Our Company
SOP Name: Personnel Training
Prerequisite Program: Personnel
Purpose: To ensure that all employees are trained in safe food handling procedures.
Person Responsible: the boss
Frequency: At beginning of employment and updated at appropriate intervals
Monitoring Procedure: Personnel Training Record
Verification: Food Safe Certificates, Personnel Training Record
Corrective Action: Additional training
Related Records: Employee Files, Personnel Training Record, Employee Sanitation: Hygiene and Health Requirements, Food Safe Level 1 certificate
Personnel Training
General Food Hygiene Training
At lest one staff member who has successfully completed Food Safe Level 1 must be on each production shift. All new staff will be trained in house on personal hygiene and safe food handling practices. New employees will shadow a senior employee for the first week of working with Our company.
Technical Training
All staff must read the Our company GMP manual and agree to follow the Good Management Practices and maintain the required records as outlined in the manual.
Personnel responsible for sanitation and equipment calibration that may effects food safety have been trained to perform these functions and are able to identify deficiencies that effect food safety and take the necessary corrective actions.
All staff must attend and successfully complete Food Safe Level 1
The Personnel Training Record must be signed by the employee and the manager to verify that the training process has been completed.
Personnel Training Record
I, ______have been trained in Our company Good Management Program and Procedures. I have read and understand the GMP manual. I understand the importance of Critical Control Points, Critical Limits and the procedures for monitoring and recordkeeping and the actions to be taken if the limits are not met.
I have read and understand the importance of personnel hygiene and will notify my manager if I suffer from any illness or injury that could compromise food safety in the Our company processing facility.
I have been trained to properly sanitize and calibrate the equipment that I will be working with. I am knowledgeable and able to identify deficiencies that may affect food safety and the corrective actions necessary.
Yes / No I have successfully completed Food Safe Level 1 and have provided a copy of my certificate to Our company.
Print name
Manager’s Signature