Rev. 12/2013

CORRECTIONS AND UPDATES[in red]:Castro, P. (2011)Catalog of the anomuran and brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura, Brachyura) of the Hawaiian Islands. Zootaxa,2947: 1–154.

p. 17:

Genus Petrolisthes Stimpson, 1858 Petrolisthes cinctipes (Randall, 1840: 136, as Porcellana cinctipes) a temperate Eastern Pacific species, was described from the Hawaiian Is. (as “Sandwich Is.”), possibly in error(also see Wicksten 2012), but never recorded again from the archipelago.

Wicksten, M. (2012) Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian zoogeographic provinces. Zootaxa, 3371: 1–307.

p. 20:

Calcinus elegans (H. Milne Edwards, 1836) Calcinus pictus (Owen, 1839)

Pagurus pictus Owen, 1839: 83, fig. 2 [color], 2a[type locality: O‘ahu; type material: possibly destroyed (see Crane 1975: 324)].

The Hawaiian populations of Calcinus elegans(H. Milne Edwards, 1836) appear to represent a separate species, so it should receive the name of Calcinus pictus (Owen, 1839). Hoover uses this name in the 2012 edition of his book.

Low, M.E.Y. (2012) Resolving the publication date of J.W. Randall’s Catalogue of Crustacea brought by Thomas Nuttall and J.K. Townsend, from the west coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands, and an updated checklist of the Decapoda described therein (Crustacea: Achelata, Anomura, Astacidea, Brachyura, Caridea, Dendrobranchiata). Zootaxa, 3493, 83–88.

Hoover, J.P. (2012) Hawai‘i’s Sea Creatures. Revised edition. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu, xviii + 366 pp. [first edition 1999]

p. 25:

Dardanus pedunculatus (Herbst, 1804)

Cancer pedunculatus Herbst, 1804: 25, pl. 661, fig. 2 (color)

p. 26:

Catapaguroides hooveri McLaughlin & Pittman, 2002

Taxonomy.Komai & Rahayu 2013.

Catapaguroides setosus (Edmondson, 1951)

Taxonomy.Komai & Rahayu (2013)

Komai, T. & Rahayu, D.L. (2013) The hermit crab genus Catapaguroides A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1892 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from the Bohol Sea, Philippines, with descriptions of eight new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 61(1), 143–188.

p. 34

Dynomene praedator A. Milne-Edwards, 1879

Dynomene hispida Guérin, 1832in Guérin-Ménville 1829‒1837 — Edmondson 1925: 30 (part) [O‘ahu, Kure Atoll]; 1946: 269, fig. 165 (part) [H.I.]. (not Dynomene hispida Guérin, 1832in Guérin-Ménville 1829‒1837)

[Low, M.E.Y., Ng, P.K.L. & Evenhuis, N.L., 2013. Names and publication dates of the Brachyura in F.É. Guérin (Guérin-Méneville) (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zootaxa, 3736, 101–127]

p. 35


Family Homolidae De Haan, 1839

Genus Latreillopsis Henderson, 1888

(?) Latreillopsis cornuta Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995 Latreillopsis okala Castro & Naruse

Latreillopsis cornuta Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995: 414, figs. 37e–h, 41C [type locality: Macclesfield Bank (South China Sea), also from O‘ahu (as “? Latreillopsis aff. cornuta”); holotype of L. laciniata Gordon, 1950: NHM].

Additional Hawaiian Is. records: Homola (Parhomola) majora Kubo, 1936 — Edmondson 1951: 202, fig. 10 [O‘ahu].

p. 43:

Eriphia smithii MacLeay, 1838, is listed as occurring in the Hawaiian Is. by Edmondson (1962a: 289, fig. 26b, as Eriphia laevimana smithii MacLeay, 1838) without any details. Its occurrence in the Hawaiian Is. is highly questionable, although erroneously listed from the archipelago by Sakai (1976),and McLaughlin et al. (2005), and Naderloo & Türkay (2012).

