33rd Legislative Day

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

The House met according to adjournment and was called to order by the Speaker.

Prayer by Reverend Nancy Van Dyke Platt, Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church, Hallowell.

National Anthem by Erskine Academy A Cappella Choir, South China.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Doctors of the day, Ida Page, D.C. and Shelly Page, D.C., West Sumner.

The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.



The Following Communication: (H.C. 423)





March 15, 2002

To:The Honorable Richard A. Bennett, Senate President

The Honorable Michael V. Saxl, Speaker of the House

From:S/Senator Anne M. Rand, Senate Chair

S/Representative Charles C. LaVerdiere, House Chair

Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary

Subj:Government Evaluation Act Review of the Maine Human Rights Commission

This memorandum is to inform you that the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary has submitted its findings and recommendations from the review and evaluation of the Maine Human Rights Commission under the State Government Evaluation Act to the Legislature pursuant to Title 3 Maine Revised Statutes, chapter 35. The committee finds that the Maine Human Rights Commission is operating within its statutory authority.

READ and with accompanying papers ORDERED PLACED ON FILE.


The Following Communication: (S.P. 811)



March 11, 2002

Hon. Neria R. Douglass

Senate Chair, Joint Standing Committee on

Legal and Veterans Affairs

Hon. John L. Tuttle, Jr.

House Chair, Joint Standing Committee on

Legal and Veterans Affairs

120th Legislature

Augusta, ME 04333

Dear Senator Douglass and Representative Tuttle:

Please be advised that Governor Angus S. King, Jr. has nominated the Honorable James O. Donnelly of Brewer, the Honorable David N. Ott of York, Alan F. Harding of Presque Isle, the Honorable Andrew Ketterer of Madison and M. Michaela Murphy of Waterville for appointment as members of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.

Pursuant to Public Law 2001, Chapter 470, these nominations will require review by the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs and confirmation by the Senate.


S/Richard A. Bennett

President of the Senate

S/Michael V. Saxl

Speaker of the House

Came from the Senate, READ and REFERRED to the Committee on LEGAL AND VETERANS AFFAIRS.

READ and REFERRED to the Committee on LEGAL AND VETERANS AFFAIRS in concurrence.



On motion of Representative BLISS of South Portland, the following Joint Resolution: (H.P. 1681) (Cosponsored by Senator FERGUSON of Oxford and Representatives: COLWELL of Gardiner, CUMMINGS of Portland, HALL of Bristol, HUTTON of Bowdoinham, LEMOINE of Old Orchard Beach, SHERMAN of Hodgdon, Senators: BRENNAN of Cumberland, BROMLEY of Cumberland) (Approved for introduction by a majority of the Legislative Council pursuant to Joint Rule 214)


WE, your Memorialists, the Members of the One Hundred and Twentieth Legislature of the State of Maine now assembled in the Second Regular Session, most respectfully present and petition the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has found that all children deserve a quality education, including children with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States Code, Section 1400, et seq., provides that the Federal Government and the state and local governments are to share in the expense of education for children with disabilities and commits the Federal Government to provide funds to assist with the excess of expenses of education for children with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has committed to contribute up to 40% of the average per pupil expenditure of educating children with disabilities and the Federal Government has failed to meet this commitment to assist the states; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government has never contributed more than 12.6% of the national average per pupil expenditure to assist with the excess expenses of educating children with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and

WHEREAS, this failure of the Federal Government to meet its commitment to assist with the excess expenses of educating a child with a disability contradicts the goal of ensuring that children with disabilities receive a quality education; and

WHEREAS, the federal grant funds in the State for children zero to 2 years of age represent only 30% of the cost of serving eligible infants and toddlers in the State, and if the federal grants were at the 40% level, the award to the State this year would have increased by $582,000; and

WHEREAS, the federal grant funds in the State for children 3 to 5 years of age represent only 8% of the cost of serving children 3 to 5 years of age in the State, and if the federal grants were at the 40% level, the award to the State this year would have increased by $10,086,000; and

WHEREAS, the federal grant funds in the State for children 5 to 20 years of age represent only 9.75% of the State's total special education expenditures of $225,130,000, and if the federal grants were at the 40% level, the award to the State this year would have increased by more than $68,000,000; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, respectfully urge and request that the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States either provide 40% of the national average per pupil expenditure to assist states and local education agencies with the excess costs of educating children with disabilities or amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to allow the states more flexibility in implementing its mandates; and be it further

RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary of State, be transmitted to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States and to each Member of the Maine Congressional Delegation.


