
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Asbestos: Accidental Disturbance or Discovery


To provide instructions to eliminate/minimise the risk of persons being exposed to ACM in the following situations:

  • Accidental disturbance of ACM (e.g. during building works)
  • Discovery of suspected ACM (e.g. the material was not listed in the asbestos register)

When there is an accidental disturbance or a discovery of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), or suspected ACM, workers and others may be placed at risk by exposure to the ACM.

Examples may include a contractor accidentally drilling into a material that they believe to be ACM, or a worker finding a damaged wall that they believe to contain asbestos.


This SOP applies to all ACT Health staff and contractors and to all ACT Health owned facilities. In the case of commercial facilities that are not owned by ACT Health but that are occupied by ACT Health workers, it is expected that an equivalent level of protection will be provided by the person in control of the commercial facility (e.g. the landlord).

For the purposes of this SOP, ACM is taken to include suspected or presumed ACM when not explicitly stated.

Roles and Responsibilities

ACT Health Responsible Persons – ACT Health workers involved in coordinating, directing or performing work where ACM may be encountered or disturbed. In most cases this is the ACT Health contact person who the worker or contractor reports to prior to commencing works and during works (e.g. project officer from Business and Infrastructure (B&I) or Health Infrastructure and Planning (HIP)).


  • To remain aware of and follow the requirements detailed in ‘Attachment 1 – Flowchart Procedure for Accidental Disturbance of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) or Discovery of Suspected ACM’ and relevant sections of the Asbestos Management Plan.
  • All relevant workers and contractors are to be made aware of the initial actions and reporting requirements should an accidental disturbance or discovery of suspected ACM occur during works as described in this SOP.
  • Ensure that a Notifiable Incident Report is completed and sent to WorkSafe ACT.
  • Complete a Staff Accident Incident Report (SAIR) or Accident Incident Report (AIR).



Relevant workers and contractors – Refer also to attached flowchart for further detail.

  1. Immediately cease work
  2. Contain the area as best as possible and contact ACT Health Responsible Person
  3. Notification of WorkSafe ACT of the incident by phone on 6207 3000and follow up with the completed form - ‘Notifiable Incident Report Form’ – WorkSafe ACT)
  4. Complete a Staff Accident Incident Report (SAIR) or Accident Incident Report (AIR)

Note: If a person(s) has been contaminated by ACM actions should be taken to manage the risks associated with the potential contamination. This includes risks to the person and other persons around them. The required actions will vary depending on the circumstances. In the first instance a Code Yellow should be calledand assistance requested to determine required actions.

ACT Health Responsible Person

  1. Visit the work area, or as close to the work area as is safe, with a copy of the relevant part of the asbestos register and:
  • Confirm the area is appropriately contained to prevent further potential exposure to ACM
  • Determine if the material is ACM, suspected ACM, or not ACM (e.g. is Gyprock)
  • Provide support to those who may have been exposed to asbestos, including organising medical assessment and access to the Employee Assistance Program (for eligible employees).
  1. If it is determined that the material is not ACM - no further action is required.
  1. If it is determined that the material is confirmed ACM or suspected ACM:
  • Visually assess the level of risk and decide if a code yellow or standby code yellow needs to be called
  • Continue containment of area and preserve the scene (for WorkSafe ACT)
  • Ensure that a Notifiable Incident Report is completed and sent to WorkSafe ACT
  • If accidental disturbance of ACM has occurred ensure that a notifiable incident report is completed and sent to WorkSafe ACT (form is available at ) AND notify the relevant Executive Officer at DD-G Strategy and Corporate (e.g. where maintenance works were involved) or DD-G Health Infrastructure Planning (e.g. where redevelopment works were involved).
  • Complete a Staff Accident Incident Report (SAIR) or Accident Incident Report (AIR)
  • Consider air monitoring by a competent person
  • No further work at the site until expert advice can be sourced
  • Make decision(s) regarding continuing work in the area/vicinity. E.g. isolate the room instead of a whole building unless necessary to do otherwise
  1. Further actions specific to either confirmed ACM or suspected ACM are detailed below.
  • Confirmed ACM - refer to ‘SOP– Risk Assessment and Removal/Encapsulation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)’ for further required actions
  • Suspected ACM - Organise testing of suspected ACM by competent person, if test result confirms as ACM refer to ‘SOP– Risk Assessment and Removal/Encapsulation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)’ for further required actions. If test results confirm as not being ACM, no further action is required and work can continue in the area.

