 1 of this Application.


Applicable in New York State

Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance containing any false information or conceals, for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime.

Applicable in Ohio

Any person who, with intent to defraud or knowing that he is facilitating a fraud against an insurer, submits an application or files a claim containing a false or deceptive statement, is guilty of insurance fraud.

Agent’s Signature
Insured’s Signature

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