The Science of Biology and Scientific Method – Chapters 1

Classification and Taxonomy – Chapter 17

Chemistry and Biochemistry – Chapter 2

Cell Structure and Function/ Cell Transport – Chapter 3

DNA structure and Function/DNA replication/Transcription and Translation – Chapter 8

The Cell Cycle: Mitosis and Meiosis – Chapter 5 and 6.1 and 6.2

Genetic Engineering – Chapter 9

The Science of Biology and Scientific Method

1. What is homeostasis?

2. Describe the difference between a law, theory, inference, fact, and conclusion.

3. What is a hypothesis?

4. For a controlled experiment how many variables are tested?

5. Define: independent variable and dependent variable

6. How do you convert from g to mg?

Classification and Taxonomy

1. Name the kingdoms that make up Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes?

2. What defines a species?

3. Should an experiment be able to be repeated?

4. Identify the Linnaean Classification System from largest to smallest.

5. Using binomial nomenclature, correctly identify the name for humans.

6. What is a cladogram? What is a clade? A node?


1. Draw a picture of an atom. Label the protons, neutrons, nucleus, and electrons.

2. What is the difference between the particles in the 3 main states of matter: gas, liquid, and solid?

3. What is an element? Give an example.

4. What is a solution? Give an example.

5. The atomic number gives you the number of .

6. The atomic number gives you the number of .

7. How many electrons are in the outershell of oxygen?

8. Give an example of elements forming ionic bonds; covalent bonds; and hydrogen bonds.

9. What is an ion? isotope? ionic compound?

10. Draw a picture of 2 water molecules bonded together. Label the covalent bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen molecules and the hydrogen bonds between the 2 water molecules.

11. What is cohesion? adhesion?


1. In the chemical reaction: glucose + fructose Þ sucrose Identify the reactants and the products.

2. What is a catalyst?

3. What is an enzyme? What is its function?

4. What does endothermic and exothermic mean?

5. What is the main function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?

Cell Structure and Function

1. Compare and contrast the structure and function of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

2. What are the 3 principles of the cell theory?

3. Identify the function of the following organelles/structures:

a. Golgi apparatus

b. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

c. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

d. Mitochondria

e. Lysosome

f. Vacuole

g. Chloroplast

h. Nucleus

i. Nucleolus

j. Ribosomes

k. cilia and flagella

l. Cytoplasm

4. How is cell size affected by surface area and volume?

5. What is the endosymbiotic theory?

Cell Transport

1. What is the function of the cell membrane?

2. Draw a picture of the cell membrane and label the phospholipid bilayer and proteins.

3. What purpose do proteins in the cell membrane serve?

4. What is diffusion and why does it occur?

5. What is osmosis?

6. If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, will water go into the cell or out of the cell? hypotonic? isotonic? (may be helpful to draw pictures)

7. What is facilitated diffusion?

8. What is the difference between passive and active transport?

DNA structure and Function

1. What 3 parts make up a nucleotide of DNA?

2. What type of sugar does DNA have? RNA?

3. What are the 4 nitrogenous bases of DNA? RNA?

4. Which bases pair together and by what type of bonds?

5. What is the accomplishment of Watson and Crick?

DNA replication

1. What is the complementary strand of DNA to the sequence CACGTAG?

Transcription and Translation

1. What is produced during transcription? Translation?

2. What is the function of mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA?

3. Approximately only 3% of your DNA is functional genes. These genes may be turned on and/or off. Why would this occur?

The Cell Cycle: Mitosis and Meiosis

1. (See page 151) What are tissues and organs? (Be able to explain the levels of organization in multicellular organisms.)

2. What are homologous chromosomes?

3. How are histones and chromatin and chromosomes related?

4. What does a karyotype show?

5. How many chromosomes does a “normal” human have?

6. Draw a picture of a duplicated chromosome and label the chromatids and centromere.

7. How many cells are produced as a result of Mitosis? Meiosis?

8. Draw a picture of homologous chromosomes. What is the process called when these chromosomes swap genes?

9. What type of microscope do we use in the classroom?

10. What is the purpose of DNA tightly coiling into chromsomes?

11. During what phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

12. Chromosomes become visible during what phase of the cell cycle?

13. List the phase of Interphase and the M phase in order respectively. (You may draw a picture of the cell cycle to help.)

14. Explain why cancer occurs.

Genetic Engineering

1. What is recombinant DNA? What type of organisms contain recombinant DNA?

2. How is bacteria useful for genetic engineering?

3. What is a genetically engineered organism? Explain the process.

4. What were the goals of the Human Genome Project?

5. What is genetic screening? How is it important?

6. What are restriction enzymes?

7. What are stem cells? How can they be used?