Fourth Quarter Project
8th Grade
What is the History of…
A. This project is 20% of your 4th Quarter Grade
-The project is due: Friday, May 24, 2013 @ 3:00
B. The purpose of the project is two-fold:
1. The use of Prezi is a powerful presentation tool.
2. You are to become a historical detective and conduct historical
Research on a topic relevant to Chapters 28-29-30 of our 8th
Grade textbook. I want you to develop a close examination of your
topic and present your findings in a detailed and accurate manner.
C. Your presentation will be in Prezi format.
1. Font Type: easily readable for StypeJ
2. Font Style: be “very” creative
3. Eight (8) slides (clouds)-minimum
4. Each slide may have the same background
5. Animation is required
6. I prefer you send your Prezi project to me at:
7. Flash drives may also be utilized.
D. Grading Information:
1. Each slide (cloud)is worth ten points
2. Minus one for each misspelled word
3. Neatness can be –5 to +5
4. A minimum of four (4) pictures relating to/including your topic
5. A bonus of +1 maybe earned for each day early (no maximum)
Your Topic: ______
E. Contents of each slide
Slide 1: A “cover sheet” slide- information centered as follows:
(Your Name)
(class period)
Due Date: May 24, 2013
Slide 2: WHAT: Fully identify and describe the topic you choose
Slide 3: WHY: For what purpose, reason, intention, motive or cause of your topic
Slide 4: WHO: Name and describe the person or people involved in your topic
Slide 5: WHERE: From what place is your topic located
Slide 6: WHEN: Provide the time period, date of your topic
Slide 7: RESULT: Describe the effect, outcome, consequence, byproduct, impact, influence, offshoot, outgrowth and /or response to your topic.
Slide 8: BIBLIOGRAPHY: Provide a minimum of four sources for your topic.
The sources to be presented in the following format:
1. a. List the URL
b. Title of website
c. Date you retrieved (obtained) the information
d. Date of the website, If NO date, write: N.D. or No Date