SSNB Provincial Team Criteria - 2006 – 2007

Provincial Team Selection Criteria

May 1st , 2004


Sept 30th, 2007



SSNBProvincial Team Criteria

Section 1Definitions p. 4, 5

Section 2Obligations for Athlete DevelopmentCommittee p. 6

Section 3Explanations of Terms for Provincial Team Criteria p. 6

Eligibility p. 6

Protocols and Standards p. 6

Ranking Lists p. 7

Funding p. 7


Team qualifying dates P. 9

Section 4SSNB Provincial Team Opportunities P. 9

FPVQ “Espoir” & “Elite” Competition Explanations P. 9

FPVQ “Espoir” - “Elite”/ National Age Class / North American time standards p. 10

JR TRIALS / SR. Team Trials # 1, # 2 , # 3 P. 11

Section 5 Provincial Training Camps and Skater Development p. 12

Section 6SELECTION CRITERIA for SSNB Racing Teams p. 13

Section 7 (Long Track )selection & standards p. 14 ,15

Section 8Obligations and regulations for athletes’ p. 17 ,18

Section 12 04-05 AD Calendar of events p. 19

Document : SSNB Provincial Team Criteria (PTC)

The purpose of this document is to provide information to all New Brunswick speed skaters so they will have an equal and fair opportunity to compete for positions on the New Brunswick Provincial team. This Provincial program takes into consideration the athletes age, maturation level, commitment to specific and consistent speed skating training, as their ages increase. SSNB recognizes that all young athletes are faced with many choices and decisions over many issues as they grow up. SSNB’s athlete development plan is laid out, in a progressive manner, to help NB have the strongest Provincial team possible. SSNB also recognizes that all skaters do not mature both socially and physically at the same time, and there is plenty of room for skaters to work their way on to the Provincial team as they develop in the sport.

The New Brunswick Provincial Speed Skating Team(s) will be recognized in three categories.

A Provincial Elite team will be composed of those athletes who demonstrate the potential and or the commitment to try to be among the best speed skaters in Canada, as recognized by their skating percentage below 104.99 %. All skaters wishing to achieve at this level must realize that this is a big commitment and will require their full resources in the skating season, as well as some sport specific training in the summer months. Age and maturation levels will play a role in achieving at this level.

The next category, the High performance Team will consist of those skaters that are working their way toward the top level but issues such as maturation and age still may be creating obstacles. ST - HP level will be recognized by their skating percentage of 104.99% to 109.99% .

The 3rd category would be a Provincial Development Team for those skaters that like the sport but do not feel they have the comfort level or commitment to try to achieve at these upper levels at this time.

NOTE : ALL levels will require a specific focus on sport specific training for their specific maturation age level no matter what level they are attempting to achieve. Specific growth and development information is on the SSNB web site at in the skaters section

As New Brunswicker’s, we can be proud of our pastachievements, but we must continue to strive to greater heights so that we can continue to improve our success on the National level. This will require the pride, dedication and commitment of not only the athlete, but also the families, coaches and volunteers in our organization to help our athletes aspire to the challenge.

SSNB must also recognize our role in the opportunity to develop quality life skills for all our skaters and continually work to have our youth understand and cultivate these skills.

Should you have any questions concerning this document, please feel free to contact your club representative on the Athlete Development Committee.

Any Errors or omissions will be resolved by the current SSNB Athlete Development Committee

Committee Members:

Chairperson – Natalie Gallant 854-2177 (h)

Skater’s Rep –

Caraquet - Ginette Basque (h)

Fredericton - Steve Harris 472 – 9064

Hampton - Ron Buckley 847-2309 (h)

Dieppe -Brian Gould 532-8649 (h)

Saint John - Beth Smith 672- 9051(h)

St. Croix – Ed Trippel (h)

Restigouche - Darren Oakes 684-3585 (h)

Technical Director - Peter Steele 839-2524 (h)

SECTION 1 : DEFINITIONS / Explanations :

Any reference to the masculine form shall also automatically include the feminine where applicable.

SSNB - Speed Skate New Brunswick

The program - is defined to mean the activities that the SSNB teams are engaged in, including but not limited to:

* specific race schedules* training camps - both on and off ice

* meetings * physical testing – to meet the ever evolving program testing criteria.

* promotional activities* commitment to the SSNB training program

* discipline* athlete’s Code of Conduct (on and Off the ice surface)

Funding: - Funding is only available to SSNB skaters registered for the current skating season. SSNB does not FUND master’s skaters. All funding will be based on current skating season’s age class skating results( exception CWG Team Funded events). Funding will not be provided on an equal basis for every skater, but based on their current results. The Athlete Development Committee uses this approach because not all skaters pursue Speed Skating on and equal basis and SSNB wishes to recognize those skaters that have achieved success based on their performance against Canadianrecords. SSNB will encourage and help support those skaters that achieve at a high level for two reasons. First, those skaters that achieve at the higher development levels have done some form of dedicated off season training to progress in the sport. These skaters are learning the skills of commitment, dedication, goal setting, focus, planning and time management. These are valued life skills that theSSNB and the Athlete Development Committee looks to recognize and takes the development of those skills seriously.

