Name______Block ______

Week Seven



This selection is excerpted from a collection by Hans Christian Anderson.

There was once a merchant who was so rich that he could have paved the whole street with pieces of silver and, perhaps, an alley besides. But he did not do so; he knew another way of using his money. Such a good trader was he that whenever he laid out a shilling he gained a crown in return—till he died.

All his money went to his son, and he lived merrily, went to a masquerade every evening, made bank-notes into paper kites, and played ducks and drakes in the pond with gold-pieces instead of stones. In this manner he soon spent all his money. At last he had nothing but four shillings left, and no other clothes but a pair of slippers and an old dressing-gown. His friends wouldn’t give him the time of day. One of them, however, more good-natured than the rest, sent him an old trunk, with this advice, “Pack up, and be off!” This was all very fine, but he had nothing to pack up, so he himself got into the trunk.

It was a wonderful trunk. When the lock was pressed, it could fly. He did press the lock and up flew the trunk. It flew up through the chimney, high into the clouds, on and on, higher and higher.


Monday—Read the selection carefully.

1. The subject of this selection is ______.

2. At the top of this page, write a title for this selection.

3. The author’s purpose in writing this selection is to______.

4. My purpose in reading this selection is to ______.

5. The genre of this selection is ______.

Tuesday—Read the selection carefully.

6. The word masquerade in this selection means O a deceptionO a party

7. A synonym for passageway in the selection is ______.

8. An antonym for unpleasant in the selection is ______.

9. Circle the affix on these selection words: returnhigherperhapsdressingpressed

Wednesday—Read the selection carefully.

10. The setting of the selection is ______.

11. The problem in the selection is ______.

12. Circle the idiom in the selection. It means ______.

13. The selection is written in the ______person point of view.

Thursday—Read the selection carefully.

14. Underline the sentences in the selection in which the author uses hyperbole to characterize the son’s spending habits.

15. What is the theme of this selection?

16. How do you think the author of this selection feels about the son? ______


17. What do you think will happen next in this selection? ______


Friday—Read the selection carefully.

16. Highlight 5-6 key words in the selection. Write a 3-4 sentence summary of the selection using your key words. It is not necessary to use all of your key words. Be sure to use correct spelling and punctuation. ______

