School Name: Cox Mill HS

Plan Title
(Strategy/Concept) / Implementation of the Global Schools Network partnership / Goal Team Chair: / Zackary Hubbard, Bradley Smith, Kelly Edwards, Todd Smith, Mary Crawford, Joyce Camp, Brittney McNeil, Amber Whitley / Date: / July 9, 2012
Alignment to CCS Strategic Plan / State Goal 1- Globally Competitive Students
SMART Goal (one to three year projection)
Fidelity Goal / By 2015, Cox Mill High School will increase global awareness of students and teachers by becoming a certified member of the Global Schools Network
By June 2013, Cox Mill High School will achieve a status of ____1st level____ as measured by the Global Schools Network rubric
What data supports the SMART Goal above? (Insert data or put data in summary form. If too large, reference the data’s location)
Based on the Union County Public Schools Global Schools Criteria rubric, Cox Mill HS currently accumulates 21 points. A minimum of 35 points is required for the first level of certification.*
*We believe that the Global Schools Network will use the same or similar rubric for measuring school participation
Partner school in China that we have communicated with via Skype
Multiple cultural awareness projects linked to the curriculum
Global awareness strategies listed in SIP
21st century technology / Opportunities For Improvement?
International student travel project
Service Projects with international focus
School hosts an International festival
Professional Development in global awareness
Teacher websites reflect how teachers highlight globalization
Articles about globalization on website or Academic Booster Club newsletter
Morning Announcements highlighting globalization
Multiple classes hosting guest speakers on globalization
Environmental Service Projects
Business focused on globalization
Participate in a Global Scholars program*
Participate in a Global Teachers program*
Develop a Global Scholars class
*If the Global Schools Network establishes this / Information/Data needed that you do not have.
Survey of student and staff international travels
Number of students enrolled in world language courses
Number of students who fluently speak a world language
Documentation of classroom globalization activities
List of businesses in the area with global connections
Documentation and data collection tool

Identify the measures you will use to determine the effectiveness of the strategy.

A.  List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented/ completed? (Completion Data)
Measure / Reported When
Scoring at least 35 points on the UCPS rubric (or GSN rubric) / June 2013
/ B. List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented correctly? (Fidelity)
Measure / Reported When
Scoring at least 35 points on the UCPS rubric (or GSN rubric) / June 2013
/ C. List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the overall goal was met? (Impact)
Summative Measure / Reported When
UCPS Rubric score of at least 35 / June 2013
Formative Measure / Reported When
Use UCPS rubric to determine current progress / At the end of each quarter

Indicate the steps you will need to take to implement this strategy.

