SAC Meeting

Golden Gate High School

Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2014

Members Present:

Mary Kay Haenn, John Hampton, Janett Hampton, Tiah Thompson, Silvia Jimenez, Ashley Godwin, Isabel C. Tabares, Arturo Correa, Herminio Pagan, Marilyn McElroy, Cristina Ferrer, Saramay Dennison, Jeanette Mouton, Sharon Franklin, Allie Ross

Next meeting: Monday, January 12, 2015 6:00- 7:00pm Room #1-131B

6:00 pm Meeting called to order by Ms. Ferrer

Quorum established, 11 people present

Minutes for October and November were reviewed. Saramay Dennison motioned to approve October and November minutes. Ashley Godwin second the motion. No discussion, none opposed. Minutes for October and November passed.

Ms. Ferrer reviewed norms briefly.

Old Business:

·  SAC Bylaws, students included with non-instructional therefore no changes are needed. Bylaws are to be included online; Isabel Tabares will take care of.

·  Membership is being tracked although bylaws do not state this. Mr. Hernandez suggested that Dr. Mitev be consulted. Christina Ferrer will email Dr. Mitev for input and put in writing.

·  There will be a spring meeting scheduled to discuss Bylaws and set for the year so that they do not need to be discussed at every meeting. Isabel Tabares motioned to accept Bylaws as they are for the year. Silvia Jimenez second the motion. Motion to accept Bylaws as they are for the year, passed. (11 voted to approve/ 0 opposed) Note: changes to bylaws may be made throughout the year with a 30 day notice.

New Business:

·  Sandra Danielson a parent from last year would like to be welcomed back as a member. Ms Ferrer received written resignation from Meagan Dailey. She is stepping down, unable to make meetings. Welcoming back Sandra Danielson would not affect our balance due to her being the same demographic.

·  Parent recruitment was discussed. Dr. Walcott’s suggested that parents be recruited at 8th grade parent night as well as other suggestions were discussed. Our demographics are outlined in the Bylaws. Sandra Danielson was never technically removed from the committee. Ashley Godwin motioned to recognize Sandra Danielson as a member, Isabel Tabares second the motion. (11 voted to recognize Sandra Danielson/ 0 opposed)

·  Mr. Hernandez reviewed;

o  Data Dialogue 2014-2015- grade formula changing

o  Graduation rate went down. The plan outlines what will be done to increase. What are the problems and what will be done to rectify.

o  Enrollment increased participation, performance stayed the same.

o  School grade is not available yet although in the past it has been before Christmas break.

Open Agenda:

·  January meeting Mr. Hernandez will need 20 minutes for presentation on school grade and new grading formula.

·  Mr. Pagan clarified parent involvement he suggested a strategy be developed to utilize going forward. Mr. Hernandez will need to define parent involvement- what do we want from parents.

·  Sunday was suggested as an option however the district has a “no Sunday” policy for events. Mr. Hernandez explained how parents participate with events, some are well attended. Meetings, some parents will attend and then leave and not return. Website not up to date, Sandra Danielson asked why community members are not able to help with upkeep. Mr. Hernandez explained it’s a teacher responsibility based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Mr. Pagan agreed to start a list of website issues that Ms. Ferrer and Mr. Hernandez will submit to the person responsible for website upkeep.

Saramay Dennision motioned to adjourn meeting. Ashley Godwin second the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.