FEBRUARY 8, 2016
A public hearing was held in the board room/media center of the Pekin Community School on February 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. to receive public input on the Instructional Support Levy. Board members present were: Baker, Coleman, Copeland, Davis, Greiner, and Wittrock. Absent: Millikin. Also present were: Bryan Babcock, Lori Eads, Kim Ledger, Tim Hadley, Kim Brisby, Chandra Snicker, several students from the speech class, Dennis Phelps and Connie Linney. President Copeland called the hearing to order and acknowledged a quorum. There was no public discussion on the Instructional Support Levy. Coleman moved to adjourn the public hearing. Greiner seconded and all voted affirmatively. The time was 6:01 p.m.
The Pekin Community School Board met in regular session on February 8, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. in the board room/media center of the Pekin Community Schools. Board members present were: Baker, Coleman, Copeland, Davis, Greiner, and Wittrock. Absent: Millikin. Also present were: Bryan Babcock, Lori Eads, Kim Ledger, Tim Hadley, Kim Brisby, Chandra Snicker, several students from the speech class, Dennis Phelps and Connie Linney.
President Copeland called the meeting to order and acknowledged a quorum.
Greiner read the mission statement.
Sam Collora’s resignation was added to the consent agenda.
Davis moved to approve the consent agenda as amended. The consent agenda included: approval of the minutes of the January 11, 2016,regular meeting; the January 20, 2016, special board meeting; the January 27, 2016 special board meeting; general bills - $99,119.20; management bills - $5,231.58; day care bills - $2,649.76; PPEL bills – $1,553.32; SILO bills - $750.00; activity bills - $14,822.23; and hot lunch bills - $15,541.78; hiring Stephanie Conger as custodian to replace Palmer; the resignation of David Silvers effective April 30, 2016 and Sam Collora effect May 30, 2016; approval of the following Teacher Leadership Compensation positions - LuyreSobaski, Instructional Integrationist; Bryan Marlay, JinaHeisdorffer, Allison Glick, Angie Arendt, Art Millikin, Alissa Kitzman and Juston Lamb as Model Teachers;and Antoinette Wittrock and Lorna Scholtus as Co-Lead Mentors. Davis seconded. The motion carried 5 to 1 with Greiner voting nay.
The board congratulated Mrs. Snicker, Mrs. Richardson and all the students who participated in State Speech. All those participating received a 2 rating.
Mr. Phelps reported on maintenance and the 2016-2017 school calendar.
Director Greiner introduced and caused to be read the Resolution hereinafter set out and moved its adoption; seconded by Director Baker; after due consideration by the Board, The President put the question upon the adoption of said Resolution and the results of the roll call vote were:
AyeBaker, Coleman, Copeland, Davis, Greiner, and Wittrock
Whereupon the President declared said Resolution duly adopted as follows:
WHEREAS, the Board deems it necessary and desirable to provide additional funding for the Pekin Community School District pursuant to the Instructional Support Program; and
WHEREAS, the District wishes to take action to adopt a Resolution to participate in an Instructional Support Program;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Pekin Community School District, State of Iowa, as follows:
The Board of Directors of the Pekin Community School District, State of Iowa, does hereby resolve to participate in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five (5) years, to levy annually, as determined by the Board, an instructional support property tax which will be levied annually upon the taxable property within the District, commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and an instructional support income surtax imposed annually for each budget year, the percent of income surtax (not to exceed twenty percent (20%)) to be determined annually by the Board for each budget year to be imposed upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the District on December 31, 2016, and each year thereafter.
The funds thus collected, when combined with Instructional Support State Aid shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the regular program district cost, including the budget adjustment pursuant to Iowa Code section 257.14 for any budget year. Instructional Support Program funds may be used for any general fund purpose.
That all resolutions or orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Passed and approved February 8,, 2016.
_/s/Steve Copeland______
President, Board of Directors
_/s/ Connie Linney______
Secretary, Board of Directors
Davis moved to approve the At-Risk/Dropout MSA Application as presented requesting a total of $115,610 for FY17. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried.
Greiner moved to approve Open Road to provide Driver Education Services for the 2016-2017 school year. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried 5 to 1 with Coleman voting Nay.
Wittrock moved to amend and restate the 28E agreement for the Iowa Education Benefits Program. Greiner seconded. The motion carried.
Baker moved to approve the 28E Operational Sharing Agreement with Sigourney for the 2016-2017 school year. Greiner seconded. The motion carried.
Mrs. Ledger reported to the board on open enrollment, the success of the Jump Rope demonstration, new playground equipment for the severely handicapped, FAST and BRI testing is complete, professional development and the implementation of Next Generation Science.
Mr. Hadley reported on altering homerooms to include grading practices, the Academic Fair will be Feb. 22, the Job Fair will be held Feb. 17, students participating in Acts of Kindness, Blood Drive will be held Feb. 17, and the performance of the Army National Guard’s band “The Sidwinders”.
Mrs. Eads reported Clayton McKim will move on to district wrestling Feb. 13 at Pleasantville starting at 12 p.m.; varsity girls basketball finished 2nd in the Southeast Iowa Super Conference and will play at Pekin on Tuesday, Feb. 16; Keaton Winn signed with Iowa Western Community College for baseball and Chase Copeland and Ryan Swanson signed with Morningside College for football.
Mr. Babcock reported that the new wireless system is up and going. He also reported on the activity of the grant writing committee.
Mr. Phelps reported legislative updates as far as SAVE Funds, 3rd grade literacy, assessments, State Supplemental Aid. He also reminded the board about the Indian Hills Board Appreciation dinner to be held Wednesday, March 9.
Greiner moved to adjourn the meeting. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried. The time was 7:40 p.m.
Report and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 319-695-3707, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Connie Linney
Board Secretary