Step / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Results/Measures / Start Date / Completion Date / Completed?
Staff Informational meeting about Global Schools Network partnership / Todd Smith / Agenda for 1st day meeting / August 20th / August 20th / Yes
Definition of globalization and overview of UCPS Rubric and expectations and vision for CMHS / Todd Smith/ SIT Goal Team / Agenda for 1st day meeting (breakout sessions) / August 20th / August 20th / Yes
Survey students through homerooms to collect baseline data:
-  Have you traveled outside of the country in the past five years (2007-2012)?
-  Are you fluent in a second language?
-  (Questions from end of past school year) / Joyce Camp / Survey Results / August 27th / August 31st / Yes
Determine the percentage of students enrolled in a World Languages class for baseline data / Melissa Bateski / Percentage Data / August 27th / September 10th / Yes
Introduce Global Schools partnership to community on Back to School Night / Todd Smith / Information on web site / August 22nd / August 22nd / No
Introduce Global Schools partnership to students
-grade level assemblies
-teachers discuss with students / Todd Smith / Class assemblies / August 27th / August 27th / No
Survey Staff to collect baseline data via email link to School Center :
-  Have you traveled outside of the country in the past five years (2007-2012)?
-  Has your class or club skyped or participated in a project with our partner school in China?
-  Has your class participated in a cultural awareness project?
-  Have you received professional development within CCS on globalization?
-  Have you received professional development outside CCS on globalization?
-  Does your classroom web site offer current information on how you integrate globalization in the classroom?
-  Has there been an invited teacher in your classroom to discuss globalization?
-  Do you have an ongoing, documented focus on globalization?
-  Would you be interested in sponsoring an International Club / Joyce Camp / Data Collected / August 20th / August 24th / Yes
Determine the 1-2 teachers per dept. that will add the globalization goal to their PDP
Goal: To provide globalization activities/lessons on an ongoing basis in the classroom / Julia Erdie / Percentage of teachers adding the globalization goal to their PDP / August 27th / September 30th / Yes
Collect baseline data:
-  Percentage of teachers who added goal to their PDP / Joyce Camp / Percentage of teachers adding the globalization goal to their PDP / September 30th / October 10th / Yes
SIT Goal Team visits Cuthbertson High School and then meet to debrief and discuss / SIT Goal Team / Ideas for integrating globalization at CMHS
Ideas for PD at CMHS / September 17th / October 10th / Yes
SIT Goal Team shares ideas from Cuthbertson / SIT Goal Team / List of ideas / October 10th / November 1st / Yes
Determine student interest in an International Club / Todd Smith/ Staff Member sponsoring club / Student interest meeting / September 10th / October 10th / Yes
Add maps around the school / Todd Smith/ Joyce Camp / Photos on school web site of maps / July 1st / August 20th / Yes
Add globalization announcements on the morning announcements and on TVs in the hallway / Christine Whelan/ broadcasting class / Announcements on school morning broadcast and TVs / September 10th / June 1st / Yes
Set up interactive TV and monitor from Han-ban grant in the Main Office / Mark Lowry / Interactive TV and Monitor set up in Main Office / July 1st / August 20th / Yes
Update main CMHS web site with globalization articles/photos / Joyce Camp / Articles/ Photos on web site / August 1st / June 1st / Ongoing
Update teacher web sites
-  Information about what is being done in the classrooms focusing on globalization
-  Highlight the global issues in the curriculum / Joyce Camp/
Teachers with globalization focus on PDP / Articles/ Photos on web site / October 1st / June 1st / Ongoing
Create shared folder to collect global lessons and activities / Joyce Camp / Folder on the teacher shared drive / August 1st / August 20th / Yes
Each dept. will submit 5 lessons/activities to the global shared folder by the end of 1st semester / Todd Smith / Submitted lessons/activities / August 27th / February 4th / No
Ask families to submit cultural artifacts from their home to display in the Media Center, Main Office, Commons Area, etc.
(Change the focus of the display each quarter to highlight a specific area of the world) / Donna Furr / Photos of items / October 1st / June 1st / No
Determine ways to display artifacts from families (locked up or not?) / Donna Furr / List of display options / August 20th / June 1st / No
Determine Business Partnerships focused on globalization
-sponsoring donations for international festival
-speakers / Matthew Swain / List of partnerships / August 20th / February 4th / Ongoing
Class interview/conversation with community member/group via Skype or other method (4 per semester) / Todd Smith/ CMHS Staff / Teacher websites highlighting the event / August 20th / February 4th and June 1st / Ongoing
Class interview/conversation with international member/group via Skype or other method (4 per semester) / Todd Smith/ CMHS Staff / Teacher websites highlighting the event / August 20th / February 4th and June 1st / Ongoing
Determine teachers that will attend the World View Conference in the Summer of 2013 / Todd Smith / List of teachers attending conference / March 1st / June 1st / TBD in Spring
Plan for International Festival to be held during 3rd quarter
-international food
-international music/cultural events
-partner w/ feeder schools?
-during school (4th period)
-after school/ at night for community? / SIT Goal Team and International Club / Meeting documentation / October 10th / February 1st / Ongoing
Begin planning for Global Awareness class-needs to be placed in curriculum guide for 2013/2014 school year / Todd Smith / Copy of curriculum / September 1st / November 1st / Yes
Begin planning for Global Scholar Curriculum 2014/2015 (cluster of students will graduate with Global Scholars Certificate)
UCPS Classes for reference:
World Drumming
Global Awareness
The Global Experience
Global Citizen
Multicultural Women's Studies
All descriptions can be found here in our Program of Studies: / Todd Smith / List of classes needed for certificate and classes developed / September 1st / January 15th so that registering students will have opportunity to choose classes with Global Scholar designation / Yes
Hold International Festival during 3rd quarter (February/March) / SIT Goal Team and International Club / Festival / February 1st / March 31st / No
Gauge interest in globalization professional development
-UNCC Professor
-how to integrate globalization
-using technology for communication (Skype, message boards, etc) / SIT Goal Team / Survey Data / June 2013 / June 2013 / No

1st Quarter Cycle Title (Strategy/Concept):

Did you review the measures indicated in the original document for completion, fidelity and impact?

