Staff Council Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2014



Mary Knapp, Tim Clark, Karenn Reeter, Colleen Clark, Andrea Clark


Christy Agnese, Jeff Brittingham, Jennifer Buell, Craig Canfield, Jean Celeste-Astorina,

Rosemary Cobane, Will Dawes, Maria Dryer, Sue DuBrava, Peter Earle, Jan Favaro, Jill Fisher, Gary Goss, Joan Hurley, Michele Lang, Kristin LiBritz, Amanda Lippincott, Clint McCartney, Brenda Mikula, Kristin Morse, Sean Reilley, Beth Reynolds, Michelle Rios-Dominguez (proxy: Jane Ray), Chris Rogers, Victor Rosa, Candy Ross, Mark Ross, Heather Schuck, Maggie Young.


Jane Ray


Jeff Wright

Laurie Shaw

Opening of Meeting

·  Meeting called to order by Mary Knapp at 2:10pm.


·  Human Resources Updates: Mark Coldren

o  Performance reviews and upcoming trainings during June

o  Student employee appreciation luncheon – approx. 1500 students attended

o  Taleo software implementation to replace PeopleAdmin – June target

o  Annual picnic/carnival is scheduled for the TH after graduation

·  Follow-up on Staff Council Initiatives

o  Poster project to promote staff council – Collaborating with Marcom on design creation and poster content.

o  Elections are underway for staff council representatives in areas where current reps are finishing their 2-year terms, and for areas without representation.

Executive Committee Report

·  Staff Trustee applications have been reviewed and nominations have been forwarded to the Board of Trustees. The Board will seat the new staff trustee during the board meeting leading to graduation.

·  Executive Committee meeting with Nancy Pringle:

o  Smoking concerns submitted during the staff council meeting in March were aggregated and provided to Nancy Pringle for review and discussion.

o  Continued concerns regarding bullying and appreciation were communicated – we know that HR has addressed the subject with training but the issue has not been resolved.

o  Discussed IC compensation; funds available to supervisors for one-time payments to show appreciation to staff, professional development for staff.

Treasurer’s Report

·  $195.27 balance (unchanged)

Committee Updates

·  Blood Drive – last blood drive we donated 105 whole blood and 25 double units, exceeded the goal of 140 units. Next blood drive is July 8 from 10am-5pm at the Fitness Center.

·  Bus Trips – 15 seats left to fill for April 26 trip to NYC

·  J.J. Staff Scholarship – Applications will be accepted in late August for Fall 2014 scholarships

·  Parking Policy - Parking Services is re-drafting rules and regulations for release at the beginning of next academic year. We are once again revisiting the idea of improved transportation alternatives across campus as a possible strategy to alleviate parking crisis. Motorcycle Parking for E-Lot is being improved in order to get motorcycles off the sidewalks so IC can be ADA compliant.

New Business – Officer Elections

·  Chair – Amanda Lippincott elected for 2014-2016 term

·  Corresponding Secretary – Colleen Clark re-elected for 2014-2016 term

·  Treasurer – Mark V. Ross elected for 2014-2016 term

·  Ex Officio Chair – Mary Knapp will serve for one year

·  Vice Chair – Tim Clark will continue for the 2nd year of his term

·  Recording Secretary – Karenn Reeter will continue for the 2nd year of her term

Professional Development Session: Difficult Conversations, facilitated by Jane Ray.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Mary Knapp

NEXT MEETING: June 26 @ 2:00 - 3:30pm -- Business School, Room 104


Ø  SUBJECT: Smoking Policy Review

Assigned to Mary Knapp on 23-FEB-2014


TASK: Forward motion to Nancy Pringle for Advisory Committee on Campus Security/Campus Life

DESCRIPTION: Motion Passed by Council 2/20/2014

Staff Council requests that Nancy Pringle, Linda Koenig, and Terry Stewart fast track review of the Ithaca College Smoking Policy for clarification and consistency, in all respects, including enforcement, and report back to Staff Council by the end of this Spring 2014 semester.

NOTES: Nancy Pringle met with the executive committee and discussed the issue. Staff council provided her with list of specific grievances for her review and consideration.

Ø  SUBJECT: Qualified Domestic Partner Benefits

Assigned to Sean Reilley|Chair, Benefits Committee on 20-FEB-2014


TASK: Review policy and make a recommendation to staff council

DESCRIPTION: the following proposal was presented and discussed at Staff Council and referred to the Benefits Committee:

·  Qualified Domestic Partner: The College recognizes "qualified domestic partner" or QDP as "Same-sex sole domestic partners who are jointly responsible for each other's common welfare and share financial obligations." (http://www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/faqs/faq/554/). Those who fall under QDP category are offered medical, dental, vision, and accidental death insurance. QDPs are also allowed to partake in educational opportunities at the college.
Now that same-sex marriage is legal in New York (assuming this is the reason why QDP had been established), I would like to propose QDP be equally extended to opposite sex partners who fit this

Action Item CLOSED X ..on 12DEC2013. Staff Council received the status update requested.

Ø  SUBJECT: Abandoned Campus Life Committee Recommendation for Sub-Committee on Smoking Policy

Assigned to Mary Knapp on 18-APR-2013

TASK: Forward motion to President’s Council

DESCRIPTION: Motion passed by Staff Council on April 18, 2013 for President's Council. Staff Council requests that the President's Council provides us with a status update regarding the Campus Life Committee's recommendation to set up a subcommittee to address the Campus Smoking Policy. We have been informed that the Campus Life Committee has not met since the departure of Brian McAree.


Ø  April 2013: SC assignment pending for new President’s Council liaison, following retirement of Carl Sgrecci.

Ø  July 2013: Nancy Pringle | VP for Human Services & Legal Affairs, assigned as Staff Council’s new liaison to Presidents’ Council.

Ø  October 2013: Motion emailed to Nancy Pringle.

Ø  November 2013: SC responded to a request from Nancy Pringle for background information regarding the origin of the smoking issue.

Ø  December 12, 2013: We have been informed that the Campus Life Committee is obsolete. There is now an ADVISORY COMMITTEE on CAMPUS SECURITY/CAMPUS LIFE. Staff Council verbally requested that the advisory committee form a subcommittee to review the smoking policy, per the official 2012 recommendation of the Campus Life Committee.



Linda Koenig, Assistant Director, Housing Services and Communications, Residential Life

Terri Stewart,Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management

Members 2013-2014:

Steve Gordon, Faculty Representative
Julie Dorsey, Faculty Representative
Elizabeth Hall, Faculty Representative
Athena Zhang, Faculty Representative
Katelyn Madison, Student Representative
Joshua Couce, Student Representative
Jamila Carter, Student Representative
Melinda Carmichael, Student Representative
Nancy Reynolds, Staff Representative
Zach Newswanger, Staff Representative
Rory Rothman (Ex Officio), Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life