Second, those skaters that wish to achieve in the sport and accept speed skating as “their” sport tend to travel to more events out of Province to help refine their skills. SSNB wishes to support this development. Funding for SSNB events is never more than a 1/2 portion of Provincial skaters SSNB booked room(s) funding as well as registration fees. Funding will be based on the skaters percentage of the Canadian record on the second Monday prior to the event (Please refer to section 3.6), with an event maximum as deemed by SSNB ADC yearly budget. Travel and meals are not included in any SSNB Athlete Development funding. To be funded you must be in a qualified skater and in an SSNB booked room.


Room Accommodation : ALL funding percentages for room accommodations are based on the skaters current percentage against the Canadian Record ( Refer to section 3.6) in their genders respective age class two Mondays prior to a competition.

To accommodate skaters,SSNB will be booking them as two skaters to a room ( unless there is an odd number and then the third skater will be in a room with two other skaters ).All skaters MUST be in the SSNBbooked hotel and in SSNB TEAM booked rooms to receive any funding. Skaters Juvenile and up will be booked with other SSNB TEAM Skaters. There may be the occasion where there are too few skaters to divide equally for rooms and SSNB may look at skaters staying with their Parent, as an SSNB cost saving measure – with the parent paying 50 % of the room . SSNB pays for all rooms and bills back the cost back to the skaters clubs, who will then bill the family.

Midget skaters will receive their 50% room funding, but MUST stay in SSNB booked accommodations with a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian will assume the other 50% share of the room OR they can split the room with another midget and parent for more cost savings.

TRAVEL : Where numbers warrant and there is a cost saving by taking group transportation, ALL SSNB teammates will travel together. When a skater has stated they will travel to an event, they (their Family) are responsible for their costs. This rule will be waved only in the case of serious injury or illness and the athlete is not fit to compete .

The skating season:The SSNBskating schedule for a given season and shall include all skating events from October 1st of present year to April 30th of the next calendar year. [ example : Oct 1st , 2006 – to April 30th2007]

The Training Season : refers to all SSNB training requirements for a given season and includes all SSNB training events from May 1st of the present season until March 30th of the next calendar year. [ example May st , 2006 to March 30th 2007 .

Timing: - All times must be electronic times only OR adjusted by .20 sec for all official hand heldProtocol times. In the event that electronic times are unavailable the submitted hand held times shall have a .20 sec adjustment added as per section N2-102 (A) SSC Policies and procedures.

A skater may use an official time that has been recorded manually in a competition outside New Brunswick for the purpose of achieving a standard to attend a meet outside the province. However, in the event that such a skater would displace another NB skater with a slower electronic time, the times shall be standardised to equivalent electronic times to determine which skater shall be allowed to attend the meet in question.

A Competition or Meetshall be deemed to be 3 fully completed distances of the 4 distances offered and in the case of only three distances offered, 2 complete distances must be skated. An exception to this rule can be made for a serious injury only!

Standards : are times established by SSNB Athlete Development Committee that remains current to skater development in Canada. AD Committee’s approach is to set different age class development levels as they pertain to the Canadian Records and are reviewed on a yearly basis. In the 2004-2005 and the 2005 –2006 seasons the formula used will be a constant percentage (105% – 110% and 115%) across all age classes. This skating percentage will be reflected in their Provincial team assignment as well as their competition funding.

Age Classifications :

These Age class times are taken from the SSC “REDBOOK” P& R’s - section K 21 – 100.

A skaters Racing Class shall be determined by his / her age on June 30th prior to the competition.

[NOTE: these are SSC age classifications , NOT ISU ] .

Midget - 10 - 11

Juvenile - 12 – 13

Junior - 14 – 15

Intermediate - 16 – 17

Senior - 18 and over



(a) Organize, select and operate teams of athletes, coaches and other support staff to represent New Brunswick in the sport of speed skating.

(b) Publish all selection criteria for Provincial teams.

(c) Organize programs and provide funding for the development and provision of athlete skating experience in accordance with the budget of the SSNB Athlete Development Committee.

(d) Regularly provide program information (training and competition) to the athlete (as posted on the SSNB web site [ ).

SECTION 3: Explanation of Terms for Provincial Team Criteria (PTC)

3.1ELIGIBILITYSkaters (midgets up to and including senior) who are permanent residents of N.B. and registered members of SSNB are eligible for selection to SSNB Provincial Speed Skating teams. Permanent residence shall be defined as residing year round within the province of N.B. Athletes attending school or a recognized National or Regional Training Center outside of N.B. are considered permanent residents of N.B, as long as they are registered in that season, with a recognized SSNB club.

