Prep and Pre-Senior Course

Application Form

Central School of Ballet

Application for entry in September 2012 (by audition on Saturday May 27 2012)

Please note that auditions are limited and are offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Places on the Associate courses are strictly limited and are awarded by audition only.

Surname First Names
Telephone No.(incl. code) Email Address
Date of Birth / Age
School Year 2011/2012* / Male / Female
Contact name in case of emergency
Telephone no. (incl. code)

Name and addresses of dance schools, teachers and date attended starting with your current teacher (please continue on an additional sheet if necessary):

Name of Dance Teacher / Address of Dance School / Dates Attended / Hours per week

Associate Course

Application Form


Have you studied: / Yes / No / Most recent examination taken. Please state examining board, level, date taken and result
Classical Ballet
Contemporary Dance
Other (Please state)
Pointe Work (if yes how much)
YES / NO / If yes, please specify
Do you have any injuries?
Do you have any health conditions we should be aware of?
Are you considering entering full time dance education?
Have you previously attended any Central School of Ballet courses?

Please include / do not include me on your mailing list.

Out of courtesy, please ensure that your current dance teacher approves your attendance of your chosen programme as a means of complementing your training.

SIGNATURE (current dance teacher) /


SIGNATURE (of parent or guardian) /


Associate Course

Application Form

Please enclose the following with your completed application form:

o  2 passport photographs

o  A covering letter outlining why you would like to apply for the Pre-Senior Course

o  £20 audition fee (please note that this cannot be returned). Cheques should be made payable to “Central School of Ballet”. Payments can also be made by credit/debit card, using the enclosed form, or over the telephone.

Completed application forms should be sent to:

Jess Mahoney

Community & Outreach Manager

Central School of Ballet

10 Herbal Hill

Clerkenwell Road



Closing date for applications: Friday March 23 2012

* Associates studying on the course should be in school years 7 to 11 in September 2012.


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne

and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama.