Membership Committee Meeting


Attendees: Sierra Royster, Dorothy Frye, Teresa Staley, Will Miller (SILC office)

Absent: Gloria Bellamy, Sandy Ogburn

Call started 11:13am

I. Applicants

1.  Ricky Alewine

-References- They were all personal references, but came back good mentioning that he is a hard worker, and likes to educate people.

-He was unanimously voted as endorsed by the committee members present

2.  Barry Washington

-Keith Greenarch joined the call to discuss Barry’s application

-Barry was endorsed by a 2-1 vote and will go to full council at the April NCSILC meeting.

Suggestions from Sierra were to include Rene Cummins.

3.  Edward Glass

-He is contacting the third reference and will be sending it in.

4.  Deja Barber-appointed in January-she has been notified to complete the state application

5.  Sandra Hicks

-was appointed and will be at the April NCSILC meeting.

-Board Orientation manual

-Orientation training meeting

-Signed up with the IL Philosophy course

-Needs a mentor-reaching out to Kay Miley to see if she can mentor.

II. Meeting at the NC Office on Boards and Commissions

Next Tuesday (March 18) the SILC office and Sierra (schedule permitting) will meet with Charles Duckett (Director) and Phillip Christofferson with the Office of Boards and Commissions to discuss the SILC and our member appointment process.

-Sierra also suggested that we discuss their background checking process to see if we still need to run criminal record checks out of the SILC office – could save the SILC money if we can rely on Boards and Commissions to do this.

III. Orientation

-To have at least one of the membership committee at orientation and mentor be present with Debbie and Will.

-To have a one hour orientation planned each quarterly meeting to cover different pieces for refreshers or to have new people cover all areas.

-Sit down with Debbie to review the manual and the reimbursement process.

IV. Mentorship-potential mentors for the future

-Keith Greenarch

-Rene Cummins

-Sandy McMillan

-Teresa Staley

-Gloria Bellemy

-Kay Miley-Sandra Hicks

Next meeting time changed to Wednesday, April 16 at 11:00 AM (rather than the usual meeting time, which is the second Wednesday of each month).

Call ended 12:30pm