
P.O.Box292, Lushoto/Tanzania

Tel.: 255-027-2640179


website: www. chamavita.nl

Mamboleo and Karumele (Rangwi) Renovation Progress Report.

The Mamboleo and Karumele (Rangwi ) renovation program is part of the “Water supply, for the next 3 years in Lushoto, Tanzania. The years 2014, 2015 and 2016. The program was prepared byChamavita and SPOT-Tanzania in November 2013.
The projects under this program were as follows with the years of implementation in brackets:
  • Kireti A water supply (2014);
  • Mamboleo (Rangwi) water supply improvement 2014);
  • Kireti B water supply(2015);
  • Goka, Nkelei ang Karumele (Rangwi) water supply improvement(2015);
  • Rangwi sanitation;
  • Maringo Juu water supply;
  • Emao (Rangwi) water supply improvement(2016);
  • Kireti A & B sanitation(2016);
  • Kireti A village, formation of WUA(2014)
  • Kireti B village, formation of WUA(2015)
With time the implementation time has changed.
  • Kireti A water supply project has been implemented in 2014;
  • Kireti B water supply project implemented in 2015;
  • Mamboleo and Karumele (Rangwi) renovation done in 2016;
  • Kireti A & B formation of WUA (NKUKIKI) in 2015
  • Sanitation program has been postponed indefinitely;
  • Goka, Nkelei and Emao to be implemented in 2016;
  • Maringo Juu B & C planned for 2016/7.
Implementation of Mamboleo (Rangwi) renovation of was planned for end of 2015. However, ENGOMAKA could not respond as soon as expected the “conditions” set by Chamavita: for ENGOMAKA to have an active role in TARUWAS-Trust for good future O & M. During the SPOTT mission in February it was agreed to start renovation as soon as possible immediately. However during the public meeting the community of Karumele and Mamboleo decided that the renovation should take place at the same time. This renovation basically started in April to be completed in June however it has been extended for another month until July 2016. / Planned / Renovation done
  • 6 Nos (DPs + WTs) & Valve + valve chambers
  • 24Nos DPs +12Nos WTs

  • 2 Nos Construction of AV and AV chambers
  • 0 Nos

  • 2 Nos Construction of WO and WO chambers
  • 0 Nos

  • Construction of pipeline
  • 2 branch line connected (300m)

  • 1 Nos Repair of storage tank
  • 1 Nos storage tank renovated

  • 1 BPT (15m3) is being constructed

  • 24 Nos water meters connected

  • Strengthening TARUWAS- Trust: Mamboleo has mobilized Tshs 100,000/= remaining Tshs 140,000/=.
  • Karumele has mobilized 140,000/= remaining Tshs 100,000/=

  • Each village is has conducting census of water consumers (human and cattle)

  • 5 Nos DPs under construction

  • 1 BPT (15m3) to be constructed

Census of water consumers, 2016
Village / Sub-village / No. H.holds / Nos. of people / Nos. of cattle
Mamboleo / Shwagoi / 39* / 164 / 27
Mtogati / 22 / 99 / 28
Mbaru / 20 / 99 / 8
*= this is the population that is served by the water from a tap (it is not the pop. of the whole sub-village)

A public meeting in Feb 2016: Mamboleo and Karumele community to
discuss the renovation activities.
The storage tank at Mamboleo has a wet capacity of 90m3. The tank has been plastered inside and filled the sagging roof. The tank has inlet pipe of 3”. We have now connected the inlet with a float valve to prevent watage of water thru overflowing. The outlet pipeis a 4” HDPE pipe to Karumele with a branch to Mamboleo village. It is intended to construct a small tank 15m3 . This will serve the people of Karumele. /
  1. Sagged roof holds rain water 2. Roof under renovation

3. Tank roof and inside walls renovated
The construction of the 15m3 break pressure tanks(BPT) at Nkelei is underway. The BPT 15m3 for Karumele is planned in a few days. The BPTs are constructed bigger than a normal BPT to serve as small storage tank. Flow of water in each BPT will controlled by a float valve. /
  1. Old BPT at Nkelei 2. New BPT (15m3) (besides the old one) under construction

25 Nos of 3” HDPE pipes has been replaced beweet the BPT and the storage tank. Two branchlines have been connected.
The main pipeline is not buried in the ground deep enough in the ground. We discussed with the two village leadership the consequences of pipes being exposed to sunlight and that the whole pipeline should be buried deeply. The response has been discouraging. At the runoff gullies we have constructed traps to filter soil, leaves and grass. This is meant to cover the exposed pipe with the debris. /

25 Nos of 90mm damaged There have been identified Filter traps across the gullies will
pipes have been replaced 50 runoff gullies like this trap soil, grass, leaves and cover
by new ones between the between Nkelei and the (exposed) pipeline
BPT (at Nkelei) and the main Mamboleo s.tank
tank at Mamboleo.
Construction of Domestic Points s and Washing Tables
In 2013 Chamavita constructed seve 17 twin washing tables in Mamboleo and Karumele villages( Note that there was no washing table in the whole of Rangwi project).
This year Chamavita has finished constructing 12 DPs at the twin WTs. 5 more are under construction. And Chamavita has also constructed 12 DPs and 12 WT at places where the was only a stand pipe /
Construction of a DP at water point with Construction of a DP and a WT at water
two existing WT (constructed in 2013) point with only standpipe like the ones below

Old stand pipe