Subject: Pick these new resources before the leaves fallSent: Wed 9/2/2015 2:43 PM

Iowa Religious Media Services
eNews / September, 2015

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October 16-18 - United Methodist Women'sMission u, Iowa Valley Community College, Marshalltown - resource presentations on Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God; Latin America: People and Faith; and The Church and People with Disabilities
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With school back in session and the pace of life quickening all around us, it is time to choose some engaging new resources for your Sunday school class or small group! In this eNews issue, we highlight resources selected at the May Preview Committee Meeting. Luis Argueta's hard-hitting and provocative documentaries present two relevant perspectives on immigration. Other new resources address parenting, caregiving, and dealing with a life too full of demands.
A loyal IRMS client explains why he appreciates the service at IRMS and which resources he can use in both his adult class at church and in a local assisted living setting. We also focus on resources purchased over the summer, including the newest offerings from Adam Hamilton and Jessica LaGrone, plus a title new to us from Adam Thomas, presenter of the Unusual Gospel for Unusual People series (DV1310=). Finally, we introduce BELIEVE (KT348=), from the same people who brought you The Story (BK1733=).
There are lots of new and relevant resources on the shelf just waiting for you to check them out. As we watch the coming of autumn, we hope that these resources will offer you intriguing ways to get the conversation going!
Sharon E. Strohmaier, Executive Director

FEATURED RESOURCES: Newest Resources Vetted by the Preview Committee
AbUsed - The Postville Raid (DV1335)is Luis Argueta'sriveting documentary about the May 12, 2008 immigration raid on the Agriprocessors meat packing plant in Postville, IA.Argueta illustrates the devastating effects of U.S. immigration enforcement policies on communities, families and children through the gripping stories of the people who survived the most brutal, expensive and largest immigration raid in the history of the U.S. (Senior High-Adult)
Abrazos (DV1336)documents Luis Argueta's journey with a group of children who are U.S. citizens, but whose parents are illegal immigrants. In this transformational video passage, these children travel from their homes in Minnesota to Guatemala to meet their grandparents and other family members for the first time. After being separated for nearly two decades, these extended families are able to share stories, strengthen traditions, and begin to reconstruct their cultural identity.(Senior High-Adult)
The Transforming Power of Caregiving (DV1338)provides a compassionate look at the phases of the post-caregiving life.Whether you have cared for your loved one for one year or many, when it ends, it will feel abrupt. The life and routine that have become yours suddenly comes to an end with a finality that is painful on many levels. Exploring who you are, now, as well as what you learned about yourself, and about life itself during your caregiving experience can be one full of discovery and adventure. (Adult)
Putting Parenting to Bed - Uncommon Sense for Modern Parents (DV1340)is a flexible resource that can be used as athree-or six-session training course for parents. It offers common-sense basics for raising children based on discipline, relationship and communication. This is a great resource for any church looking to build bridges and share the gospel with the local community through a Bible-based parenting study. (Young Adult-Adult)
The Best Yes - Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands (DV1341)asks us to answer the question,"Are you living with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule and aching with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul?" LysaTerkeurst shares what she has learned about the difference between saying yes to everyone and saying yes to God. This six-session study will help you learn to rise above the rush of endless demands and discover your best yes. (Young Adult-Adult)
Our loyal IRMS client, Mick Noteboom of Union Memorial Church in Milford, is a big fan of the Jessica LaGrone resources at IRMS. Mick leads a group at his local assisted living complex as well as an adult class at the church and has looked to IRMS for his ministry resource needs for several years.
Mick is especially fond of the LaGrone resources, because they are interesting and engaging enough for both of his groups to enjoy. A particular favorite of Mick's groups is Namesake (DV1140). He is excited to learn that IRMS has added LaGrone's latest, Set Apart - Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings (DV1343) to our collection this summer. [See description below.] He has already reserved his copy for the fall. Mick says, "IRMS is very helpful by keeping me supplied with appropriate materials!"

Q:Have you added any new, exciting resources from some of our favorite presenters over the summer?
A: Yes! We have added many new resources this summer including several from some of our most popular presenters, including Adam Hamilton, Jessica LaGrone, Adam Thomas, and Randy Frazee.
The Call (KT347) is a six-session video journey with AdamHamilton to the lands where the Apostle Paul traveled, preached, suffered and triumphed. Travel along from his hometown of Damascus to Rome, the city where he was executed. Dig into Paul's story who was second only to Jesus in his impact and influence on the Christian faith and whose witness defines what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. (Young Adult-Adult)
Set Apart - Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings (DV1343)examines the holy habits of the prophets and kings who were set apart by their close walk with God in 1 and 2 Kings. Jessica LaGrone encourages us to be still and discern God's voice in our modern lives. Through the Holy Spirit within us, we can explore our external circumstances, our senses, our prayers and Scripture. In this six-session study, LaGrone asserts that in so doing, we will learn how to trust and follow God's unique purposes for us in His Kingdom. (Young Adult-Adult)
Digital Disciple - Real Christianity in a Virtual World (DV1337) invites us to explore the question, "As Christians,how do we view our faith and personal ministry in the current culture of immediacy?" Adam Thomas leads us through this six-session study presenting his unique, personal and often humorous insight. He notes that the internet "has added a new dimension to our lives; we are physical, emotional, spiritual and now virtual people. But, I believe that God continues to move through every facet of our existence, and that makes us new kinds of followers. We are digital disciples." (Junior High-Adult)
BELIEVE (KT348=) comes to us from the same people who brought us The Story (BK1733=). The goal of this 30-week church-wide Bible-reading experience is to anchor every member of your family in the core teachings of Scripture. This multi-part study includes resources to engage all ages from pre-school to adults. Focusing on 10 key beliefs, 10 key practices and 10 key virtues of Christian faith, BELIEVE guides us in ways to think, act and be more like Jesus. Randy Frazee takes us on a journey through the Bible and helps us develop a personal vision for our spiritual growth and a simple plan for getting started on the path of discipleship. (Pre-school-Adult)
IOWA RELIGIOUS MEDIA SERVICES is an ecumenical multi-media resource center and lending library supported by six mainline denominations in Iowa and the Upper Midwest.