Women’s Volleyball Parent’s Meeting Agenda

Friday, August 22, 2014

6:00 pm Gym Green Valley High School

·  Introduce Coaches (Caitlyn Tranquillo, Gregg Nunley, Leslie Schultz, Caroline Carpenter) Volunteer Coaches: Matt Peltier, Jim Allen and

Erika Twesme-Stanley

·  Introduce Trainer : Karissa Heppe—Injury procedures

·  Introduce Athletic Director Brian Castro and Athletic Administrator John Scott. Discuss the “Family Pass”

·  Introduce Parents and Student Athletes

·  The practice and match schedule has been posted on www.gvhsvolleyball.com A hard copy was also provided to the student athlete along with the contract. Please let me know if you are in need of another.

·  “Gator Grub” Parent Volunteers and donations from each team member.

·  Signupgenius.com (Coach Schultz) ()

·  Coach Tranquillo to talk about Dig Pink match this year @ GVHS

·  Discuss Schedule—riding bus to and from the matches, bring your homework along

·  Discuss Contracts—Nevada Drinking Law—You all signed this in the athletic packet—GVHS Random Student Drug Testing Policy

·  Tardiness – If the player is late (unexcused), she will have to leave practice. Unexcused tardy for the match will not play.

·  Absences – If the player is sick, call the office before 1:00pm and leave

a message for Coach Carpenter on her voicemail (799-0950 ext. 4092).

Tell us the reason for illness and/or emergency situation.

·  Grades and grade checks—Every week on Infinite Campus (CCSD)

·  Citizenship and eligibility—NIAA every three weeks (approx.)

·  Cell phones and electronic gear…group text threads, REMIND 101

·  Care of uniforms why…cost involved with uniforms, equipment, etc.

·  Payment for Active Ankles and Kneepads

·  Fundraisers—Program Ads (Erin), Concessions (Coach Schultz) and Tournaments (Coach Carpenter)

·  Tournaments – (V = Las Vegas Invitational 8/29 and 8/30

Durango Fall Classic 9/19 and 9/20,

Region 11/4 - 11/7 and State 11/14 and 11/15,

B Team = Panther Classic 9/12 and 9/13 and

B-Team Championships 10/24 and 10/25

JV Team = Panther Classic 9/12 and 9/13 and

JV Championships 10/24 and 10/25)

·  How to help us be a “TEAM”, Playing time, something you disagree with, something you agree with call and make an appointment with the coaches. Please don’t bypass; it’s like doing an end around.

·  Wearing of badges and visitor passes to practice.

·  Assumptions – just because something was done last year, doesn’t

mean it will happen this season. Structure, following the TEAM rules and representing the “Excellence” that this program has developed is very important in building and maintaining this program. Just because you

“work hard” does not mean that you will start or play in a match. Remember, working hard is the minimum standard in this program.

In other words, it’s an expectation that you will work hard.

Questions??? Let’s have a great year and here’s thanking you in advance!