
SEQL Student Math Pre/Post-Test 2011/2012 Fifth Grade KEY

1. The two representations below show the ages of people who had tickets for a

carnival ride on two different days. Describe the similarities and differences in

the two graphs. (GLEs MA-D.1.A; MA-D.1.C) ----3 POINTS

Number of people
X / X / X
X / X / X / X
X / X / X / X / X / X
2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 12 / 16

A. B.

Number of people
X / X / X
X / X / X / X
X / X / X / X / X / X
4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24

They are both line plots. The same number of people is shown on both plots. The youngest riders form the largest age-group on both days.

2. John had of a candy bar. How much could he eat and still have ½ of a

candy bar left? (GLEs MA-D.2.B)----1 POINT

John could eat ¼ of the candy bar and still have ½ candy bar left because ¾ - ¼ leaves 2/4 or ½ of a candy bar.

3. Mr. Addemup wants to know to which clubs students in his class belong.

What is the best method for him to collect the information?

(GLEs MA-D.1.A) ----1 POINT

_____ A) Survey each student at the math club meeting.

_____ B) Survey students who are on the track team.

_____ C) Survey every student at noon recess.

__X__ D) Survey every student in his class.

Jan made the following table to show the number of laps she was able to run without stopping.

Week / Laps Run
1 / 3
2 / 5
3 / 7
4 / 9

4. Explain how you would find the number of laps Jan would run in week 5. Then

state how many laps she would run. (GLEs MA-A.1.A; MA–D.3.A) ----2 POINTS

Jan would run 11 laps in the 5th week because each week the number of laps goes up by 2.

5. Make a graph to show the relationship between Weeks and Laps Run.

(GLEs MA-A.1.B; MA-A.3.A; MA-A.4.A; MA-D.1.C) ----4 POINTS

Laps Jan Runs Each Week

Number of Weeks

6. Use your graph to decide which week should Jan be able to run 14 laps without

stopping? Justify your answer. (GLEs MA-D.3.A)----2 POINTS

Jan would be able to run 14 laps in week 7 because in week 6 she can run 13 laps

and in week 7 she can run 15 laps.

7. Describe how Jan could justify whether her goal of 14 laps is typical for her

age group. (GLEs MA-D.1.A; MA-D.1.C)----2 POINTS Jan could make a survey to give

students in the cafeteria asking how old they are and how many laps they can run.

Then she can find out if 14 laps is higher or lower than the median.

8. Which Sample Sets listed can be represented by numerical data?

(GLEs MA-D.1.C)----1 POINT

_____A) Favorite candy, eye color, name of pet

_____B) Student height, age of mother, preferred soda

__X__C) Amount of allowance, distance from home in miles, student weight

_____D) Hobbies, TV shows watched, books read last week

9. Some fifth graders are playing a game. Megan’s game card is shown below.

For each number on her card that matches the statement the teacher reads, she scores five points. Which of the statements below would make it impossible for Megan to score any points? (GLEs MA-D.4.A) ----1 POINT

_____ A) Multiples of 5 _____ B) Factors of 36

__X__ C) Prime numbers _____ D) Even numbers

10. What fraction or decimal number is not represented by the shaded region of

the figure. (GLEs MA-N.1.B) ----1 POINT

_____ A) __X__ B) 0.30 _____ C) _____ D) 0.333...

11. Rita said that 52,675 could also be written as 50,000 + 2,000 + 675.

What is another way to represent 52,675? (GLEs MA-N.1.C) ----1 POINT

_____ A) 526,000 + 75 _____ B) 50,000 + 200 + 675

_____ C) 50,000 + 600 + 70 + 5 __X__ D) 52,600 + 75

12. Marsha is playing a game with some number cubes. She scores one point

for every composite number she scores and two points for every prime

number she scores. How many points does she score if she has the

following numbers? (GLEs MA-N.1.D)----1 POINT

Marsha’s Points

12 / 31 / 39 / 24 / 7 / 23

_____ A) 6 _____ B) 8 __X__ C) 9 _____D) 10

13. John’s teacher told him when he’s stumped on the division problem 45 ¸ 9

he can think of a related multiplication fact to help him solve it. What

multiplication fact could he use to help him find the answer to the

division problem? (GLEs MA-N.3.B)----1 POINT

_____ A) 45 ¸ 15 = 3 _____ B) 3 X 3 = 9

_____ C) 45 ¸ 5 = 9 __X__ D) 9 X 5 = 45

14. Allen studied hour on Monday, of an hour on Tuesday, and of an

hour on Wednesday for the test he was having on Thursday. How much

time did he study for his test? (GLEs MA-N.3.C) ----1 POINT

_____ A) 20 minutes _____ B) 35 minutes

__X__ C) 55 minutes _____ D) 75 minutes

15. John was asked to give an estimate for the sum of and . Which

would be the best estimate? (GLEs MA-N.3.D) ----1 POINT

__X__ A) 1 _____ B) 2 _____ C) 3 _____ D) 4

16. Order the following rational numbers from least to greatest.

(GLEs MA-N.1.B)

0.3 0.04 0.105

_____ A) 0.3, 0.04, 0.105 _____ B) 0.004, 0.3, 0.105

_____ C) 0.105, 0.04, 0.3 __X__ D) 0.04, 0.105, 0.3

17. Socks are on sale for $12.99 for three pairs. How much is each pair?

(GLEs MA-N.1.B) ----1 POINT

_____ A) $4.00 __X__ B) $4.33 _____ C) $4.99 _____ D) $3.99

Fifth Grade Math Scoring Rubric 2011 – 2012

Points Points

Question Possible Earned Criteria

1 3 Points _____/(3) 1 POINT – For each valid similarity or difference

2 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - John could eat ¼ of the candy bar.

3 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is D

4 2 Points _____/(1) 1 POINT – Answer 11 laps is given

_____/(1) 1 POINT – Valid explanation such as the number of laps

increases by two each day

5 5 Points _____/(1) 1 POINT - Appropriate Title

_____/(1) 1 POINT - x-axis is labeled appropriately such as

Week Number

_____/(1) 1 POINT - y-axis is labeled appropriately such as

Laps Run

_____/(1) 1 POINT - For either bar graph, line graph, or scatter plot

_____/(1) 1 POINT - At least four data points correctly placed

6 2 Points _____/(1) 1 POINT - Week 7 is given

_____/(1) 1 POINT - Valid explanation such as because in week 6 she

can run 13 laps and in week 7 she can run 15 laps,

or because Jan gains 2 laps each week.

7 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is D

8 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is C

9 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is C

10 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is A

11 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is D

12 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is C

13 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is D

14 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is C

15 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is A

16 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is D

17 1 Point _____/(1) 1 POINT - Correct answer is B

Total Points _____/25