Naderloo, R. & M. Türkay (2012)Decapod crustaceans of the littoral and shallow sublittoral Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf: Faunistics, biodiversity and zoogeography. Zootaxa, 3374: 1–67.

Eriphia sebana (Shaw & Nodder, 1803)

Eriphia laevimana Guérin, 1829in Guérin-Ménville 1829‒1837 — Edmondson 1962a: 289, fig. 26a [Rathbun’s record].

[Low, M.E.Y., Ng, P.K.L. & Evenhuis, N.L., 2013. Names and publication dates of the Brachyura in F.É. Guérin (Guérin-Méneville) (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zootaxa, 3736, 101–127]

p. 44:

(*) Peloeus armatus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842

Remarks. Described from the Hawaiian Is., most probably the result of the mislabeling of Eydoux and Souleyet’s specimen (P.K.L. Ng & D. Guinot, personal communication; Thoma et al. 2012).

Thoma, B.P., Ng, P.K.L. & Felder, D.L. (2012)Review of the family Platyxanthidae Guinot, 1977 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Eriphioidea), with the description of a new genus

and a key to genera and species. Zootaxa 3498, 1–23.

p. 54:

Micippa philyra (Herbst, 1803)

Remarks. Recorded once from the Hawaiian Is. (Rathbun 1906) but no subsequent records are known from the archipelago. Naderloo & Türkay (2012) refer to the Hawaiian record as Micippa platipes (Rüppel, 1830).[see reference above]

p. 61:

Genus CrinitocinusNg & Rahayu, 2014

Pilumnus alcocki Borradaile, 1902Crinitocinus alcocki (Borradaile, 1902)

Hawaiian Is. records:

Pilumnus alcockiBorradaile, 1902 — Rathbun 1906: 862, Penguin Bank east of Moloka‘i, Nihoa). — Edmondson 1962a: 292, fig. 27c [Rathbun’s record]. — Coles, Reath, Longenecker, Bolick & Eldredge 2004: 140 [Maui].

Crinitocinus alcocki (Borradaile, 1902) — Ng & Rahayu 2014: 16, figs. 9–12, 40E–H [O‘ahu, Hawai‘i].

Ng, P.K.L. & Rahayu, D., 2014. Revision of the family Acidopsidae Števčić, 2005, and the systematic position of Typhlocarcinodes Alcock, 1900, Caecopilumnus Borradaile, 1902, and Raoulia Ng, 1987, with descriptions of two new genera and five new species. (Crustacea: Brachyura: Goneplacoidea). Zootaxa, 3773, 1–063.

Taxonomy. Edmondson (1962a)Ng & Rahayu (2014)

p. 65:

Pele ramseyi Ng, 2011

Taxonomy.Ng (2011), Naruse & Ng (2012)

Naruse, T. & Ng, P.K.L. (2012) Kume tigra, a new genus and new species of carupine swimming crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) from Kume Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. In: Naruse, T., Chan, T.-Y., Tan, H.H., Ahyong, S.T. & Reimer, J.D. (2012) Scientific Results of the Marine Biodiversity Expedition — KUMEJIMA 2009. Zootaxa,3367, 204–210.

p. 78:

for both species of Domecia

Guinot (1976) 1964b

p. 78:

Genus Jonesius Sankarankutty, 1962Cherusius Low & Ng, 2012

Jonesius Cherusius triunguiculatus (Borradaile, 1902)

Taxonomy. Galil & Takeda (1986), Castro et al. (2004),Low & Ng (2012)

Low, M.Y. & Ng, P.K.L. (2012) The decapod crustaceans described by C. Sankarankutty, and a replacement name for Jonesius Sankarankutty, 1962 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Domeciidae), preoccupied by Jonesius Yamaguti, 1959 (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea: Hymenolepididae). Zootaxa 3363, 59–62.

p. 83:

Acantholobulus pacificus (Edmondson, 1931)

Geographical distribution. Unknown, presumed to be eastern Pacific or western Atlantic; introduced to New Zealand, presumably from the eastern Pacific (Ahyong & Wilkens 2011) and Japan (Komai & Furota 2013).