The SPEAKER: The Chair recognizes the Representative from South Portland, Representative Bliss.

Representative BLISS: Mr. Speaker, Men and Women of the House. If you look at this Resolution, you will recall that we passed something similar just about a year ago. The federal government has encouraged us and every other state to pay attention to special education. They have told us, in fact, that they will reimburse the states 40 percent of the cost of that special education. The individuals with Disability Education Act appropriation for fiscal year 03 is, in fact, up for Maine from $31.5 million last year to $36 million this year. Our estimated cost of special education is $247 million. Instead of the 12.7 percent that the federal government is offering us as funding, I would like to remind them once again of their pledge to cover 40 percent of the cost. Please join me in reminding them of that pledge.


Sent for concurrence.


On motion of Representative KANE of Saco, the following Joint Order: (H.P. 1680)

ORDERED, the Senate concurring, that the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services report out, to the House, legislation directing the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance to adopt rules requiring the issuance of standardized prescription drug cards following the model of the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs by all health coverage providers beginning with cards issued on or after January 1, 2003.


On motion of Representative KANE of Saco, the Joint Order was REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES and the Committee on BANKING AND INSURANCE and sent for concurrence.


By unanimous consent, all matters having been acted upon were ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.


On motion of Representative ROSEN of Bucksport, the following Joint Order: (H.P. 1682)

ORDERED,the Senate concurring, that the Committee on Workforce Investment is established as follows.

1. Committee established. The Committee on Workforce Investment, referred to in this order as the "committee," is established.

2. Committee membership. The committee consists of 12 members appointed as follows. The President of the Senate shall appoint 4 Senators, one from each of the following joint standing committees: Appropriations and Financial Affairs, Education and Cultural Affairs, Health and Human Services and Labor. The Speaker of the House shall appoint 8 members of the House, 2 from each of the following joint standing committees: Appropriations and Financial Affairs, Education and Cultural Affairs, Health and Human Services and Labor.

3. Committee chair. The first named Senator is the Senate chair of the committee and the first named member of the House is the House chair of the committee.

4. Appointments; convening of committee. All appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the passage of this order. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all appointments have been made. When the appointment of all members has been completed, the chairs of the committee shall call and convene the first meeting of the committee, which must be no later than May 31, 2002.

5. Duties. The committee shall hold its meetings at various locations in the States, to be determined by the chairs. The committee shall gather information and request necessary data from public and private entities in order to:

A. Develop an effective and efficient comprehensive system for workforce development based on the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 United States Code, Section 794d;

B. Review all state and federally funded programs that directly or indirectly deal with job training, workforce preparedness and support, education or career services;

C. Develop and implement adequate and uniform outcome measures; and

D. Develop a comprehensive package of reform legislation to implement a comprehensive system for workforce development.

6. Staff assistance. Upon approval of the Legislative Council, the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide necessary staffing services to the committee.

7. Compensation. Members of the committee are entitled to receive the legislative per diem and reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses related to their attendance at authorized meetings of the committee.

8. Report. The committee shall submit its report that includes its findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, to the Legislative Council no later than November 6, 2002.

9. Extension. If the committee requires a limited extension of time to complete its study and make its report, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which may grant an extension. Upon submission of its required report, the committee terminates.

10. Budget. The chairs of the committee, with assistance from the committee staff, shall administer the committee's budget. Within 10 days after its first meeting, the committee shall present a work plan and proposed budget to the Legislative Council for approval. The committee may not incur expenses that would result in the committee's exceeding its approved budget. Upon request from the committee, the Executive Director of the Legislative Council promptly shall provide the

committee chairs and staff with a status report on the committee's budget, expenditures incurred and paid and available funds.

Reference to the Committee on APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS suggested.


Sent for concurrence.



In accordance with House Rule 519 and Joint Rule 213, the following items:


the Monmouth Academy Cheering Team, which has won 10 Class D Western Championships and 7 Class D State Championships and in its 1st year in Class C has won the 2002 Class C State Championship. Team members include Erin Eldridge, Kate Grover, Stephanie Savard, Katie Stanchfield, Angela Berube, Katie Brown, Tiffany Doucette, Becky Elliot, Heather Gagne, Emily Gauthier, Ashley McAlister, Kira Bagby, DeEtte Martin, Emily Grover, Manager Kyla Greenier and Coaches Mike Gilbert and Leanne Burnham. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to the team on its accomplishment;

(HLS 1028)

Presented by Representative GREEN of Monmouth.

