Graduate Student Presentation Session

2017 Tennessee Psychological Association Annual Convention

About the TPA Convention:

When? Wednesday through Saturday, November 1 – 4, 2017

(The preconvention workshop is the only activity on Wednesday.)

Where? Nashville Airport Marriott

600 Marriott Drive

Nashville, TN 37214

Cost for students? (As follows, not including preconvention workshop…)

On or before 10/20 After 10/20

Convention for Students $85 $105

One Day for Students $60 $ 85

Preconvention workshop only $75 $ 75

Friday Luncheon and Awards* $15 *Must register for convention.

Hotel registration? A block of rooms is being held until 10/6/17 at 5:00. After that, prices go up! Contact the hotel at (800) 770-0555, (615) 889-9300, or and ask for the TPA room rate of $149 a night plus taxes! Be sure to make your reservations early.

Should you register for Friday luncheon? Absolutely! Winners of student awards are announced at that time. You don’t want to miss the fun!

Full information about the convention is available at You can register online!

Graduate Student Presentations

The Graduate Student Presentations will be held on Friday, November 3rd, from 8:30 – noon. Submitting an oral presentation to the TPA Convention is a great way to advance your career! You will show your work to psychologists throughout the state. In addition, some students find new opportunities to collaborate with researchers statewide. If you give one of the top three graduate talks, you will also win a monetary award!

How to Make a Presentation Submission


Please note that you must register for the convention itself in order to give a presentation. You could register only for the day you present your talk, but we urge you to register and attend all of the convention, so that you can really benefit from the experience. You should also register for the Friday luncheon at which the student winners will be announced.

The research to be presented must be original (not previously published/presented or under consideration for another conference) and you must be first author of the work (i.e., not your mentor). To submit a presentation, you must be enrolled in graduate school at the time the talk is to be presented.

What type of work can be presented?

We value submissions from every area of psychology. Thus, presentation topics could include physiological studies, I/O research, measurement issues, and classic clinical research. Reviews may be submitted if they consist of quantitative reviews (meta-analysis).

How should you format your abstract?

You will prepare an abstract not more than one page in length. It should include these sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The introduction and discussion should make clear the significance of the findings in your research. Abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. Save your abstract as “1st author’s name grad abstract 1.” If you submit two or more abstracts, just change the number at the end. For example: “Leslie Robinson grad abstract 2.”

What’s the deadline for submission? 5:00 pm, 9/29/2017. No late submissions, please!

Where should I submit my application? Email your abstract & the completed Graduate Student Presentation Form to Dr. Sharon Gordon. Feel free to call if you have any questions.

Dr. Sharon Gordon, Psy.D.


phone #: 615-337-1202

How will submissions be evaluated?

Your work will be independently reviewed by 3 psychologists. Each psychologist will rate every submission, using 4-point scales to evaluate the significance of the work, its innovation, research methods, and the interpretation of findings. These ratings will then be averaged.

If we receive a larger number of submissions than we can present, we will review your abstracts before the convention, so that we can select which works will be presented.

When will I know whether my presentation has been accepted by the convention?

By 10/13/2016 you will receive an email from Dr. Gordon telling you whether your submission has definitely been accepted as a talk. You will then have 3 weeks to finalize your presentation.

When will I know if I have won an award?

Awards will be announced at the Convention Luncheon. Be sure to buy a ticket for the lunch and stay for the party in the evening!

Giving the Talk

Plan on talking for 12 minutes, with 3 more minutes for questions. Prepare a short powerpoint slide set to go with your talk. The first page of that powerpoint should list your name, co-author names if any (e.g., other students, professors who contributed to the work), and your university’s name. Remember that the best slides have a simple background, use few words, and are in type large enough to be read from the back of the room. Be sure not to prepare more slides than you can review during your talk.

NOTE: If you need financial help for the convention, please let Dr. Gordon know. We may have some limited opportunities for convention jobs that lessen student costs.

Graduate Student Presentation Form

This form must be completed and saved as “YOURNAME grad abstract 1.” Email this completed form with your abstract by 9/29/2017 to Dr. Gordon at .

Your name & highest degree: ______

Your graduate program: ______

Your email:______Your phone:______

How many years have you been in graduate school? ______

Title of Presentation:______


Authors, Highest Degrees, & Institutions (in order of contribution):

Author Highest Degree Institution






(Add lines for additional authors if needed.)

Faculty Mentor

We ask you to provide the following information on your mentor. Be aware that we may check with mentors to ensure that submissions come from graduate students.

Name & highest degree: ______

Educational institution: ______

Office phone:______


EXAMPLE: Graduate Student Presentation Form

This form must be completed saved as “YOURNAME grad abstract 1.” Email the completed form with the summary of your research by 9/29/2017 to Dr. Gordon at .

Your name & highest degree: Ace. A. Student, B.A.

Your program: _Master’s program in I/O psychology, Greatest TN University

Your email:___ Your phone:___123 123 4567______

How many years have you been in graduate school: ___1______

Title of Presentation:___ Are faculty members who wear blue jeans to work more effective mentors than those who dress formally?

Authors, Highest Degrees, & Institutions (in order of contribution):

Author Highest Degree Institution

1.____Ace A. Student ______B.A.______Greatest TN University

2.___Excellent Mentor______Ph.D.______Greatest TN University




(Add lines for additional authors if needed.)

Faculty Mentor

We ask you to provide the following information on your mentor. Be aware that we may check with mentors to ensure that submissions come from graduate students.

Name & highest degree: __ Excellent Mentor,_Ph.D.______

Educational institution: _____ Greatest TN University ______

Office phone:_____123 456 7890______