Insert data collected from the measures identified? (Insert data or put data in summary form. If too large, reference the data’s location)
After rescoring our rubric based on the student/staff baseline data we are currently at 31 points.
What strengths were noted from that data?
The student/staff data collected increased our score from the original estimate of 21 points to 31 points. One of our goals for this year was to score at least 35 points on the UCPS rubric.
On the rubric- some things that bumped us up higher than we originally thought were:
53% of the staff have traveled to a foreign country in the past 5 years
60% of students are enrolled in World Languages
43% of teachers put a globalization goal on their PDPs this year
Amber Whitley attended the Fall World View conference
Todd Smith attended the Summer World View conference
International Club has been created
Member of World View and Global Schools Network
/ What opportunities for improvement were noted in that data?
The opportunities for improvement come from the areas on the rubric where we scored a 0.
International Club is just starting. They will continue to work on service projects and work towards the International Festival with CMES and HRMS.
Identify which classrooms have participated in cultural awareness projects this school year via a survey of all teachers. (35% of teachers completed cultural awareness projects last year 2011-12)
International Festival is being planned by the International Club.
Publish at least 3 articles about globalization at Cox Mill HS on the school web site between August and May.
1-  Cox Mill goes Global (completed October 2012)
2-  International Club
3-  World View Conference
4-  Student point of view?
5-  International Festival
Identify local business partnerships with global connections (Swain) / Information/Data needed that you do not have.
Still developing the Global Scholar rubric and determining classes to include in the Global Scholar recognition.
Determine the cost of the Global Studies course and whether it is approved by the county or not.
Potential dates for the International Festival
Create and distribute survey at end of each semester to determine the number of cultural awareness projects
Need the Global Schools rubric

Indicate the steps you will need to take to implement this strategy.

Step / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Results/Measures / Start Date / Completion Date / Completed?
SIT Goal Team visits Cuthbertson High School and then meet to debrief and discuss / SIT Goal Team / Ideas for integrating globalization at CMHS
Ideas for PD at CMHS / 9-17-12 / 10-14-12
SIT Goal Team shares ideas from Cuthbertson / SIT Goal Team / List of ideas / October 10th / November 1st
Add globalization announcements on the morning announcements and on TVs in the hallway / Christine Whelan/ broadcasting class / Announcements on school morning broadcast and TVs / September 10th / June 1st
Update main CMHS web site with globalization articles/photos / Joyce Camp / Articles/ Photos on web site / August 1st / June 1st
Update teacher web sites
-  Information about what is being done in the classrooms focusing on globalization
-  Highlight the global issues in the curriculum / Joyce Camp/
Teachers with globalization focus on PDP / Articles/ Photos on web site / October 1st / June 1st
Each dept. will submit 5 lessons/activities to the global shared folder by the end of 1st semester / Todd Smith / Submitted lessons/activities / August 27th / February 4th
Ask families to submit cultural artifacts from their home to display in the Media Center, Main Office, Commons Area, etc.
(Change the focus of the display each quarter to highlight a specific area of the world) / Donna Furr / Photos of items / October 1st / June 1st
Determine ways to display artifacts from families (locked up or not?) / Donna Furr / List of display options / August 20th / June 1st
Determine Business Partnerships focused on globalization
-sponsoring donations for international festival
-speakers / Matthew Swain / List of partnerships / August 20th / February 4th
Class interview/conversation with community member/group via Skype or other method (4 per semester) / Todd Smith/ CMHS Staff / Teacher websites highlighting the event / August 20th / February 4th and June 1st
Class interview/conversation with international member/group via Skype or other method (4 per semester) / Todd Smith/ CMHS Staff / Teacher websites highlighting the event / August 20th / February 4th and June 1st
Determine teachers that will attend the World View Conference in the Summer of 2013 / Todd Smith / List of teachers attending conference / March 1st / June 1st
Plan for International Festival to be held during 3rd quarter
-international food
-international music/cultural events
-partner w/ feeder schools?
-during school (4th period)
-after school/ at night for community? / SIT Goal Team and International Club / Meeting documentation / October 10th / February 1st
Begin planning for Global Awareness class-needs to be placed in curriculum guide for 2013/2014 school year / Todd Smith / Copy of curriculum / September 1st / November 1st
Begin planning for Global Scholar Curriculum 2014/2015 (cluster of students will graduate with Global Scholars Certificate)
UCPS Classes for reference:
World Drumming
Global Awareness
The Global Experience
Global Citizen
Multicultural Women's Studies
All descriptions can be found here in our Program of Studies: / Todd Smith / List of classes needed for certificate and classes developed / September 1st / January 15th so that registering students will have opportunity to choose classes with Global Scholar designation
Hold International Festival during 3rd quarter (February/March) / SIT Goal Team and International Club / Festival / February 1st / March 31st
Gauge interest in globalization professional development
-UNCC Professor
-how to integrate globalization
-using technology for communication (Skype, message boards, etc) / SIT Goal Team / Survey Data / June 2013 / June 2013

2nd Quarter Cycle Title (Strategy/Concept):