Cosponsored by Senator TREAT of Kennebec.

On OBJECTION of Representative GREEN of Monmouth, was REMOVED from the Special Sentiment Calendar.


The SPEAKER: The Chair recognizes the Representative from Monmouth, Representative Green.

Representative GREEN: Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. It is with great pleasure that I introduce this sentiment for the Monmouth Academy Cheering Team. As you can see, they have not just been a flash in the pan, they have been consistently outstanding year in and year out. There are many people who wonder about cheering as a sport. I merely reference the championships that occurred at the Civic Center. If you don't think that it takes athleticism to do precision work exactly together, then you haven't seen something that you should.

The idea of athletics in school is as a support for the other things that go on. We know that when you work with others as a team, you learn skills that can carry you through life. Certainly to do the precision work the cheering teams do, when you have to depend on others to hold you 12 feet in the air, you learn teamwork. These students work hard. They work all year and they earn their honors and it is a pleasure to have them here today.

PASSED and sent for concurrence.



Ought to Pass Pursuant to Resolve

Representative COWGER for the Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES on Bill "An Act Regarding the Clearing of Vegetation in Areas Adjacent to Protected Natural Resources" (EMERGENCY)

(H.P. 1679) (L.D. 2179)

Reporting Ought to Pass pursuant to Resolve 1999, chapter 116.

Report was READ and ACCEPTED. The Bill was READ ONCE.

Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING WITHOUT REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading.

Under further suspension of the rules, the Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED and sent for concurrence.


Divided Report

Majority Report of the Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-923) on Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Administration of Medicine in the School Setting, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Education (EMERGENCY)

(H.P. 1608) (L.D. 2106)


MITCHELL of Penobscot
NUTTING of Androscoggin
ROTUNDO of Androscoggin
RICHARD of Madison
DESMOND of Mapleton
SKOGLUND of St. George
ESTES of Kittery
CUMMINGS of Portland
STEDMAN of Hartland
WESTON of Montville
LEDWIN of Holden
Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "B" (H-924) on same Resolve.


WATSON of Farmingdale

Representative RICHARD of Madison moved that the House ACCEPT the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report.

On motion of Representative COLWELL of Gardiner, TABLED pending the motion of Representative RICHARD of Madison to ACCEPT the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report and later today assigned.


The following items were taken up out of order by unanimous consent:


First Day

In accordance with House Rule 519, the following items appeared on the Consent Calendar for the First Day:

(H.P. 1566) (L.D. 2071) Bill "An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Growth-related Capital Investments" Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass

(H.P. 1578) (L.D. 2084) Bill "An Act Regarding Workers' Compensation and Liability Immunity Coverage for Emergency Management Forces" Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass

(H.P. 1107) (L.D. 1476) Bill "An Act to Require Continuing Education in the Cosmetology, Manicuring, Aesthetics and Barbering Fields" Committee on BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "B" (H-932)

(H.P. 1119) (L.D. 1488) Bill "An Act to Require Major Water Users to Provide Public Information About Their Annual Water Withdrawals from Public Water Resources" Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-936)

(H.P. 1283) (L.D. 1746) Bill "An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws to Provide for a Rebuttable Presumption of Eligibility for Benefits for Hepatitis or Hepatic Disease for Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Personnel" Committee on LABOR reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-931)

(H.P. 1493) (L.D. 1996) Bill "An Act to Establish Educational Requirements for Granting Noncommercial Lobster Licenses" Committee on MARINE RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-935)

(H.P. 1614) (L.D. 2111) Bill "An Act to Authorize County Extension Building Associations to Borrow Money" Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-943)

(H.P. 1615) (L.D. 2114) Bill "An Act to Provide Full Utility of Retired School Buildings" (EMERGENCY) Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-940)

(H.P. 1619) (L.D. 2118) Bill "An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Committee to Study the Loss of Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing" Committee on MARINE RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-934)

(H.P. 1646) (L.D. 2152) Bill "An Act to Allow Qualified Shellfish Harvesters to Continue to Sample Water Quality" Committee on MARINE RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-933)

Under suspension of the rules, Second Day Consent Calendar notification was given.

There being no objection, the House Papers were PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED or PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended and sent for concurrence.