Wednesday 27th March, 12:30pm
Room AXB032, Lancaster
Attending: Matt Tennant (MT), Matt Hayhurst (MH),Peter Armstrong (PA), Daryl Ormerod (DO), Laura Davies (LD), Pat Lowrie (PL), Adam Leach (AL), Stephanie Jayne Anderson (SJA)
MEETING ADMINISTRATIONItem 1 / Apologies for Absence
Discussion / Jade Bradley and Olivia Knight.
Item 2 / Declaration of Interests
Discussion / DO confirmed agenda item 12- General Manager Appraisal Targets.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 3 / Chair’s Opening Remarks
Discussion / MT distributed an additional paper provided by Danny Prescott, for information and discussion, on the initial findings of the UCSU 2013 Elections and also a ‘face value’ Elections breakdown.
MT highlighted that the total number of e-voting and paper ballots was in the region of 715 which is no way near the target of 3000. MT addressed the issue experienced by students registering on the UCSU website to vote, which was due to the log in details held by students being @uni.cumbria.ac.ukwhereas the data received from the university was @cumbria.ac.uk. In addition there was a confirmation stage required for students which added another barrier to the ease of voting. MT also added the issue with the University system being outdated, which made it difficult to create a bridge between the University system and NUS digital. DO added that the University will be receiving an upgrade to their system.
LD explained that she felt something had to happen immediately to improve the elections; we don’t want to be sitting around. MT added Danny Prescott will be providing a more detailed report for the Trustee Board in June. MT also advised the board that there wasn’t much campaigning across all sites, and there was no stand-alone candidate. MH suggested this was maybe due to dissertations being due as the elections were held slightly later than the previous academic year. PA agreed, adding that it also depends on when classes end as teaching students for example were not on campus. PA suggested that we consider moving the elections period back to February. MT agreed, confirming moving the elections forward has been discussed and Danny Prescott will be arranging an elections working group to develop ideas. LD commented on the difference between categories, this has provided an interesting pattern.
MT advised the Board that he felt it was a rather bland outcome overall, not a disaster but not a win either. PA suggested we engage all the SU staff more, to which MT agreed and added that we should also bring the ballot to the students.
LD confirmed that she recently completed a paper on student’s attitude to voting. She feels the working group is a good idea and everything suggested needs to be captured. LD suggested we invite John Sharp the Independent Chair to be involved, as he has some clear views on why students don’t vote. LD confirmed that there is a sense the University is going to find blame on the Union during block grant discussions and we need to start getting ready for the University to see the results and what they will interpret from them. AL added that he feels the students overall need to get a broader understanding of the Students’ Union, as they are not being reached and understanding all the hard work the Students’ Union are doing. MT agreed, and added how there has been a vast amount of money invested into a Marketing and Communications team, and we are not seeing the buy in yet. MT advised the Board that there is a plan to review the democratic system, a blue sky thinking session, and this will be linked in with elections.
DO confirmed that he feels the overall feeling of the elections is gloomy, but all categories were elected with competition which is something for us to be proud of. He also confirmed that is easy for the staff and Board to focus on the website issue, but we didn’t have 500 students coming to the SU telling us they wanted to vote and they couldn’t. DO agrees with AL, we need to communicate better and engage our members.
LD explained that we need to make the whole voting procedure so easy for the students. MT agreed and added we need to generate a culture of ‘why haven’t you voted?’ AL then added it comes back to communication again; it comes back to communication each time as we are not engaging the students.
MT suggested that we as a Union need to keep those engaged with the elections and those who ran for positions involved in the Union. MH agreed, adding that the candidates who ran for Ethical and Environmental Officer could be involved with the committee. MT explained it is important to keep them engaged as they would make fantastic sabbatical officers.
