Course 416 - Session One
Materials used in this session:
/ Complete Key Learning Guide - This file contains the complete Key Learning Guide.
/ Dual Diagnosis - Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
/ Key Learning Guide Chapter 1
Learning Objectives for this Session:
·  To introduce the student to the content and purpose of this course.
·  To give the student an opportunity to become acquainted with the instructor and other students who are involved in this course.
Learning Projects for this Session:
Exercise 1 / Learn more about your professor for this course.
/ MelodyKipp
Life and Work Solutions
Orlando, FL
Then, read the Course 416 Syllabus.
Before beginning any other assignment, print the syllabus for future reference.
Exercise 2 / Read the Preface and Chapter 1: The Nature of the Problem (pages 1 – 9) of your text: Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
This chapter begins with a quote taken from Alcoholics Anonymous: “One drink is too many and a thousand is never enough.”
·  What does that quote mean to you?
·  What does that quote say about someone’s alcohol addiction?
·  Have you ever thought that “one drink” might be “too many” for someone?
·  Have you ever thought that a “thousand drinks” might not be “enough?”
Answer the above questions in a 2 to 3 page reflective paper based on that quote. Submit the paper to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #1
Exercise 3 / Complete your Key Learning Guide for Chapter 1: The Nature of the Problem.
Answer the questions in your Key Learning Guide.
1.  Submit answers to questions to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #2
Exercise 4 / The title of this chapter “The Nature of the Problem” seems to indicate that there is a “problem” with people who are dually diagnosed. What might that problem be?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.
Exercise 5 / Your text discusses many of the difficulties treatment providers often face when working with the dually diagnosed client. After reading about these difficulties, what is your reaction?
Do you believe these difficulties will affect your decision to be a substance abuse counselor?
If so, how?
1.  Answer the above questions in a 1 to 2 page reflective paper based on that quote.
2.  Submit the paper to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #3
Exercise 6 / For this week's Class Bulletin Board posting: Introduce yourself to the rest of the class.
Be sure to include in your message:
·  Your name.
·  The ministry with which you are affiliated.
·  Your job title and duties (if applicable).
·  How you found your way to ministry.
·  A brief note about how you came to know Christ.
·  What you hope to get out of this course.
·  And, any other personal information you'd like to share.
·  Finally, ask a question of the instructor about anythingregarding urban ministry.

These Assignments are due on
Course 416 - Session Two
Materials used in this session:
/ Complete Key Learning Guide - This file contains the complete Key Learning Guide.
/ Dual Diagnosis - Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
/ Key Learning Guide Chapter 2
Learning Objectives for this Session:
·  Learn about some commonly used treatment approaches for substance dependence and mental health disorders
·  Understand issues that have an impact on decisions about dual diagnosis treatment
·  Examine interventions for clients with dual diagnosis
·  Look at available outcome data regarding those interventions
Learning Projects for this Session:
Exercise 1 / Read Chapter 2: Models of Treatment (pages 10 – 26).
1.  Answer the questions in your Key Learning Guide.
2.  Submit answers to questions to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #4
Exercise 2 / There are many approaches to the treatment of substance abuse and mental health disorders. The majority of professionals utilize the bio-psycho-social model of addiction.
·  Spend some time reflecting on those three components: biological, psychological, and sociological.
·  Which of these approaches makes the most “sense” to you?
·  Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ belief that treatment is a blend of those approaches.
·  Explain why you think that approach makes the most sense.
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least 2 other learners.
Exercise 3 / Your text stated on page 13, that the Recovery Model views chemical dependency as a disease. The American Medical Association has maintained for decades that substance dependence is a disease.
·  Do all the “experts” agree with that chemical dependency is a disease?
·  Do you agree with that chemical dependency is a disease?
·  Why or why not?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least 2 other learners.
Exercise 4 / Evans and Sullivan (2001) outline Prochaska and DiClemente’s model of change on page 19. Also complete an Internet search using the phrase “Prochaska and DiClemente’s model of change.”
Becoming a substance abuse treatment professional requires that you make some changes in your life. Read through your text and the articles you found from the Internet and reflect on the following questions.
·  What stage of change are you in now regarding your journey to become a abuse treatment professional?
·  What stages have you come through?
·  What stages do you have yet to go through?
1.  Answer the above questions in a 2 to 3 page reflective paper.
2.  Submit the paper to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #5
Exercise 9 / Table 1 on page 28 of your text compares the Recovery Model to the Mental Health Model. Note that both models are grounded in a biopsychosocial framework.
·  Choose one biological concept, one psychological concept, and one sociological concept from both the Recovery and Mental Health Models.
·  How are the concepts you chose similar and how are they different?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.