* The above required actions are also detailed in‘Attachment 1 – Flowchart - Accidental Disturbance of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) or Discovery of Suspected ACM’.


Outcome Measures

  • Persons are not exposed to/contaminated by ACM, particularly airborne ACM
  • ACM is managed in accordance with legislative requirements and Codes of Practice


  • All incidents involving persons being exposed to/contaminated by ACM will be investigated in accordance with requirements under the ACT Health – Work Health Safety Management System (WHSMS)
  • Annual audit of ACM management as part of the scheduled auditing arrangements to ensure compliance with legislation and codes of practice
  • Annual review of asbestos register by WPS to determine progress in removal of ACM
  • The above information will be presented by WPS to the Tier 2 – Dangerous Substances Management Committee

Related Legislation, Policies and Standards


Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011

ACT Dangerous Substances Act 2004

ACT Dangerous Substances (General) Regulation 2004

Code of Practice

Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos 2nd Ed [NOHSC:2002 (2005)]

Code of Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in the Workplace [NOHSC:2018(2005)]


Asbestos: Management and Control Policy

Asbestos: Checking the Register Prior to Construction, Refurbishment and Maintenance Works

Asbestos: Risk Assessment and Removal/Encapsulation

ACT Health Asbestos Management Plan

ACT Health Work Health Safety Management System (WHSMS)

Definition of Terms
ACT Health Responsible Person
Asbestos / ACT Health workers who are considered a ‘Responsible Person’ for the purposes of this plan (refer to definition for ‘Responsible Person’). There are a variety of situations where ACT Health workers would be considered an ‘ACT Health Responsible Person’ in respect of managing ACM. Examples include:
  • ACT Health workers that are involved with coordinating, directing or performing work where it is expected or it is likely that ACM will be encountered, disturbed or removed (e.g. project officers that coordinate building maintenance or redevelopment).
  • ACT Health Executive and Management who have control over buildings and/or are involved in decision making that may impact on managing ACM.
The fibrous form of mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine and amphibole groups of rock-forming minerals, including actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite or any mixture containing one or more of the mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine and amphibole groups.
Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) / Any material, object, product or debris that contains asbestos or is suspected or presumed to be ACM but not explicitly stated
Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) / ACT Health’s Asbestos Management Plan covering the identification, risk evaluation, control and management of identified asbestos hazards, developed in accordance with the Dangerous Substances Act 2004 and Dangerous Substances (General) Regulation 2004.
Asbestos Register
Competent Person
Relevant Workers and Contractors / Register listing all identified or presumed ACM in ACT Health premises.
A person possessing adequate qualifications, such as suitable training and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill, for the safe performance of the specific work.
Note: A licence may be required for some of the tasks described in this plan as requiring a competent person.
A list of competent occupations and there competencies is listed in Appendix F of this document.
ACT Health/ACT Government workers and contractors who perform work where accidental disturbance or discovery of ACM may occur.
Responsible Person / ‘Responsible Person’ and ‘ACT Health Responsible Person’ are taken to mean ‘Responsible person for a dangerous substance’ as described in section 18 of the Dangerous Substances Act 2004:
(1)For this Act, a person is a responsible person for a dangerous substance if the person is --
(a)a person in control of the handling of the substance; or
(b)a person in control of premises where the substance is handled; or
(c)a person in control of plant or a system for handling the substance
(2)To remove any doubt, more than 1 person may be a responsible person for a duty under this Act.

Attachment 1: Flowchart - Accidental Disturbance of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) or Discovery of Suspected ACM

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Attachment 1

Doc Number / Issued / Review Date / Area Responsible / Page
DGD15-028 / May 2015 / May 2019 / Workplace Safety / 1 of 6
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register