LD brought the Boards attention to the 300 votes received for John Sharpe, this shows his visibility. MT agreed, feeling we need to pull positives out of the elections period.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
MT to arrange for full elections debrief report for June meeting / MT / 26/6/13
Arrange meeting for DO with newly elected Trustees before June Trustee Board. / SJA / ASAP
Item 4 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Discussion / The minutes were verified as a true and accurate recording of the meeting pending minor corrections.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 5 / Matters Arising
Discussion / MH confirmed that the volunteering/student group’s figures were amended further to our previous Trustee Board Meeting. The total volunteers registered are now 1000 and we have 4 confirmed groups in Carlisle.
The Board agreed to hold a ‘blue sky meeting’ further to block grant confirmation during the RRC meeting in May.
The action to produce a process for future recruitment and appointment of the next post holder of GM/CEO has been carried forward and will be provided to the Board in June. It was also noted that further to block grant discussions the action to bring existing pay scales for all staff for discussion has been revised,as it was agreed this would be inappropriate to be taken forward at this time.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Invited Board members not on RRC to the meeting scheduled for May. / SJA / ASAP
Produce a process for the future recruitment and appointment of the next post holder of GM/CEO / LD & MT / 26/06/2013
Item 6 / Key Strategic Area Reports
Discussion / The Trustee Board received reports from each Sabbatical Officer Trustees regarding process within their key strategic areas.
MT explained the main focus for him has been the elections. MT drew particular attention to the Success Awards which were held on Thursday, which were a great success. MT confirmed we have received some fantastic feedback from students and University staff. He advised the Board that he has been working with Ben Wohl and Danny Prescott in applying for additional finance from NUS to develop a Student Led Teaching Project to improve academic standards at the University. MT confirmed the Your Education Research Project has also begun, where we are aiming for 1000 students to complete a survey which looks at a wide range of the student experience. We have received 150 responses so far, unfortunately there has been a little resistance from the University, but a full report will be provided to the Board at the June meeting.
PL questioned the Success Award Project, and asked MT to confirm the mechanism for working with the University. PL feels we need to legitimise the research, possibly working towards a qualification. MT responded, confirming this has come from the SU Top 10 areas for improvement, we need the evidence so the money will be spend in a specific way. We are aiming to highlight good teaching staff and work with the University. PL explained she wants to know how the project will be structured, who will attend meetings; will you have university staff involved? PL added that if we are being allocated £2500 for this project, we need a clear specification including submission dates, deadlines etc. MT confirmed although discussions are still taking place, he would like Jess Robinson and AQD involved, together with Danny Prescott and a working group. A meeting is due to be scheduled over the next couple of weeks although there is no specification or plan at present. LD explained we need to write one. PL agreed we need to produce one which details how we spent the money, and what was completedin order to legitimise the research so the University would then understand that the Union can complete and provide valuable research. PL feels strongly that we need to do it properly and show them what we plan to do. LD suggested MT asks Ben Wohl to be involved as there are standard social science methodologies which can be adopted.
LD asked whether there will be a feedback session on the Success Awards. DO explained in previous years a feedback survey has been sent to attendees and a feedback meeting held for staff. SJA will speak with Jeanne to arrange a time for feedback.
Union Community:
MH confirmed the Equality and Diversity Policy is nearing completion, with the appendices being distributed to the relevant staff for approval and to suggest alterations if required. MH is also extremely happy to announce to the Board that the Union were awarded the Silver Green Impact Award, it was not physically possibly to achieve Gold this time, but this is an aim for next year and MH will be asking University Staff to put the relevant criteria for Gold in place. MH has address the Ambleside accommodation issue, where around 30-40 students were not able to find accommodation. This was due to a combination of students waiting till last minute to arrange accommodation, and also that there are a lot of landlords not being accredited. Staff have now been assigned to these students and are assisting them in finding homes. MH informed the Board that the Women’s Conference has been scheduled for April 26th with Liz Beaty as a guest speaker along with others. MH also advised he has chaired his first Lancaster and Morecambe Community Leaders Meeting.
LD informed the Board that during the Success Awards on Thursday, Neil Harris specifically mentioned the involvement MH has with the community groups. MH added how it is great to see more students getting involved in volunteering, and 25 students joined the most recent project.
