We would like to welcome back Pamela Scott who has just finished a 9 month secondment at Evie School as Principal Teacher. Pamela will be teaching P1 on a Thursday and Friday along with Sharon Muir who will go back to teaching on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

We would also like to welcome Laura Gray back to the staff team at Glaitness. She will take up the post of P1/2/3 teacher in a few weeks to allow Carmel McElroy to start in the post of Principal Teacher of Support for Learning. The date for Laura Gray starting has yet to be confirmed.

You may be aware of the number of support staff posts advertised at the moment. We are currently going through a formal recruitment process to ensure that we comply with employment legislation and policies of Orkney Islands Council. Any staffing changes as a result of this process will be indicated through the parent bulletin.

We have also said cheerio to Graeme Johnston, a support for learning assistant, who left just before the New Year for a new life in Australia with his family. We currently have some staff absences at the moment and there is a shortage of supply staff within Orkney. As a result Yvonne Allen who has been our temporary Support for Learning Teacher is currently teaching P5/6/7 in Margaret Gray’s absence. Along with a number of schools in Orkney, currently this means we have no support for learning teacher input with children in classes. Instead children’s additional support needs are being met within the classroom by their class teachers.

This can be the term where staff as well as the children can come down with colds, flu etc and a key priority for us is to replace teachers and support staff where we can if they are off sick. This is becoming increasingly challenging and we may have to look for even more creative ways to manage this during this term if we have staff illness. Please bear with us if this happens and your children come home saying they have had different teachers. This is something the Parent Council are aware of this session as it has been discussed at Parent Council meetings. We will continue to keep the Parent Council updated regarding this.


There will be an opportunity to come along to the parent council meeting on the 4th Feb 2014 at 7pm to hear how we have developed approaches to tracking children’s progress as they move through the school and on 4th March 2014 at 7pm to see how we have been developing approaches to listening and talking across the school.

This term we are going to focus on taking a closer look at the skills the children develop while learning science. We are also going to update our writing programme of study to ensure it fits in with the new programmes of study for reading and listening and talking. These developments will be a key part of our in-service days in February.


Please do not send the children to school with sweets or sweet snacks for break. We promote healthy snacks in school and would like you to support us in sending a healthy snack to school with the children. Alternatively – we have a daily tuck shop where children can buy very reasonably priced snacks which conform to national nutritional standards in schools.


Please be aware that we try to have the children outside at playtimes where we possibly can. It would be appreciated if the children could come to school with appropriate outdoor clothing including footwear for the often cold and drizzly conditions we get at this time of year. If you do not want your child to go outside at playtime because of recovery from an illness etc then please send a note to their class teacher.


The next Parent Council meeting will be held in Glaitness School on Tuesday 4th February at 7pm.


The Nethybridge fundraising group are holding a bingo night in Glaitness School on Friday 7th February from 7pm. Please come along for a great family night out and the chance to win lots of prizes!


There will be a bake sale at morning break on Friday 24th January to raise money for the ‘Send A Cow’ charity. This will be for the children to buy a cake for their snack. Prices will range from 30p – 70p. Children will be allowed one cake initially.


P1-4 classes will be performing 2 short shows in the second last week of term and rehearsals have already started. The dates for the performances are Tuesday 18th March in the afternoon and Thursday 20th March in the evening. It is important that all the children rehearsing are able to take part in both performances – if your child will not be able to take part in these performances please speak to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. Tickets will be on sale for these events and more details will be included in the next bulletin.

As a result of the performances this term we will not be having an Easter Service in the East Church.


Please remember to listen to Radio Orkney in times of bad weather. Orkney Islands Council now has a facebook page for posting notices of bad weather and school closures – you can find a link on the OIC website.

The Radio Orkney Facebook page provides updates as well. We will endeavour to keep the school open where at all possible, weather, transport and staffing permitting. If the school is open and the buses do not run, parents can make their own arrangements to get their children to and from school. Equally, parents can choose to keep their children home if they feel it is unsafe for them to be out. Please let us know if you keep your children off due to the weather as part of the usual procedures.

If the school is going to close early parents will be alerted through the school text system and parents/carers are expected to come and collect their children. Children are not released to walk home independently if the conditions are so bad that we have to close the school early.


Friday 24th January 2014P5 Scottish Assembly

Tuesday 4th FebruaryParent Council Meeting 7pm in Staffroom

Wed 12th & Thu 13th February 2014 In-service

Fri 14th February 2014 School Closed

24th Feb – 9th March 2014Fair Trade Fortnight

Tues 4th March 2014Parent Council Meeting 7pm in Staffroom

Thurs 6th March 2014World Book Day

Tues 11th March 2014Parents Evening

Thurs 13th March 2014Parents Evening

Tue 18th March 2014P1 - P4 Afternoon Performance

Thu 20th March 2014P1 – P4 Evening Performance

Fri 21st March 2014Sport Relief

Mon 24th March 2014Hockey Festival for selected P6 pupils

Mon 24th March 2014P5 Animation Workshop

Fri 28th March 2014Earth Hour

Fri 28th March 2014Last day of Term