College Council Meeting Summary
September 8, 2011
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September 8, 2011, 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Board Room
Bond, Inge / X / Ex-Officio, Research Analyst and Ex-Officio, Student Equity, Access and SuccessDiamond, Heidi / X / Ex-Officio, Accreditation Liaison
Finch, Jean / X / Student Services Council
Francis, Michelle / X / Ex-Officio, Professional Development
Gaskin, Lori / X / Ex-Officio, Chair of College Council
Hay, Kuni / X / VP Instruction, Administration
Hindes, Victoria / X / Ex-Officio, Student Services
Wong, Rebecca / X / Division Chair Council
Kinley, Laurel / X / Classified Senate
Lazer, Masha /Sergio Gonzales / X / Associated Student Organization
Ludwig, Scott / X / WVMCEA Representative
Renzi, Michael / X / VP Admin Services
Shoemaker, Lance / X / Academic Senate
Aragon, Ginny / Dean of Student Support ServicesDonohue-Mendoza, Michelle / Director of Student Activities
Fenton, Pat / ACE Representative
Kobayashi, Frank / Dean of Career Programs and Workforce Development
Maciel, Elizabeth / Supervisor of WVC Administrative Services
Serna, Irene / Director of EOP&S
Lori Gaskin opened the meeting at 12:35 p.m. with a quorum present.
1. Review Membership and Role of College Council. Each new academic year, President Gaskin provides an overview of College Council’s membership and role as a participatory governance council for the benefit of the new members. (Attachment 4)
The council has voting members from seven different constituencies: 1) Lance Shoemaker for the Academic Senate, 2) Laurel Kinley from the Classified Senate, 3) Jean Finch from Student Services Council, 4) Rebecca Wong from the Division Chair Council, 5) Kuni Hay from the President’s Cabinet, 6) Sergio Gonzales and Masha Lazer sharing the seat as Associated Student Representatives, 7) Scott Ludwig representing WVMCEA and 8) Michael Renzi representing Administrative Services.
There are also six non-voting, advisory seats: 1& 2) Inge Bond currently holds two seats as Institutional Research Analyst and the Student Equity, Access and Success committee rep., 3) Michelle Francis as the Professional Development Coordinator, 4) Heidi Diamond as the Faculty Accreditation Liaison, 5) Lori Gaskin as the College Council Chair, and 6) Victoria Hindes as the Vice President of Student Services. Brenda Rogers serves as the secretary to College Council.
The role of College Council is to be the vehicle for college-wide participatory governance promoting engagement, contributing to processes, procedures and policies, and decision-making related to goals, planning, mission and resource allocation.
1. Approval of Meeting Summary from 5/26/2011. The minutes of the meeting of May 26, 2011, were unanimously approved as written. (Attachment 1)
2. Revenue Allocation Model. President Gaskin explained the current method of Revenue allocation with assistance of pie charts created by the Vice Chancellor’s Office. (See Attachment 2) At the next District Council/DBAC meeting, Vice Chancellor Ed Maduli will be explaining the current resource allocation figures for discretionary funding, which has been split 50% to each college instead based on FTES generation of 53% West Valley/47% Mission. The Vice Chancellor will present his new proposal for equitable distribution of funds based on FTES generation and a plan to begin the fund transfer process.
College Council and their constituents were encouraged to attend DC/DBAC on Monday 9/12 at 2:45 in the Board Room to participate in the discussion on the proposed revenue allocation model. The Classified Senate sent a memo to the Chancellor in support of the 53%/47% FTES allocation model and the Academic Senate has passed a motion for Lance to actively support this change in allocation. This would mean approximately $500,000 added to the discretionary funding for West Valley College, which could be used toward the upcoming budget cuts imposed by the state.
3. Process for Developing a Budget Reduction Plan (First Reading). Vice President Renzi presented the draft of the Budget Reduction Plan by first explaining the Guidelines proposed to be used by departments and programs to identify the amount to be permanently reduced from the budget. (Attachment 3) Three important factors to assist in the selection of reductions are:
· Keep goals and mission of the College in mind;
· Look for opportunities to consolidate, reorganize, and revise current systems for the College and District
· Make the necessary reductions to your area with prioritized functions in mind. We can no longer afford “business as usual” and areas should be built from the “ground up.”
