Edit Campus Routing

  1. From The Main Menu Select “Other Menus”

  1. From Other Menus Select “Administrative Menu”

  1. From the Administrative Menu Select “Edit Campus Routing”

  1. Select To Edit, Remove or Insert New Line On The Screen Below.

Example 1: Edit A Routing Entry.

Click on the “EDIT” link on any line to open the screen below.

The Function of the fields on this screen is as follows:

Routing Type: This determines for which type of ECDs this routing will be used. Select “Archive” here to indicate this is a routing stop for “Archive A Course” type of ECDs. Select “Default” to indicate the stop is for all ECDs not covered by other routing schemes (Archive, Add etc.) in your list. NOTE: Selecting “Attachment” here is for ECDs where the only change is the addition of an attachment.

Campus: Indicates your campus.

Stop #: Indicates in what order people will approve. Those at stop 1 approve first, stop 2 approve second, etc.

Approver: A pick list of current ECD users to select for the stop.

Or Enter User ID: Open text to enter a user that is not in the pick list. Enter the login id (Example: doej) for a user not already signed up for ECD. This may also be a general indicator such as Department Chair or Area Dean (if Multiple Approvers Lookup is used). NOTE: If Department Chair option is used it must be entered as “Department Chair”, not “Dept. Chair” or something else.

Approver Name:The full name of the user selected. If using a non-user id entry such as “Department Chair” or “Area Dean” enter that again here.

Email: The email address of the user selected. Leave blank if using a non-user id entry such as “Department Chair” or “Area Dean.”

Title Role: This is the title of that appears in the course approval list. Example: Department Chair, Dean, Vice President, President. Leave blank if the entry is not to appear in the final course approval listing on the “Find A Course” view of the course.

Edit Rights: Indicates whether the user at this stop has the ability to edit the ECD when it is sent to them at this stop. Enter “Yes” or leave blank.

Outline Approved: Indicates if after this user approves the outline becomes the official outline for ECD. Usually this is “Yes” for the stop where the campus transmitter approves the outline. Enter “Yes” or leave blank.

Send To District: Indicates if after this user approves the outline is transmitted to the district (If the entries indicate it should be sent to district). Usually this is “Yes” for the stop where the campus transmitter approves the outline. Enter “Yes” or leave blank.

Days Until Escalation: # of days before an ECD at this stop is escalated to the next stop. Leave blank if the ECD is not to be automatically escalated.

Email Address CC1: Enter the email address for an additional person to be included as a CC on any emails sent at this stop. Leave blank if not to be used.

Email Address CC2: Enter the email address for an additional person to be included as a CC on any emails sent at this stop. Leave blank if not to be used.

Lookup Values: Indicates if the entry requires any choice by the user. There is a sub table for the lookup entries. Click on “View Lookup Values” to make entries in the sub table. Enter “Yes” to indicate a lookup for the entry should be used.

Notes Allowed: Indicates if users are able to enter notes at this routing stop.

Discipline Approval: Indicates if department chair should enter a count of how many people in the discipline have approved.

Review Stop: Used to send the ECD to multiple people simultaneously. Enter “Yes” if this is the case.

Review Type: Indicates if the multiple people receive a message that their review should be a “Technical” review or not. If “Non-Technical” is selected the email will only say the ECD has been sent for their review.

Review Name: Name of the stop when sending to people simultaneously. Enter the same name here for other entries at this same stop number to package them together. Example: To send the ECD to 3 people for tech review at stop 2 create 3 stop 2 entries and enter the same description (Example: “Tech Review”) in review name for all 3 entries.

Apply Edit To All Active ECDs:Check this box if the edit is supposed to apply to all active ECDs that have this same stop number. The edit will not apply to ECDs where the current stop is greater to or equal to the stop number of the entry being edited.

Strategies for having several people receive the ECD at once:

1)Goal: To give the person at stop 2 four choices of who to send the ECD to at stop 3.

Solution: Enter four entries with separate approver names all numbered stop 3.

2)Goal: To have the person at stop 2 send the ECD to four people simultaneously at stop 3.

Solution: Enter four entries with separate approver names all numbered stop 3. Also enter “Yes” for review stop on each of these entries and the same description (Example: “Tech Review”) for review name.

3)Goal: To have the person at stop 2 send the ECD to four people simultaneously at stop 3, but choose between 2 sets of four people.

Solution: Enter eight entries with separate approver names all numbered stop 3. Also enter “Yes” for review stop on each of these entries and the same description (Example: “Tech Review”) on four of the entries and another review name description on four other entries.

4)Goal: To have the person at stop 2 send the ECD to four people simultaneously at stop 3, but allow a choice of 5 people for one of those 4 slots.

Solution: Enter four entries with separate approver names all numbered stop 3. Also enter “Yes” for review stop on each of these entries and the same description (Example: “Tech Review”) for review name. On one of the entries use enter “Yes” for Lookup Values and use the “View Lookup Values” link to enter 5 people on the Lookup Values screen.

5)Goal: To have the person at stop 2 send the ECD to one of four people at stop 3 and have the computer select the a person based on the department code on the ECD.

Solution: Enter one entry numbered stop 3 and enter “Yes” for Lookup Values and use the “View Lookup Values” link to enter 4 people on the Lookup Values screen. Also enter the 4 people on the department chair screen (“Edit Dept. Chair” link on the administrative menu) in the “Area Dean” fields.

6)Goal: To have the person at stop 2 send the ECD to four people at stop 3 and have the computer select one of the people based on the department code on the ECD.

Solution: Enter four entries with separate approver names all numbered stop 3. Also enter “Yes” for review stop on each of these entries and the same description (Example: “Tech Review”) for review name. On one of the entries use enter “Yes” for Lookup Values and use the “View Lookup Values” link to enter a number of people on the Lookup Values screen. Also enter the these same people on the department chair screen (“Edit Dept. Chair” link on the administrative menu) in the “Area Dean” fields.

Example 2: Removing A Routing Entry

Click on “REMOVE” on any line on the screen at the bottom of page 2 to open the screen below.

Check the “Apply Edit To All Active ECDs” box to also remove this line for all active ECDs that have this same stop number. The remove action will not apply to ECDs where the current stop is greater to or equal to the stop number of the entry being removed.

Example 3: Inserting A New Routing Entry

Click on “INSERT NEW LINE” at the bottom of the screen on page 2 to open the screen below. See Example 1 for the use of each field.

Edit Routing For A Single ECD.

  1. To Edit Routing for a Single ECD open the ECDs Change History Page from the ECD View Screen.
  1. Click the Link “Edit This ECD’s Approval Path”

(Cont’d On Next Page)

  1. Edit The Screen That Opens Similar to the Screens in the “Edit Campus Routing”Section.