Taxonomy: Forest & Guinot (1961, as Panopeus pacificus), Felder & Martin (2003),Komai & Furota (2013)

Komai, T. & Furota, T. (2013) A new introduced crab in the western North Pacific: Acantholobulus pacificus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Panopeidae), collected from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6 [doi:10.1017/S1755267213000699]

p. 90:

Garthiella aberrans (Rathbun, 1906)

Additional Hawaiian Is. records:

Garthiella aberrans (Rathbun, 1906) — Mendoza & Manuel-Santos 2012: 37, figs. 1–3, 6A, B, 7A–D, 8A [color] [holotype].

Mendoza, J.C.E. & Manuel-Santos, M.R. (2012) Revision of Garthiella Titgen, 1986 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Xanthidae), with description of a new subfamily and a new species from the central Philippines. Zootaxa, 3446, 32–48.

Taxonomy.Mendoza & Manuel-Santos (2012)

p. 100:

Lybia edmondsoni Takeda & Miyake, 1970

Additional Hawaiian Is. records:

Melia tesselataLatreille, 1812 —Duerden 1905: 497 [Hawai‘i, O‘ahu].

Duerden, J.E. (1905) On the habits and reactions of crabs bearing actinians in the claws. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 2, 494-511.

Grapsus tessellatus Latreille in Milbert, 1812

p. 120:

Chiromantes obtusifrons (Dana, 1851)

Additional Hawaiian Is. records:

Chiromantes obtusifrons Dana, 1851 — Davie & Ng 2013: figs. 1, 4A, 5A, B, 6A, B, 7A, B, 8A, 9A,B, 10A, 11 [O‘ahu, H.I.].

Davie, P.J.F. & Ng, P.K.L. (2013) A review of Chiromantes obtusifrons (Dana, 1851) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae), with descriptions of four new sibling-species from Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Guam and Taiwan. Zootaxa, 3609(1), 1–025.

p. 120:

Labuanium rotundatum (Hess, 1865)

Labuanium rotundatum (Hess, 1865) — Ng & Liu 2003: 614, figs. 5‒8 [holotype].— Ng 2012: 266, figs. 1–7 [holotype].

Ng, P.K.L. (2012) The identity of Sesarma rotundata Hess, 1865, and description of a new species of arboreal crab of the genus Labuanium Serène & Soh, 1970, from Guam, Western Pacific (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 25, 265–277.

p. 123

Ocypode ceratophthalmus (Pallas, 1772)

Ocypode urvillii [sic] Guérin, 1829— Dana 1852b: 328, 1577, pl. 20, fig. 5 [“Sandwich Is.”].

p. 123

Ocypoda urvillei [sic] Guérin, 1829 — Lenz 1902: 476 [Laysan]. (not Ocypode urvilliiGuérin, 1829 = Cancer ceratophthalmus Pallas, 1772)

[Low, M.E.Y., Ng, P.K.L. & Evenhuis, N.L., 2013. Names and publication dates of the Brachyura in F.É. Guérin (Guérin-Méneville) (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zootaxa, 3736, 101–127]

p. 125:

Alcock, A. (1899b) Natural history from the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator, Series 3, No. 3. On some notable new and rare species of Crustacea. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 68(II, 2), 111–119, pl. 1.

p. 126:

Brock, V.E., Jones, R.S. & Helfrich, P. (1968) reference appears immediately after reference by Brockerhoff without a space before the title

p. 128:

Dana, J.D. (1852a) On the Classification of the Crustacea Corystoidea; Scientific Intelligence, III. Zoology. American Journal of Science and Arts, series 2, 13(37), 119–121. [also published as: Conspectus Crustaceorum, etc. Conspectus of the Crustacea of the Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes, U.S.N., including the Crustacea Cancroidea Corystoidea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 6(3), 73–86]This statement is incorrect.