The draft was brought to College Council for the first reading and will return on September 22 for a second reading and action. In order to complete these reductions in time to meet the deadline in December, College Council agreed to meet every Thursday in November. The future meeting schedule will be:
· September 22
· Oct 13 & 27
· Nov 3, 10, & 17
This process is about renovating our college, as we can no longer do “Business as Usual.” There are unfilled positions that will not be filled immediately, but we will remember these positions for future filling as funding returns. Some concerns were raised about the process:
· The Program Discontinuance Policy includes a 1.5 years for a program to improve. These cuts will not be felt until the reduction deadline has passed.
· Consolidation may be a better way to make the program changes.
· Beware of the entrenched mindset that all programs must be preserved.
The Council thanked the Budget Reduction Subcommittee of Inge Bond, Fred Chow, Michael Renzi, Rebecca Wong, Lance Shoemaker and Jean Finch for their fine work. This draft plan will return on September 22 for a second reading and adoption.
2. Mission Statement Update. With consideration of Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Future data, College Council drafted two college mission statements during their August retreat, with the guidance of organizational consultant Michael Eckhardt. Inge Bond will present the two mission statements to the constituent groups for comment. The ASO is the only group that remains to be scheduled. Ten community members have also been solicited for their input. Feedback will be summarized and reviewed with College Council in October. Final adoption of a new Mission Statement will be presented for College Council action in October.
3. Construction Update. Measure H was passed providing $97 million in facilities renovation and upgrading revenue for West Valley College. President Gaskin provided an update on completion and progress for the following projects:
· Campus Center Renovation
· AAS HVAC Piping and Roof Replacement
· ADA Barrier Removal
· LA/SS Renovation
· Science and Math Renovation
· Fire Alarm Replacement
· Solar Voltaic System
Michael Renzi presented the progress on our small facilities renovation projects campus wide as we paint, replace furniture and fixtures, replace ceiling tiles and carpets, thus retuning our classrooms into appropriate learning facilities for our students and instructors. These expenses were covered by Measure H funds and facility rental income. (Attachments 5 & 6)
4. Annual Goals Development. College Council selected November 4 to hold their retreat for annual goal development for 2012-2013. Details for the retreat will be sent out to all participants when they are finalized. Additional members will be attending this retreat to expand the input so each council or senate has two representatives to participate in defining the College’s goals and objectives.
5. Reports from College Council Members.
· SSC had combined retreat with Mission, which focused on enhancing customer service including information on the new student portal.
· The Academic Senate held a special meeting to discuss the Resource Allocation Model. Concerns were expressed about the underrepresentation of faculty and students on District Council.
· DCC held their annual retreat.
· Facility Advisory Committee met the first week of school and is developing plans to prepare for emergencies, and looking forward to facility renovations next summer.
· Classified Senate met twice to discuss the Resource Allocation Model, and plans to retreat on 9/23. They host their annual Mangers appreciation breakfast on 9/09/11.
· The ASO has a full house with 21 senators who are discussing programs for the future. ASO’s welcome week was a big success. Planned Parenthood will probably be returning to campus after 5,000 students signed the petition in favor of their return.
· SEAS has not met this year, but 6 members attended NCORE in June. All College Day included statistics on how WVC measures up regarding student equity. Staff and faculty participated related breakout sessions and that data will be used to formulate SEAS goals.
· The Program Review Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Committee and Accreditation Committee are meeting and beginning this year’s business.
· This year’s Convocation for our new students was a great success and appreciation was expressed to those who participated.
6. President’s Report.
· A welcome reception will be held for Kuni Hay and Frank Kobayashi on 9/13/11 in Fox Center room 203 from 1:30-2:30.
· Campbell Center Grand Opening will be held on Tuesday 10/4/11 at 5:30-7:00
· Solar Panel Ribbon Cutting will be celebrated at Noon on 10/19/11.
· The Integrated Planning Process Plan Concept Map and Operational Map were distributed with the request to post it in a prominent place so our college community becomes very familiar with its concepts.
NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY September 22, 2011 in the Board Room, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted on September 22, 2011, by Brenda Rogers, Secretary to College Council.