AVABF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2016 – 6:30 pm – ABF Office

“84th ABF: East Coast to the Core - Celebrating Nova Scotia”

Call to Order: Gary at 6:35 pm

Present: Gary, Kimberly, Steffany, Angie, Dave, John, Shannon, Amy, Marsha

Regrets: Lindsay, Sarah, Dave C.

Minutes of Last Meeting: Emailed out, no E/O, Steffany/Kimberly/approved

Business Arising from the Minutes: N/A

Old Business:

1.  50/50 – application for lottery license went in April 20th, no word yet, the NEKEC cheerleaders are excited to do it, can start selling right away when the license comes in

2.  Picture list for Jason – can be sent out to Jason now, features the highlights

3.  Plaques/certificates for sponsors – should we do plaques or certificates? Last year just did certificates for all sponsors (platinum or otherwise). Maybe do better quality frames this year. Marsha: don’t think the sponsors require a plaque to be happy. Board was in agreeance to carry on with the precedence set last year and continue with paper certificates and presenting them at coronation.


President – NOT submitted, did a live radio spot in Halifax on Friday afternoon, went well

VP & Media Contact Person - NOT submitted

Treasurer - submitted

Secretary - submitted

Office Manager – submitted, Lt Gov attending Opening Ceremonies, if Board Members are attending please submit medical forms, concession person wants to sell food and set up carnival games too, our thoughts à if he wants to pay as he is an event, then sure, Shannon will contact this person to discuss

Leadership & Protocol, Transportation – submitted, Queen’s cape has been refurbished with Angie’s old fox fur jacket, ordered 325 coronation booklets this year instead of 525, horse and buggy donated but now wants money if horses act up, Angie told him we don’t have funds, but then wanted to make sure the horses were are the research station so the horses are cooler, but the bus can drop off Angie, Dan D, etc. at the station as the bus travels to the end of the parade, he also said he wants us to pay his insurance, we said no, we don’t pay anyone’s insurance in the parade

Children’s Parade - submitted

Cultural – submitted, tattoo contest winners chosen before the meeting, ordered sandwiches, will order 500 tattoos (half of what was ordered last year), checking licenses on parade route

Events – submitted, fitness fair will feature a fashion show organized by a fitness apparel store in Halifax, fireworks are a go

Community Liaison – submitted

Publicity – submitted, attended EMO meeting this AM, need to send script to Eastlink regarding the parade

Tourism - submitted

Motion to Adopt Reports: Amy/Angie/approved

New Business:

1. Correspondence – just emails that Marsha already sent out, lots of interesting/funny phone calls coming into the office J

2. Volunteer application: photographer – consensus was to say yes! Marsha will reply, she should wear a volunteer t. shirt and get a lanyard

3. Fundraising and recruitment during the festival – Shannon: should we do donation jars at the Fireworks? Fear of someone stealing it… Friday night 7-10 pm, collecting in pairs, ice cream buckets to collect, need to get businesses on board to help us with this like AA Munroe and Scotian Gold’s involvement

4. Mildred’s poem and email: Special Edition already sent out… but Leadership Candidates are going to visit her

5. Board members continuing beyond festival 2016 – Kimberly, Steffany, Angie, John

6. Street Dance with Patty’s – Patty’s will be hiring more security to cover their perimeter, was brought up at the EMO meeting, not sure about sound bylaws but the dance is supposed to go until midnight

Upcoming Meetings: May 16, 2016, 6:30 pm, ABF office, please park below

Motion to Adjourn: Dave/John/adjourned 7:58 pm