Student Life:
PA highlighted the total number of chlamydia tests taken by 16th March was 115. On 18th March an event was held at the Elements nightclub in Lancaster to advertise the project and a total of 80 were taken, each person received a free hat as an incentive. On 20th March the Union arranged a free breakfast in the Gateway Building on taking a test, to which 85 students took part. PA confirmed this has given the Union an idea of what works and what doesn’t, students would always like an incentive such as a free gift and night events. PA informed the Board that the Student Groups Award Night to celebrate success is scheduled for today, with £5 being charged for tickets; so far he has 170 confirmed attendees.
PA also confirmed the Mental Health project is being planned, with an aim to remove the stigma. 1 in 4 people suffer throughout their lifetime and we have set a provisional date of 29th April to begin. The aim is to have a banner on campus where students make a pledge to contribute in some way by putting a hand print on the banner. PA, Anna Bradley, Jade Green and Jawanza Ipyana met with Positive Futures a mental health organisation who will have a stall on the day too.
PA provided the Board with an update regarding the York St Johns Varsity Project. Unfortunately it seems there has been a lack of communication with the Sabbatical Officers and Staff there and some knew nothing of the arrangements. PA plans to send itinerary to them this week and contact the students over Easter which isn’t ideal. PA confirmed if this doesn’t work out he will arrange a cross campus competition instead. PL stated PA gets full marks for trying to arrange such an event.
In regards to the Mental Health Project, PL asked PA what does the pledge/commitment from the students mean? What are the students signing up to? PA confirmed there will be around 5 pledges the student can make, for example to dedicate 3 hours here or there, to tell 5 friends about the project or talk to them about their own mental health issues. PL suggested we take names of the students and say what we what to achieve, for example a buddy scheme. PA added there is a course students can attend and they can register online and gain ideas on how to help. PL advised that we offer a training programme, so the students gain something and enable them to benefit other students. PA explained that he will provide the Board with a detailed paper at the June meeting.
MT addressed the Board asking for any questions or comments, and in JBs absence he would do his best to answer.
MT brought the Boards attention to the Social Media Policy Project, making students aware that a social media policy exists and what they can and can’t put online. It has been well received and videos have been made by JB asking student’s policy related questions and educating them on the policy itself.
MT also highlighted again the issue with anonymous marking. The University have not been pulling their weight and Peter Strike is pushing the staff. MT understands there has been staffing issues but the project shouldn’t have come to a standstill. PL asked if there was any feedback, MT explained a trial of 30 health modules and 30 education modules was conducted, but staff are resisting it, further discussions are scheduled to take place.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Provide a report on the results from the Your Education Research Project. / MT / 26/06/2013
Speak with Jeanne Gate on a possible feedback meeting/session for Success Awards for LD. / SJA / ASAP
Sabbatical Officers to ensure contact time is included on reports for Trustee Board Meetings. / Sabbs / 26/06/2013
Provide a detailed paper on Mental Health Project. / PA / 26/06/2013
Provide the Board with confirmation on the money made by the Union on Chlamydia tests. / PA / 26/06/2013
Item 7 / General Managers Report
Discussion / The Board received a report from the General Manager regarding Union operations since the previous meeting.
DO asked the Board if they had any questions or comments regarding his paper.
PL asked DO in regards to SUEI, how are things going in preparation for the audit in October? DO explained the majority of the criteria is embedded in our daily operations so it is a case of counting numbers now. Although we don’t have the weighting, we can tell where we sit on the 1-5 scale and we are looking to having all the information prepared before the summer.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Share ‘Intro to terrorism’ presentation with the Board and discuss at RRC in May. / LD / ASAP
Item 8 / Finance: Management Accounts
Discussion / DO provided the Board with a report for the Management Accounts which relates to the period to 28th February 2013.
