Lesson Plans Bethany Riddle -- Room 101 Sept. 5 - 9, 2016
Healthy & Safe Food (Periods: 1,2,5, 7)
Y / Focus: Food Plate/Nutrition. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.1: Nutritional information, Competencies 3.1.1: Describe sources of nutrients and their contributions to dietary needs. 3.1.5: Identify suitable ingredient substitutions to meet special dietary needs. Outcome 3.5: Food preparation, Competencies 3.5.2: Develop recipes that preserve nutrient values and promote healthy eating habits. Outcome 3.3: Food Selection, Competencies 3.3.7: Create daily food plans that meet current USDA dietary guidelines to contribute to healthy eating habits.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a large group discussion over nutrition. Students will discuss how to incorporate a healthy diet.
Differentiation: Process & learning environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion. Small group discussions may also be utilized to help students at different levels.
Resources: Anatomy of MyPyramid CD that contains power point presentation, educators guide, guided notes, SMART Board, and Internet.
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about nutrition. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also be taking notes.
Y / Focus: Food Plate/Nutrition. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.1: Nutritional information, Competencies 3.1.1: Describe sources of nutrients and their contributions to dietary needs. 3.1.5: Identify suitable ingredient substitutions to meet special dietary needs. Outcome 3.5: Food preparation, Competencies 3.5.2: Develop recipes that preserve nutrient values and promote healthy eating habits. Outcome 3.3: Food Selection, Competencies 3.3.7: Create daily food plans that meet current USDA dietary guidelines to contribute to healthy eating habits.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a large group discussion over nutrition. Students will discuss how to incorporate a healthy diet.
Differentiation: Process & learning environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion. Small group discussions may also be utilized to help students at different levels.
Resources: Anatomy of MyPyramid CD that contains power point presentation, educators guide, guided notes, SMART Board, and Internet.
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about nutrition. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also be taking notes.
Y / Focus: Properly Wash Dishes. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.4: Food Safety & Sanitation, Competencies 3.4.2: Prevent food safety risks by controlling conditions under which bacteria grow, 3.4.6: Apply personal, food safety and sanitation processes and procedures to prevent contamination and cross contamination at home and in the workplace.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a dish washing lab in order to learn proper washing techniques and lab procedures.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will be involved in the lab. I will get students involved who are not participating.
Resources: Lab, Lab Journal, SMART Board
Assessment: Students will be evaluated based on the completion of their lab journal and their behavior.
Y / Focus: Food Labels. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.1: Nutritional information, Competencies 3.1.4: Calculate nutrient values of meals based on food labels of products and ingredients.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. As a large group we will discuss the importance of eating breakfast. I will explain the cereal activity. Students will complete the cereal activity on their own.
Differentiation: Process & learning environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion about breakfast. If students are not getting involved I will call on them to answer questions. All students will complete the cereal activity.
Resources: Apple Jacks, Cheerios, Please Pass the Cereal Worksheet, nutrition labels, calculators, What’s Your Breakfast IQ Worksheet
Assessment: All students will be assessed based on their completion of the cereal activity.
Lesson Plans Bethany Riddle -- Room 101 Sept. 5 - 9, 2016
Personal Wellness (Periods: 6)
Y / Focus: Wellness tip reflection/Planner Check/Ingredient Function and Purpose. . Strand 3 Food and Nutrition. Outcome 3.5 Food Preparation. 3.5.1 Evaluate the physical, biological and chemical makeup of foods and the effects on food preparation.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Teacher will lead a whole group discussion on common ingredients used in cooking/baking. Teacher may give samples
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will participate in a large group discussion over ingredients. If students are not getting involved I will call on them to answer questions. All students will take guided notes over the material.
Resources: SMART Board, White Board, Power point over Ingredient Function and Purpose, Note taking guide.
Assessment: All students will be assessed based on their completion of the notes.
Y / Focus: Goal Setting. Strand 1 Career Development. Outcome 1.1 Personal and professional skills. Competencies 1.1.1: Identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to succeed. 1.1.4 Explain the importance of work ethic, accountability, and responsibility and demonstrate associated behaviors in fulfilling personal, community, and workplace roles.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Handout SMART Goal notes and go over power point. Students will create goals and answer the questions. Students will begin to work on their goals while completing the goal record sheet.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will participate in a large group discussion over goals. Students will create goals and answer the questions. Students will begin to work on their goals while completing the goal record sheet, after each goal has been accomplished/due date the student will complete the goal reflection.
Resources: SMART Board, White Board, Power Point, Notes, Short Term goal reflection, Goal setting WS, Goal Record sheet
Assessment: Students will be assessed on completion of notes, Short Term goal reflection, Goal setting WS, and Goal Record sheet
Y / Focus: Food Plate/Nutrition. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.1: Nutritional information, Competencies 3.1.1: Describe sources of nutrients and their contributions to dietary needs. 3.1.5: Identify suitable ingredient substitutions to meet special dietary needs. Outcome 3.5: Food preparation, Competencies 3.5.2: Develop recipes that preserve nutrient values and promote healthy eating habits. Outcome 3.3: Food Selection, Competencies 3.3.7: Create daily food plans that meet current USDA dietary guidelines to contribute to healthy eating habits.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a large group discussion over nutrition. Students will discuss how to incorporate a healthy diet.
