Employment Application Form – Personal Details
Position applied forWhere did you hear of this vacancy?
Personal Details
Please send your completed personal details, application form, equal opportunities form & any supplementary sheets used to
Name / E-Mail
Post Code / Phone
National Insurance number
Work Eligibility
Are you eligible to work in the UK? YesNo
For further information on UK work eligibility please visit -
I declare that the details contained in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge and in particular that I have not omitted any material facts that have a bearing on my application
Signed / Dated
Data protection Act 1998
The information contained within your application is being requested to enable the Students’ Union to make employment decisions and meet statutory obligations.
Any information provided to the Union in this context will be treated confidentially and used only by manager(s), members of the Union, personnel, superannuation and payroll during the course of your employment. Where the application relates to a post which is externally funded this information may be passed onto the relevant funding body.
Employment Application Form – Application Details
The following sections should be completed in support of your application.
Please provide details of your education to date, starting with the most recent first.
Dates attended / Institution / Qualification and gradeTraining
Please provide details of other training that you have attended to date, starting with the most recent first.
Dates attended / Training Provider / Qualification and grade(if applicable)
Employment History
Please provide details of your work experience (paid or unpaid) to date, starting with the most recent first. Please continue on an additional sheet if necessary.
Dates(month & year) / Job Title Employer / Duties – please list Top 10, key duties / Reason for leaving
Supporting Statement
Please provide additional information regarding your skills and experience to support this application. Particular attention should be paid to the Person Specification & Job Description and examples provided from personal and professional experience of how you meet these criteria.
For help in how to provide evidence please consider best practice, such as STAR. Applications will be selected for interview based on the evidence given in this section, and
The space will expand to accommodate your response, so additional pages may not be considered.
Experience.Please use this section to demonstrate how you meet the criteria in the Experience section of the person specification.
Knowledge & Skills
Please use this section to demonstrate how you meet the criteria in the Knowledge & Skills section of the person specification.
Personal Attributes
Please use this section to demonstrate how you meet the criteria in the Person Attributes section of the person specification.
Values & Ethics
Please use this section to demonstrate how you meet the criteria in the Values & Ethics section of the person specification.
Any other relevant information
Please use this section to provide any other information in support of your application note mentioned above.
We wish to contact your previous employer(s) or manager(s) to establish that you have the experience we need. We will ask them to verify your job role and activities. Please provide the names of at least two people who will be able to do this. We intend to contact these people only if you are selected for interview, but will make contact with them prior to interview. If this causes a problem for you please identify this in an accompanying letter.
Name / Personal orProfessional / Address and Telephone number / May we approach now?
Employment Application Form – Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
The University of Manchester Student Union is committed to being an equal opportunities employer. There is no legal obligation to provide the information, and failure to provide it will not affect the selection process.The information will not be seen or used by anyone making selection decisions. The data collected are confidential to the institution and will be kept in compliance with the Data Protection Act.Name / Post applied for
Date of Birth
Please define: Prefer not to say:
Is your gender the same as assigned at birth?
Yes: / No: / Prefer not to say:
Choose ONE section from A to F, and then tick the appropriate box
A. White / BritishIrish Scottish
Any other White background
Please specify
B. Mixed Heritage / White & Black CaribbeanWhite & Black African
White & Asian
Any other mixed background
Please specify
C. Asian or Asian British / IndianPakistaniBangladeshi
Any other Asian background
Please specify
D. Black or Black British / CaribbeanAfrican
Any other Black background
Please specify
E. Chinese or other ethnic group / ChineseAny other
Please specify
F. Prefer not to say
How do you describe yourself:
Heterosexual: / Bisexual: / Gay:
Lesbian: / Queer: / Prefer not to say:
In any other way:
Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act as: A physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The disability could be physical, sensory or mental and must be expected to last at least 12 months.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long term health condition?
What is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition?
Please indicate whether, if selected for interview, you have any specific access requirements
Criminal Conviction
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?
If yes, please give details (except for convictions regarded as spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)