Safety warning on portable butane gas cookers

The purpose of this Safety Alert is to warn consumers of the risk to health and safety after a number of portable butane gas cookers were found to be non-compliant with Australian Standards.


Testing has been undertaken on behalf of the Gas Technical Regulator Commission (GTRC) on portable butane gas cookers after a number of reported incidents of fires and explosions during their use. The testing has found a failure in the safety release mechanism designed to prevent the butane canisters from becoming over pressurised as a result of the canisters overheating. This fault has resulted in the certification for a number of brands of cookers being cancelled and the appliances withdrawn from sale. A list of uncertified appliances is on the next page.

Image: Examples of single and dual burner portable butane gas cookers.

Contributing factors

Contributing factors that have led to the canisters overheating include:

·  Cooking with oversized pots and pans which reflect heat back onto the canister.

·  Placing portable butane cookers on top of other cooking appliances (i.e. BBQ’s) when they are hot.

Action required

·  If your appliance is a model and brand that has had its certification cancelled, it is recommended that you stop using the appliance and dispose of it, and any used butane canisters in a responsible and safe manner.

·  If your appliance is not listed, ensure that the appliance is assembled and used according to the manufactures guidelines.

·  Only use pots and pans that fit the cooking area.

·  Never place butane canisters or appliances with connected canisters on hot surfaces.

Further information

For further information on the safe use of your appliance please refer to the manufacturers users guide.

List of uncertified butane gas cookers

Brand / Model number /
Home Essentials, Red Stone, My Collection, Bai Hui / BDZ-168, BDZ-163S
Five Star, Gasmate / MS-2000, Plus MS-2000
Gasmate, Gasmaster, Jumbuck, Jackeroo, Excalibur, Adventure Ridge, Buy Right / PC1060, KPC1060, MPC1060, PC1065, JPC1065 PC1070, PC1075, PC2070, KPC2070, MPC2070, AR2070, PC2075, BBC2075, PC2080
Campmaster, Red Centre, Grillrite, Rough It, Fiesta, Falcon, Wild Country, Festiva, Campers Collection, Spinifex, Oztrail, Roman, Progaz, Escape, and Gas Craft / **2150, **2250, **2250SP, **2160, **2160S
(** = customer code)
Campmaster, Kookaburra, Grillpro, Topstove, Fiesta, Falcon, Wild Country, Freetime, Festiva, The Stove, Sunshine, Campers Collection, Oztrail, Roman, Progaz, Escape, and Gas Craft / CM2100, CM2200, STO990, ST7000, FT2100, FT2200, ST1, ST2
Campmaster, Kookaburra, Grillpro, Topstove, Fiesta, Falcon, Wild Country, Freetime, Festiva, The Stove, Sunshine, Campers Collection, Oztrail, Roman, Progaz, Escape, Gas Craft, and Spinifex / **2170*, **2270*
(** = customer code)
Auscrown, Wild Country Handy Range / AD90
U-Bute Traveller / U-Bute Traveller
Jackeroo / PL-121
Adventuridge / 509245
Companion / COMP523
House Brand / 509245
Kookaburra / ST0990
Primus / 2240, 2271, TLB-102L
Red Desert / 509230
Spinifex / 7027612, 90024574

Contact details

Call us on: 1800 019 115
Email us at

For more information on work health and safety, go to NT WorkSafe’s website at


This Safety Alert contains safety information following inquires made by NT WorkSafe about an incident or unsafe practice. The information contained in this Alert does not necessarily include the outcome of NT WorkSafe’s action with respect to an incident. NT WorkSafe does not warrant the information in this Alert is complete or up-to-date and does not accept any liability for the information in this report or as to its use.


Safety Alert - Safety warning on portable butane gas cookers (version 1.0 – 17 March 2015)