Australian Bush Flower Essence

For Post Trauma


Helps emotionally with relationships that are draining and re-energises by cutting the cords between you

Protects against negative energy and negative genetic traits-clears energies and entities from aura; repairs the whole energy field; can be rubbed on hands when doing healing ; can be used as a spray mist with Boab and Fringed Violet for clearing negative energy

Helps access and retrieve skills and gifts developed in former lifetimes

Promotes clear intuition of spiritual truth and protects against deception

Brings out and enhances the quality of discernment and develops clairaudience

Effective in treating mental illness where “ voices are heard”

Beneficial for schizophrenia & catatonic schizophrenia with Bush Fuchsia +Fringed Violet +Sundew, nervous breakdown, anorexia, abnormal irrational behaviour, suicide.


Helps with people who do not like physical contact; or who are uncomfortable in crowds and feel an invasion of their space when too close to others. Helps define, establish and maintain healthy boundaries with other people

Promotes sensitivity in males; promotes gentleness and sensitivity in touching; addresses issues of physical or sexual abuse

Promotes openness and trust; allows the expression of feelings and promotes a joy in physical activity, such as dance or sport

Beneficial for ankle problems, arm pain, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, lumbar & sacral/iliac pain, bruising, cancer, circulation problems, claustrophobia, constipation, depression, impotence with Boronia + Crowea + Five Corners, prostate gland, psoriasis, running nose, scleroderma, testicles, throat problems.


Restores a damaged aura from a shock either physical or emotional. Removes the effect of recent or old trauma. Good where a person has never felt well since a trauma of some kind.

It counters the effect of electromagnetic radiation.

For physic protection and realignment of physical and etheric bodies. Heals any breaks or holes in the aura

Combine with Red Lily to reduce engine vibration when flying, which can weaken immune, endocrine, nervous and lymphatic systems

Beneficial for shock, ADD, addictions, allergic reactions, asthma, bone fracture, cerebral palsy with Bush Fuchsia + Crowea + Spinifex, drained of energy, hives, itching, mental retardation, pain on a cellular level, scleroderma, weeping skin, sternum, toenails, acute trauma, decreases the body’ s reaction to environmental irritants, such as dust, dust mites, pollens and chemical irritants