Session 2: Week 3
Shared File Area & Microsoft Office II
PART A: Desktop
From last weeks session you should have saved at least two computer files to your H: drive. You may also have already saved other files into the same location. It is good practice to keep your files well organised to allow easy access when you need them. The best way of organising your files is to place them in separate folders for each different topic you cover.
· Log on to the PC and double-click on My Computer
· Double-click on the H: (Homes) drive icon
· Find a space in the H: drive window for the cursor and right click the mouse and choose New then Folder
· Assign the folder an appropriate name, for example the files associated with this unit could be placed in a folder called StudySkills or similar.
· It is desirable to keep all computer file names and folder names as short as feasibly possible (while allowing unique identification) and to avoid spaces in the filenames if possible (substitute_spaces_with_underscores).
· Move all of the files associated with this unit into the StudySkills folder by clicking and dragging the file icon on top of the folder icon.
· You can move multiple files simultaneously by holding the Ctrl key down while clicking once on top of the files with the left mouse button and then moving them to the folder all at once.
· If you have other files related to a common topic then create more folders (right click > New > Folder) to place them inside.
· If there are files in your H: drive that you have not created it is best to leave them where they are because they may be important for the functioning of other tasks such as your e-mail etc.
In addition to your own data via the H: and A: drive you have access to information related to your course that is placed on a shared area by the department staff. To gain access to this data follow this path: Start > Programs > Departments > Sport & Exercise Science > Shared files
This takes you to the shared area where you would go to the year_1 folder and access the files (e.g. copy them to your H: drive) you were looking for.
PART B: Word
Type up a copy of your CV, save it and print it out.
The features of Word you may want to use to make your CV clear and eye-catching include: fonts, bullet points, tables (you can erase the outlines so they don’t show on the printed version using the Borders button ), tabs, bold/italic/underline, and even font colour if you have a colour printer.
Sample copies of well laid out CVs on which you can base your own can be viewed in a booklet ‘Your CV – Get it Right!’ or view an additional leaflet produced by the Careers service (Wessex House 2.2).
PART C: Excel
Four 100m sprinters have taken part in an experiment where the time at which they pass each 10m marker down the track has been recorded.
The following data set has been obtained.
Time [s]Distance / Athlete1 / Athlete2 / Athlete3 / Athlete4
0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
10 / 1.32 / 1.44 / 1.5 / 1.04
20 / 2.2 / 2.42 / 2.67 / 1.96
30 / 3.16 / 3.17 / 3.7 / 2.99
40 / 4.03 / 3.98 / 4.68 / 3.86
50 / 5.02 / 4.99 / 5.57 / 4.81
60 / 6.06 / 5.78 / 6.5 / 5.67
70 / 7.12 / 6.98 / 7.67 / 6.4
80 / 8.17 / 8.02 / 8.88 / 7.76
90 / 9.26 / 9.16 / 9.81 / 9.22
100 / 10.32 / 10.18 / 10.63 / 10.62
(1) Copy this table into a new Excel worksheet beginning at cell A1 (so ‘Distance’ is in A2).
(2) Create 5 new columns beginning at cell G3 with headings - Interval, Athlete1, Athlete2, Athlete3, Athlete4. [To save time highlight the headings from the initial table, go to Edit menu then Copy, click on cell G3, go to Edit menu, then Paste. Then replace ‘Distance’ with ‘Interval’].
(3) In the Interval column type the following entries: 0-10, 10-20, … , 90 –100. This should take you down to cell G13.
(4) In the next 4 columns you are going to calculate the average speed over each 10m interval for each athlete. Average speed is the distance covered divided by the time taken.
(5) Click on cell H4, type the following: =10/(B4-B3) and then press Enter. The distance covered in each interval is always 10m so that is a constant. B4-B3 is the time taken to cover the first 10m for Athlete1. [Instead of typing in the cell addresses B4 and B3, when you get to the appropriate point in the equation it is possible to use the mouse to click on the desired cell].
(6) Click on cell H4 again. Highlight cells H4 to H13 by dragging with the mouse. Go to Edit menu then Fill then Down. You should now have values for the average speeds over each 10m interval for Athlete1.
(7) Highlight cells H4 to K13 then go to Edit menu then Fill then Right. You should now have values for the average speed for each 10m interval for all athletes.
(8) Your second data set should look like below (having represented all values with 2d.p.):
Average SpeedInterval / Athlete1 / Athlete2 / Athlete3 / Athlete4
0-10 / 7.58 / 6.94 / 6.67 / 9.62
10-20 / 11.36 / 10.20 / 8.55 / 10.87
20-30 / 10.42 / 13.33 / 9.71 / 9.71
30-40 / 11.49 / 12.35 / 10.20 / 11.49
40-50 / 10.10 / 9.90 / 11.24 / 10.53
50-60 / 9.62 / 12.66 / 10.75 / 11.63
60-70 / 9.43 / 8.33 / 8.55 / 13.70
70-80 / 9.52 / 9.62 / 8.26 / 7.35
80-90 / 9.17 / 8.77 / 10.75 / 6.85
90-100 / 9.43 / 9.80 / 12.20 / 7.14
(9) Produce a line graph to illustrate how each athlete’s average speed varies over the 100m.
· Highlight cells G3 to K13 and select the Chart Wizard button
· Select chart type: line and the middle left sub-type then Next
· Make sure the Series in: Columns radio button is selected then click Next
· Choose an appropriate Chart Title, X axis and Y axis then Next
· Place as a New Sheet and Finish
(10) Spend some time formatting the chart to make it easier to read.
(11) Save your work on the H: drive.
(12) Which two athletes had the largest acceleration in the first 20m? Which athlete finished the strongest? Which athlete pulled a hamstring muscle three quarters of the way through the race?