The Wyrdsisters 2018

Element Alignment Reading


DATE:11th January 2018

MOON PHASE:Waning Moon, coming to New Moon

Week 1

This week take 28 pebbles, or 28 counters, pieces of paper – anything at all. Although stones are good – those decorator stones or crystals. Put them in a bowl on the windowsill to be ‘in the dark’. It is dark of moon, and these stones will have no energy at all in the morning.

For the next 28 days, take one stone – a different one each day and carry it with you. When you go to bed – put it in another bowl or bag. Now it carries your energy.

This week your cards indicate:

This week you are the Star, and it is important to remember that. Do not let anyone dull the light or put you in the shadow. Remember the movie… nobody puts baby in the corner. You are not meant to be in the corner, but centre stage. If you are not there; then put yourself there be it in the job you already have (because what have you got to lose) or in securing a new job for yourself.

The Moon indicates that you are brilliant when it comes to shadow work. What this means is that in your job, in your person and spiritual life you are very good at discerning what is in the shadows. And whilst everyone else is hunting in the sunlight, and looking for what is obvious; you look for that which is not obvious. Those things are hidden in the shadows, and that is where you do your best work, and find your best opportunities. Off the beaten track, in the shadows and on the other side of the moon.

Be nonchelant – play the pan pipes, dance around the world; and let people think what they want to think. Nobody needs to know what is going on in your head, or what you are looking for; and that is exactly how you want it to be.

Week 2

This week keep carrying the stones; and purchase 7 candles – as cheap as you like. If you can do different colours – do so. Chakra colours work well. Each day for the next 7 days light a candle at some time of the day, let it burn as long as you can. When you go to bed, snuff it out and leave it. Repeat for 7 days. At the end of 7 days, light what is left of all of them, and let them burn right down to nothing.

This week your cards indicate:

A scroll comes your way, and with it a key to a new pathway. The keys will unlock something that is quite different, and that appeals to your personality. The contract is straight forward; it has in it all you need; and it has provision for the future. It is a document that is well crafted and thought out. This is a good start.

You are in beautiful balance. One the one side your job/work is starting off very well, and in fact you know that it will continue to be a positive experience. This will be very different from other places you have worked in. The culture is that of courtesy, thought for others, and working as individuals, but for a common goal. On the other side, your personal life is uplifting, health is good; and energy levels are high. You can expect romantic connections.

The Acrobat shows that you have finished twisting and turning yourself for other people. Now you have a rhythm of your own; and you choose what you want to do; and when you want to do it. You will find that your thoughts, ideas and creativity flow freely; and there is a new surge of energy.

Week 3

This week light incense every day, and dedicate each stick to someone you hold dear to you; and that you love having in your life.

Place a bottle or two of water out in the moonlight, it does not really matter what the moon phase is… as long as there is moonlight.

This weeks your cards indicate:

Ace of stones is literally rock solid. You have created a different life for yourself, and although it may seem very subtle to others – you know you have changed things, and you mark that with a celebration, or buying yourself something – a piece of jewelry to represent change, a piece of art work, a new copper cooking pan… something that is around you all the time to remind you of the change.

There is romance, and swans mate forever. There is a dance that swans do before they mate; and I see that you will be doing a dance with someone; and both of you will enjoy engaging in the dance, and will be quite content to let things unfold in their own good time. There is no rush.

You are the Watcher. You sit, you observe and you watch the world. That is why you are good at what you do. You see patterns in people’s lives, and patterns in situations. You know what is going to happen – you can ‘far see’; and you know exactly how things will unfold according to the patterns of the universe, and the patterns that you observe. Nothing changes, it is all one big cycle, and you know that, and that is your strength.

Week 4

Take your moon water from last week. Place in a glass or crystal bowl. Sprinkle flower petals, herbs, leaves on top of the water. Place in the morning sun. Drain the water back into the bottle. Do this each day. Perhaps a different flower or herb for each day – whatever you fancy. Keep the 7 bottles for cleansing and healing baths; room sprays etc.

This week your cards indicate:

Merlin was the Magician, he was the catalyst for change in people’s lives; and in his own life. He knew when to withdraw from situations, and he knew when to add fuel to the fire. At this time you are adding fuel to the fire; and conjuring up all sorts of amazing energy and magic. You are making things happen, and you are in your element.

You are recognizing your strength more and more. You are also seeing that there are different people around you, and they understand your strengths, and do not feel the need to undermine you, or keep you in the dark; or simply use your skills for their own end. This is a new energy of people both in the work place and personally who acknowledge your strength and are not afraid of it; and stand in their own strength.

The Wheel has turned. You are in a different place, and a different time. This new year is turning the wheel quickly; and whatever happens to you – happens quickly. No more long, drawn out scenarios. If you want something to happen – one way or another; it will be immediate. That is going to be the difference for you here on in. Things happen right now; and are not drawn out.

Week 5

Create an altar; a sacred space for yourself. Put on a table, window sill (somewhere special) your bowl of stones (that you carried with you); Have 7 new candles; incense, pour your moon water into a crystal bowl.

Your cards indicate:

This week look to the future. Allow yourself to wander through your future, to actually visualize; and you may find yourself in a meditative state during this time, and you want to go to other places in different realms. Let yourself go there; there is all sorts of knowledge and wisdom waiting for you.

The Artiste has created her masterpiece; you have created you! The painting is nearly complete; what do you need to add to the painting? This is an exciting time of being able to choose what you add to your life.

The Illusionist. This is something all artists are. They create illusions as well as Real Life works. Remember that as an illusionist you can create whatever energy you want, at any time. You can change the energy in a room from negative to positive and vice versa in a moment. You can make people feel comfortable or anxious. It is time to use your skills as an illusionist.

Friday 16th February NEW MOON

Light your incense

Light your candles

Put your stones into the bowl of water

Sit and dream; have a glass of wine; juice; a piece of fruit cake or something sweet.

Breathe in deeply, and out again 7 times.

Dowse your candle and incense in the bowl of water.

Drain the water out in the garden, or on a pot plant.

Dispose of your candle and incense stick.

Keep your stones for another time.

Your cards indicate:

That you are not in your own way any more.

That you recognize that you are a jewelled chest, and that you have attributes, talents, gifts and wisdom. It is time to use all that is in the chest; and move out of your own way and climb those stairs.


Thank you for allowing me the privilege of reading for you

Auckland, New Zealand


* Please seek competent medical or psychological assistance from a qualified healthcare professional if you have a disease, illness or disorder.

* Please seek competent financial assistance from a banker, broker or financial consultant before you make any financial transactions.

* Please seek competent legal assistance from a qualified lawyer at law if you have any legal problems.

* I recommend every person act according to his or her own conscience for the greater good of all concerned.

* I will strive at all times to give you the very best reading of which I am capable.

* Tarot cards are neither good nor bad though they may be used to encourage, give hope and identify options for the future.

*Tarot gives a road map of what is ahead, different paths you can take; at the end of the day – you make the final decision, you are in charge of your own destiny.

* I do not read for those under 18 years of age.

A Tarot reading is designed to provide guidance and support and to help you contact your own inner knowing. These readings are for guidance only - how you respond and react to them is up to you. Listen to your heart and remember that at a deep level you already know what is best for you. You have free will and are in full control of your own destiny.


Truth Against the World

Jackie Pope