Differentiation: Process & learning environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion. Small group discussions may also be utilized to help students at different levels.
Resources: Anatomy of MyPyramid CD that contains power point presentation, educators guide, guided notes, SMART Board, and Internet.
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about nutrition. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also be taking notes.
Y / Focus: Food Plate/Nutrition. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.1: Nutritional information, Competencies 3.1.1: Describe sources of nutrients and their contributions to dietary needs. 3.1.5: Identify suitable ingredient substitutions to meet special dietary needs. Outcome 3.5: Food preparation, Competencies 3.5.2: Develop recipes that preserve nutrient values and promote healthy eating habits. Outcome 3.3: Food Selection, Competencies 3.3.7: Create daily food plans that meet current USDA dietary guidelines to contribute to healthy eating habits.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a large group discussion over nutrition. Students will discuss how to incorporate a healthy diet.
Differentiation: Process & learning environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion. Small group discussions may also be utilized to help students at different levels.
Resources: Anatomy of MyPyramid CD that contains power point presentation, educators guide, guided notes, SMART Board, and Internet.
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about nutrition. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also be taking notes.
Lesson Plans Bethany Riddle -- Room 101 Sept. 5 - 9, 2016
Nutrition & Wellness II (Periods: 3, 8)
Y / Focus: Bacteria / Food Poisoning. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.4 Food safety and sanitation, 3.4.1 Identify major foodborne illnesses, causes, preventions and entrances into the food supply, 3.4.2 Prevent food safety risks by controlling conditions under which bacteria grow. 3.4.4 Compare food preservation methods (freezing, drying, canning) used to optimize shelf life, 3.4.5 regulate food temperatures throughout purchase, storage, handling, cooking, and serving. 3.4.6 Apply personal food safety and sanitation processes and procedures to prevent contamination and cross contamination at home and in the work place..
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a large group discussion over bacteria. Students will take notes over bacteria from a power point.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion about bacteria and will fill in a chart about bacteria based on the power point. . If students are not getting involved I will call on them to answer questions.
Resources: Power point over bacteria, America’s Most Unwanted Chart, SMART Board
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about bacteria. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also be taking notes.
Y / Focus: Place Settings. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.6 Dining etiquette, Competencies 3.6.1 compare formal and informal dinning settings, 3.6.2 identify the components of place settings, 3.6.5 apply social and dinning etiquette rules that reflect the setting, 3.6.8 explain the responsibilities of a host and guest.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion about table settings. If students are not getting involved I will call on them to answer questions.
Resources: SMART Board, Table Setting handout (informal & formal), kitchens, and tables
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about table settings. I will check for their understanding during the discussion. Students will also practice setting the table for an informal and a formal event.
Y / Focus: Table Manners. Standard 1: Advocate a healthy lifestyle, Intermediate Benchmark C: Create food patterns for healthy lifestyle outcomes, Descriptor 2: Plan meals to promote healthy food, beverage, and snack consumption including: b. Identify the role of socialization in food patterns.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will participate in a group discussion about table manners, why they are important, and how to teach manners. Students will tell stories about bad dining experiences.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will be involved in the large group discussion about table manners. If students are not getting involved I will call on them to answer questions or tell a story about a bad dining experience..
Resources: SMART Board
Assessment: During the lesson students will be participating in a large group discussion about table manners. I will check for their understanding during the discussion.
Y / Focus: Bring Your Own. Strand 3: Food and nutrition, Outcome 3.5: Food preparation, Competencies 3.5.1 Evaluate the physical, biological and chemical makeup of foods and the effects on food preparation. 3.5.2 Develop recipes that preserve nutrient values and promote healthy eating patterns. 3.5.5 Adjust and convert recipes to achieve specific serving sizes and ingredient substitutions. Outcome 3.3 Food selection, Competencies 3.3.5 select nutritious food choices at home and when dining out, 3.3.7 Create daily food plans that meet current USDA dietary guidelines and contribute to healthy eating habits. Outcome 3.4 Food safety and sanitation, 3.4.6 Apply personal food safety and sanitation processes and procedures to prevent contamination and cross contamination at home and in the work place. 3.4.2 prevent food safety risks by controlling conditions under which bacteria grow.
Lesson Delivery: Students will be told at the beginning of class what the goals are for the lesson. Standards will be on the SMART Board. Focus of lesson will be on the board. Students will work within their lab group to find a recipe, bring in food, and make the food correctly. Students will complete the lab journal.
Differentiation: Learning Environment. All students will cook within their lab group. However the groups choose what they cook so they can make complicated dishes or simple dishes which ever fits their skill level and interest.
Resources: SMART Board, Kitchens, Lab Journal
Assessment: Students will be graded off of the completion of their lab journal as well as their behavior and willingness to participate and work in their group.
Lesson Plan Form s8