3.2 OFFICIAL PROTOCOL : This is the term used for the “OFFICIAL” competition resultsreport issued by the chief recorder from a properly sanctioned speed skating competition.

3.3Standards Times & Protocols :are times, which must be met by the skater to be eligible for selection to Provincial racing events or Teams. The standards vary depending on the age category and the type of competition attended and is set at the beginning of each season by the Athlete Development Committee. All times must be electronic times or adjusted .20 sec hand held protocol times. In the event that electronic times are unavailable the submitted hand held times shall have a .20 sec adjustment added as per section N2-102 (A) SSC Policies and procedures.

A skater may use an official time that has been recorded manually in a competition (inside or outside) New Brunswick, during the SSNB skating season, for the purpose of achieving a standard to attend a meet outside the province. However, in the event that such a skater would displace another NB skater with a slower electronic time, the times shall be standardised to equivalent electronic times to determine which skater shall be allowed to attend the meet in question.

OFFICIALLY SKATED TIMES SHALL ONLY BE OFFICIAL PROTOCOL TIMES (OR adjusted times) WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PURSUIT TIMES. SSNB statistician is the person that makes sure the adjustment of.20 sec was added on all hand held protocols.

SSNB time standards ( section 3.6 must be met in ISU, SSC or Provincial Sanctioned Competitions ONLY. [ Only official protocol times may be used.] Athletes skating out of province at properly sanctioned competitions are responsible to submit an official protocol for their competitions. For proper updating of the ranking list and other administrative reasons, their times must be submitted, by the Skaters, to the Provincial statistician no later than two (2) weeks following the competition. Funding for skaters to SSNB designated events will be determined by the Official Provincial Funding mechanism ( refer to section 3.6 of this guide) 2 Wednesday’s prior to theSSNBfunded event.

Note: Times, which are recorded in official results, but are judged by the Athlete Development Committee to be inaccurate will be stricken from the record and no time will be given. Times recorded by those other than the official timers for the competition will not be admissible for ranking or standards. This policy is enacted in fairness to all athletes to avoid a false ranking.

Times, which are proposed to be stricken, will be brought to the Athlete Development Committee within two weeks of completing the event either at a meeting, a telephone conference call or via e-mail and evidence presented as to why the time should be deleted. The affected skater or his/her parents should be notified and given an opportunity to participate if they wish to contest the proposed deletion of the time. The athlete will be notified by the Director of Athlete Development within 5 days of the Committee's decision. Statements should be taken and signed by witnesses at the time and copies kept of all evidence given.

If an athlete or other person affected does not agree with the decision of the Athlete Development Committee, they may appeal the decision within 15 days to the Board of Directors whose decision shall be final.

3.4The PROVINCIAL RANKING LIST : is maintained by the provincial statistician and updated after every competition. Athletes are ranked by their percentage of the Canadian record in their respective age Class categories, based on their current season’s best time in one of the skaters short age class distances AND one of the skaters long age class distances. The ranking list shall use only skaters official protocol times and use .2 adjustment to any manual times when necessary.

ONLY SSNB PROVINCIAL STATISTICIAN’s Ranking List will be considered VALID.

To figure out a precentage – use the time skated - divided by - the Canadian record.

Example : time skated (51.03) - divided by - the Canadian record (47.32) for a 107.84 percentage.

Remember to change all times over 59.99 seconds to seconds before doing the calculations.

[ Example 1.14 min = 74sec ]

3.5 FUNDING : will be provided to SSNBST Elite ( up to 104.99%) and OR High performance ( up to 109.99%) athletes that are selected to Provincial Teams. Funding levels will be based on the skater’s percentage of current SSC National Age Class Records, two Mondays prior to the competition. Funding levels will be determined by achieving 3 of 4 times in a specific age/ gender category [YOU only need to skate each time once to achieve a standard] (see sect 3.6 for Short Track and 7.3 for Long Track). All funding will be in accordance with the budget as set out - yearly - by the SSNB Athlete Development Committee.

There will be an exception at the SENIOR AGE CLASSIFICATION : if a skater has a top 12 overall finish at a Short Track National Team Trial’s in that current skating Season. SSNB will fund to the Elite level automatically. The reason for this decision is that while a skater could possibly achieve at this level they might not skate the required times due to thestrategic racing at these National level events.

Funding will include ONLY the skaters share of accommodations (two to a room) and the registration fees. Receipts for Hotel accommodations and registration must be provided. Funding does not cover transportation or meals. Funding to events is limited to competitions designated yearly by SSNB Athlete Development Committee prior to the start of each SSNB skating season.