3.30pm, Room NH214
- Sederunt: Keri McDonald (VPW); Julia Mabruk (WO) [also in attendance Kirsty McGregor, WA and Clerk]
- Apologies: Shakhnoza Baymuradova (INTO Convenor); Olusegun Kumapayi (BMEO)
[Absent no apologies: Vasileios Vazos (ISO), Kristofer Wright (LGBTO), Faraz Magsi (EEO)]
- Minutes of last meeting: WO confirmed the minutes, VPW seconded.
- Restructure of Executive Committee: Keriupdated on the progress of meetings to discuss restructuring the Exec committee. This is on the agenda for the EC meeting tomorrow (02/03/12) with the aim to agree a motion to put forward to Student Voice on Monday (05/03/12). The proposal is from the starting point that EC meetings are not the best use of part time EC members’ time, that report writing is also taking up a lot of time and reports are not widely read and that the Part time exec are left with not enough time left to effectively recruit and meet with their representative groups and campaign or to feedback to students on their work. This would be discussed and a motion drawn up at the EC meeting tomorrow (02/03/12)
- Residences: Keri advised that there had been a number of student issues raised to the Welfare Department about Caledonian Court and asked members to let her know if they had heard any complaints/comments about it from their groups. [Action – members to let Keri know of any issues they have heard from students about Caledonian Court]
- Gold Green Impact Award - Keriupdated that the audit on Tuesday 21st had gone well and they are hopeful that GCUSA will have achieved Gold but this is still to be confirmed.
- Anti-stalking Policy – Julia updated about her anti stalking campaign which is progressing well. Although it’s linked to the national campaign their activities are going to be a bit too close to exams so Julia is aiming to have posters up around campus before the end of March and also organise a stall. There is a launch event on March 18th at the Scottish Parliament and Julia has been asked to speak at this as she suggested unions working jointly on this. She is also thinking of organising a lunchtime (free lunch) event on campus to attract students to come along and learn more about the campaign.
- Dates to Highlight/Upcoming campaigns and events: Keri advised that -
- Next Tuesday (6/03/12) is the official Glasgow launch of Fair Trade fortnight at GCU from 9am-1pm and there would be a free lunch at this
- Wellbeing Fayre is on Tuesday 13th March
- Caley Olympics is on Wed 21st March
- Julia reiterated her event in Edinburgh on March 18th.
- Update from members - no further updates submitted.