Prior to discussion, DO presented to the Board a presentation on finance context and budget considerations. The presentation included UCSU’s current financial situation and considerations further to block grant discussions. It was agreed across the Board for a more in depth discussion to take place during the RRC meeting schedule for May, and all Board members not on the committee are to be invited. As a Board we are keen to communicate to the Union Staff that discussions regarding the future of UCSU are taking place and any information will be communicated to them as soon as possible.
DO drew particular attention to the various variances. Currently £10,000 behind with a loss of £25,000 expected for the year. The £21,000 loss on merchandise and events & sales will grow and the next paper regarding the LUSU deal will provide the Board with more details.
DO also highlighted the General Manager budget, this is over budget due to the Leadership Team training being accounted for in this year’s accounts although it was arranged last year. In addition Hayley McCowan was kept on longer than anticipated. DO explained that the Union have been asked not to spend any savings made. The exec budget is over due to travel, but some savings have been made due to using the campaign budget, although this budget is there for the students to make changes. DO added that there has been savings within the volunteer department due to cancelled matches due to weather, but these are being rescheduled so the money will be spent.
MT added that although we look at events and sales as a loss, there has been an income of £50,000. AL responded confirming merchandise is the most worrying. AL asked is there any way we can push other areas of income. DO advised that money is now harder to generate, and we have introduced a new position. Together with issues with a new team overall we can hope these have now been ironed out. Although with 15% fewer HEFCE freshers, this means 15% less freshers for our freshers events. DO confirmed there is a challenge on the merchandise line which is one to be discussed at RRC. It is possible to maintain sales but cut costs associated.
MT explained that he feels we need to look into other income generators and think creatively. What could we do better than the University. LD feels we can’t afford to be experimental; we need to be generating income. AL agreed, adding that we need to find things that work before those that are currently working stop working.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 9 / LUSU Partnership
Discussion / DO advised that this paper is brought to the Board for information purposes as it is financially significant.
LUSU have withdrawn from the Sugarhouse partnership arrangement with financial implications for UCSU as detailed in the paper.
PL asked what will happen with the Purple Card? DO responded, advising that the Purple Card deal will be reviewed in May/June.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 10 / GM Musings
Discussion / DO posed a question to the Board for strategic discussion purposes only.
How important are organisational and/or cultural values?
DO explained how he feels organisational values should be live and embedded in Unions everyday work and they should be enduring. DO asked the Board how important are our values?
PL feels they need to keep their purpose and we need to revisit them. They need to be clear what we are about. MT agreed, and added that there is external pressure; we need to see what cultural values we should adopt. LD suggested we use the Staff Training Day to agree a focus or maybe the next Trustee Meeting.
DO agreed, but suggested we use the Staff Training Day as the discussion is bigger than that of the Board and we need everyone involved. We need a recap session on our purpose and our values.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Provide the Board with a values paper for the next Board meeting, along with a staff/Trustee session for the June away day / DO / 26/06/2013
Item 11 / Reserved (CONFIDENTIAL)
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 12 / Reserved (CONFIDENTIAL)
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 13 / AGM Affiliation Paper
Discussion / MT addressed the Board and provided a short explanation of the purpose of this paper. During the previous Trustee Board, there was some confusion around the affiliations and what affiliation needs to be confirmed by which group of students/committees. The paper provided outlined the affiliation, who it is decided by, who it is approved by and when this needs completed.
MT also provided the Board with the motions passes from the recent AGM. Anonymous marking was passed although the QTS motion and the assessment time motion did not, so these will now go to an online vote.
The Board accepted the motions passed.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 14 / Executive Committee
Discussion / MT asked if they have any concerns or questions regarding the minutes of the Exec meetings. MT confirmed there is an issue with attendance and inquorate meetings. The Board noted the meetings had not achieved quorum.
AL asked if there is any reason for this. MT responded, confirmed a lot is to do with placements.
Actions / What? / Who by? / When?
Item 15 / Date and time of next meeting
Discussion / Wednesday 26th June, 11:30am-15:30pm Lancaster