Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form

Graduate Curriculum Committee

Course Proposal Form for

Courses Numbered 5000 and Higher

Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.

1. Course Prefix and Number: 2. Date:

3. Requested Action (check only one box):

x / New Course
Revision of Active Course
Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course
Renumbering of an Existing Course from
from / # / to / #

4. Justification (assessment or accreditation based) for new course or course revision or course renumbering:

The field of virtual environments is a constantly evolving infrastructure that supports both synchronous and asynchronous communication and interaction. Students enrolled in this course will learn in a 3-D virtual world which is created and developed by its residents. One environment, Second Life is a virtual world that includes 3D graphics, voice chat, rich digital media, and video capabilities. The virtual environment provides residents with a sense of "immersion."
Students will learn technical skills which include communication, interactions, building (rezzing), and design. Based on the foundations of business and information technology, students will learn the fundamentals of designing and building graphic objects, marketing, management, and entrepreneurship in virtual businesses. Furthermore, students will utilize critical thinking skills and reflection to analyze current in-world environments.
This course is intended for those with strong computer skills and includes teamwork, interaction, and collaboration among students. Students will also learn to identify common issues with virtual worlds. Students will design in-world communities and develop a variety of objects which incorporate scripting. The course incorporates experiential learning and students will learn by creating hands-on objects through presentations, synchronous chats, demonstrations, simulations, and collaborative in-world sessions.
For the past year the department has been offering the content of this course in a seminar course (BITE 5388). The BITE graduate faculty has determined that since the content is critical to the Business Education and Information Technology program areas, it should have a permanent course number and have voted to accept this proposal.

5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog:

BITE 6100. Designing Virtual Environments in Business and Information Technology Education. (3) (F, S, SS). Specialized software and microcomputer applications for designing virtual environments.

6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change:


7. Graduate Catalog Page Number from current Graduate catalog:


Course Credit:

Lecture Hours / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.
Lab / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Studio / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Practicum / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Internship / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain.
Total Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.

9. Anticipated annual student enrollment:

10. Affected Degrees or Academic Programs:

Degree(s)/Course(s) / Current
Catalog Page / Changes in Degree Hours
MS in Vocational Education / 177 / No change – can be used as elective
MAEd in Business Education / 174 / No change – can be used as elective

11. Overlapping or Duplication with Affected Units or Programs:

x / Not Applicable
Notification & response from affected units is attached

12. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs):

Not Applicable
x / Applicable and CTE has given their approval.

13.  Statements of Support:

a. Staff

x / Current staff is adequate
Additional Staff is needed (describe needs in the box below):

b. Facilities

x / Current facilities are adequate
Additional Facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below):

c. Library

x / Initial library resources are adequate
Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources):

d. Computer resources

x / Unit computer resources are adequate
Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition):
x / ITCS Resources are not needed
The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need):
Mainframe computer system
Statistical services
Network connections
Computer lab for students
Approval from the Director of ITCS attached

14. Course Information

a. Required Textbook/Materials

1.  Rymaszewski, M. Wagner, J. A., Wallace, M., Winters, C., Ondrejka, C., (2007). Second Life: The official guide. John Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

2.  Second Life - Free Download

3.  Web Camera

4.  Microphone Headset

5.  Internet Connection (DSL, Cable or Broadband)

6.  MS Office 2003/2007 and optional free trial software programs

(Supplemental resources)

1.  Second Life For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Sarah Robbins and Mark Bell

2.  Weber, A., Rufer-Back, K., Platel, R., (2008). Creating Your World: The official guide to advanced content creation for Second Life. Wiley Publishing Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.

3.  b. Course Objectives

The student will be able to:

1.  Demonstrate knowledge of virtual worlds.

2.  Demonstrate effective in-world building.

3.  Demonstrate effective in-world communication and interaction.

4.  Create complex objects.

5.  Create scripts to program in-world objects.

6.  Demonstrate skills in using Second Life.

7.  Demonstrate skills in presentation software and conversion for in-world use.

8.  Create and edit effective graphic images.

9.  Create and edit effective in-world simulations.

10.  Create and edit machinima (creating video in-world).

11.  Demonstrate knowledge of various virtual environments.

12.  Demonstrate critical analysis of creating new media content and evaluate in-world presence.

13.  Demonstrate teamwork skills used to produce a large-scale project.

c. Course Content

1.  Visual design theory

2.  Graphic design and editing

3.  Effective rezzing (developing and creating 3-D objects)

4.  Creating complex objects

5.  Creating presentations and simulations

6.  Using Second Life for in-world business development

7.  Using Fraps or Camtasia for development of machinima

8.  Creating and editing graphic images

9.  Creating and editing effective streaming audio/video files

d.  Assignments

Assignment #1 - Register, Download and Create Avatar

Assignment #2 -Design Clothing/Object

Assignment #3 - Design and Develop Objects (In World Scavenger Hunt)

Assignment #4 - Design and Develop Landscape

Assignment #5 - Create Tutorial (Variety of topics rezzing to machnima)

Assignment #6 - Research (In-world and other cultures)

Assignment #7 - Research (In-world and application to current position)

Midterm - Presentation

Research Paper - Final

e.  Course Evaluation and Grading Scale

1.  Communication = 20%

2.  Assignments and Peer Evaluation = 50%

3.  Final Project = 30%

The following grading scale will be implemented

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
F = 69 and Below

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