These Assignments are due on
Course 416 - Session Three
Materials used in this session:
/ Complete Key Learning Guide - This file contains the complete Key Learning Guide.
/ Dual Diagnosis - Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
/ Key Learning Guide Chapter 3
Learning Objectives for this Session:
·  Look at the integrated model for working with dual diagnosis clients as developed by Evans and Sullivan
·  Discuss solutions to problems associated with treating dual diagnosis clients
·  Become aware of the 12-step recovery model
·  Discuss organizational issues that arise in implanting dual diagnosis programs
Learning Projects for this Session:
Exercise 1 / Read Chapter 3: An Integrated Model of Dual Recovery (pages 27 – 45).
1.  Answer the questions in your Key Learning Guide.
2.  Submit answers to questions to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #6
Exercise 2 / You text states that “Dually diagnosed clients suffer from coexisting independent disorders that require simultaneous integrated intervention in order to achieve the best outcomes” (Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M., 2001, p. 27).
·  Do you believe that mental health and substance abuse disorders are independent from each other? If so, why? If not, why not?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.
Exercise 3 / Table 1 on page 28 of your text compares the Recovery Model to the Mental Health Model. Note that both models are grounded in a biopsychosocial framework.
·  Choose one biological concept, one psychological concept, and one sociological concept from both the Recovery and Mental Health Models.
·  How are the concepts you chose similar and how are they different?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.
Exercise 4 / Evans and Sullivan (2001) noted that “the priority for early stages of recovery from chemical dependency is simply maintaining abstinence…” (p. 29).
·  What is your reaction to that statement? Do you agree or disagree?
·  Is there anything “simple” about maintaining abstinence?
·  Sometimes beginning counselors are eager to “help” their clients. Are you prepared to begin at “abstinence” before proceeding with your client
1.  Answer the above questions in a 2 to 3 page reflective paper based on that quote.
2.  Submit the paper to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #7
Exercise 5 / Look at page 37 of your text and read the discussion of Facilitator versus Mentor.
·  Which approach do you believe will be best for you? Why?
·  Are you prepared for an “energetic engagement” with your clients during their treatment and recovery?
·  What will help your “energy?” What may drain that “energy?”
Discuss the above questions in a 2 to 3 page reflective paper.
Submit Assignment #8

These Assignments are due on
Course 416 - Session Four
Materials used in this session:
/ Complete Key Learning Guide - This file contains the complete Key Learning Guide.
/ Dual Diagnosis - Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
/ Key Learning Guide Chapter 4
Learning Objectives for this Session:
·  Elaborate on principles and techniques for assessing chemical dependency.
·  Learn to identify symptoms of chemical dependency
·  Examine the application of these principles and techniques to dually diagnosed clients.
Learning Projects for this Session:
Exercise 1 / Read Chapter 4: Assessing Chemical Dependency in the Dually Diagnosed Client (47-65). Answer the questions in your Key Learning Guide.
1.  Submit answers to questions to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #9
Exercise 2 / Evans and Sullivan (2001) noted that “the main focus of the assessment is not to determine what kind and amount of drugs and alcohol are used. Rather, the key issue is this: it is not how much or how often, but what happens when this person uses chemicals that matters most” (p. 47).
·  Loss of control is the essential factor to accurately assessing chemical dependency. How would you define Loss of control?
·  What are four specific things to look for when evaluating for loss of control?
·  How likely do you believe your client will admit he or she loses control?
·  How could you help your client to understand loss of control?
1.  Answerthe above questions in a 2 to 3 page reflective paper.
2.  Submit it to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #10
Exercise 3 / Evans and Sullivan (2001) noted 5 categories of Negative Consequences related to drinking and using behaviors. Imagine that you have been contracted to develop a 30 minute presentation to 10th grade students on the Negative Consequences of drinking and drugging.
·  Which would you include in your presentation?
·  How would you present your information?
·  What else do you think would be important to include in your presentation?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.
Exercise 4 / Family problems are common in relationship to using drugs and alcohol. Which do you believe generally comes first: people use alcohol or drugs because there is conflict in the family or there is conflict in the family because people use alcohol or drugs?
1.  Post your thoughts and opinions on the course discussion board.
2.  Respond to at least two other learners.
Exercise 5 / Evans and Sullivan (2001) noted that alcoholics and addicts develop ways to protect their drinking/drug use. Read the list of thinking errors on pages 54 – 57. Select three of the errors that stand out most to you.
·  What makes them stand out?
·  Give an example of each of the three thinking errors from your own life.
·  Did you realize that those thoughts were faulty?
·  If not, what kept you from realizing that your thought was faulty?
1.  Discuss your answers to the above question in a 2 to 3 page paper.
2.  Submit it to your instructor.
Submit Assignment #11

These Assignments are due on
Course 416 - Session Five
Materials used in this session:
/ Complete Key Learning Guide - This file contains the complete Key Learning Guide.
/ Dual Diagnosis - Evans, E.K. & Sullivan, J.M. (2001). Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser, (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
/ Key Learning Guide Chapter 5
Learning Objectives for this Session:
·  Understand some of the issues, principles, and procedures pertinent to establishing the psychiatric symptoms and problems with dually diagnosed clients
·  Learn about the special issues that arise in achieving differential diagnoses for dually diagnosed clients
·  Gain knowledge for determining the appropriate level of care for a client who is dually diagnosed
Learning Projects for this Session:
Exercise 1 / Read Chapter 5: Assessing the Psychiatric Disorder and Planning the Appropriate Level of Care (pages 66 – 80).
1.  Answer the questions in your Key Learning Guide.