Tier One: Core Concepts
JULY 27 – 31, 2009
The first Tier provides professionals with an overview of necessary core knowledge of autism spectrum disorders, including characteristics, critical evaluation of interventions, methods of instruction, IEP development, applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support, and student progress monitoring.
July 27-30 sessions / July 31 sessions
Courtyard Marriott
3301 LeMone Industrial Blvd.
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 443-8000 / Primaris
200 N Keene St.
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 817-8300
Tier Two: Development & Assessment
AUGUST 3 – 7, 2009
These workshops are designed to provide participants with expanded knowledge of distinct skill domains that are important for the long-term functioning of individuals with autism-spectrum disorders. Participants will learn about developmental stages, how autism-spectrum disorders impact typical development, and assessment of skills in these domains.
Skill domains include:
Play & Leisure Skills / Social Skills
Motor & Sensory Skills / Adaptive Skills
Language & Communication Skills / Cognitive & Academic Skills
Self-Monitoring Skills
August 3 – 7 sessions
Stoney Creek Inn
2601 S. Providence Rd.
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 442-6400


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:30 – 9:00
Registration / 8:30 -12:00
Session / 8:30 -12:00
Session / 8:30 -12:00
Session / 8:30 -12:00
9:00 – 9:30
Pre-test* / 12:00-1:00
Lunch / 12:00-1:00
Lunch / 12:00-1:00
Lunch / 12:00-1:00
Session / 12:00-4:00
Session / 12:00-4:00
Session / 12:00-4:00
Session / 12:00-3:00
Lunch / 4:00-4:30
Break / 4:00-4:30
Break / 4:00-4:30
Break / 3:00-3:30
Session / 4:30-6:30
Session / 4:30-6:30
Session / 4:30-6:30
Session / 3:30-4:00

*All participants must arrive on time in to take the pre-test to gain entrance into the training. Also, all participants must take the post-test and earn a score of 80% or higher in order to advance to higher Tiers.


The deadline to register is July 13, 2009 and is limited to the first 50 participants. No refunds will be given after July 20, 2009. Participants who register for Tier Two must take or have already taken Tier One. Registrants may choose to register for one or both Tiers.


Each week-long institute is $500. Daily lunch is included in the registration fee. Current Tier 2 participants may attend select Tier 2 workshops at a cost of $100 per day and must submit a separate registration form.


Lunch and morning coffee are included in the registration fee and will be provided on-site.


Lodging is the responsibility of the participant. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Courtyard Marriott (until June 28) and the Stoney Creek Inn (until July 17).

Course credit:
Participants wishing to earn graduate course credit should contact Sandy Sites of MU Direct at 573-882-7899 no later than July 13, 2009.

Continuing education credits (CEUs):
CEU’s may be purchased at a cost of $25 per Tier.

Comprehensive Teacher Trainings

2009 Summer Institutes Registration Form


Name: / School/Agency:
Address: / E-mail:
City: / Home Phone: _
State: _ / Alt Phone: _
Zip Code: _ / Fax: _

Registration is required. No on-site registration will be accepted. The deadline to register is July 13, 2009. No refunds will be issued after July 20, 2009.


TIER ONE: July 27-31, 2009
$500 Registration Fee / $25 CEU Fee Enclosed for Tier One
TIER TWO: August 3-7, 2009
$500 Registration Fee / $25 CEU Fee Enclosed for Tier Two

Personal check/money order # Agency/school check # a

Purchase order # -(include a copy of PO with registration)


Please note any ADA accommodations or food accommodations (e.g. vegetarian or allergies) or contact Monica Mann for assistance.

Registration will close on July 13, 2009. Please fax or mail payment and registration to:

Thompson Center for Autismc/o Monica Mann
300 Portland St. Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 884-4660
Fax: (573) 884-1151