Unit 1 Chapter questions

My Story: A Long Way from Home, page 5

What does Carolina’s story tell you about interactions among individuals, cultures, and nations?


Inquiring Minds, page 7

1. How is Carolina working for a better future? How does she stay connected to her culture?


2. How is the loss of Mazahua culture in Mexico similar to the experience of First Nations and Métis peoples in Saskatchewan?


3. Think about some of the products you own and foods you eat. How do these things show connections between Canada and Mexico?


Map Skills, page 9

How do you think Mexico’s physical features influenced how people used resources and the land in the past? Why might people live in different places today than in the past?


Map Skills, page 11

How might the location of resources and trading partners affect industry and where people live?


What Do You Think? page 11

How does economic development affect Indigenous peoples in Mexicoand Aboriginal peoples in Canada?


Inquire, page 12

Find out more about the mission, goals, and structure of an organization dedicated to international cooperation, such as NAFTA, North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), or the Organization of American States (OAS).


Thinking critically, page 13

How does NAFTA demonstrate cooperation among Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.? What conflicts might this agreement create and resolve?


What Do You Think? page 14

What impacts will continued population growth in countries around the world have on the environment? How can different nations cooperate to help reduce these impacts?


Thinking It Through, page 15

Key Ideas

1. How do Mexico’s resources help to shape its relationship with Canada and the U.S.?


2. How do common concerns make Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.interdependent?


Thinking Critically

3. How has increased trade affected the lives of people in Mexico?


Thinking Critically

4. What are the possible benefits and drawbacks of NAFTA for Canada? How might Mexico’s hope to extend NAFTA affect Canada?


Chapter Focus Question: How do interactions with our neighbours lead to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence? ______

5. Why do neighbours need to cooperate to deal with environmental issues?


Map Skills, page 20

How might the location of different First Nations peoples and Inuit lead to conflict and compromise over land and resources?


What Do You Think? page 25

The federal government supports Canada’s cultural mosaic through legislation and funding that promotes the distinct ethnic and cultural identities of its people. The U.S. does not have these sorts of programs and is often referred to as a “cultural melting pot.” This means that when immigrants move to the U.S., they are expected to become part of the dominant American culture. How do these different approaches make Canadian and American cultures different? ______

Thinking It Through, page 25

Key Ideas

1. What role did Mexico’s resources play in its history?


2. What are some similarities and differences between conflicts and compromises in the histories of Mexico and Canada?


______differences ______

Thinking Critically

3. How did contact with European cultures affect Indigenous peoples in Mexico and Aboriginal peoples in Canada?


4. In what ways is Canada’s multiculturalism policy an effective means of preserving culture?


Chapter Focus Question: How do interactions with our neighbours lead to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence? ______

5. How do different societies and cultures learn from each other and from the past? ______

Thinking It Through, page 28

Key Ideas

1. How does the UN help resolve conflicts among nations?


2. What is Canada’s role in the UN? How has Canada’s role in international affairs changed over time? ______

Thinking Critically

3. Why do you think Canada participates in the UN? How does this affect our relationships with our neighbours? ______

Chapter Focus Question: How do interactions with our neighbours lead to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence? Pg 28

4. How does cooperation among nations help prevent and resolve conflict? ______


My Story: A Minangkabau Wedding, page 31What does Ridwan’s story tell you about how contact with other parts of the world has affected his life?


Inquiring Minds, page 33

1. What customs of Minangkabau culture does Ridwan describe in his story?


2. How is Ridwan’s use of modern technology an example of “the world getting smaller”?


3. Interview grandparents or other elders in your community. What examples of the world getting smaller do they identify? What reasons do they give for these changes?


Map Skills, page 35

1. How might the physical features of Southeast Asia influence where and how people live?


2. What nations surround Southeast Asia? How might this influence trade and interactions in the area?______

Inquire, page 35

What natural disaster risks do people living in Canada need to be concerned about?


Inquire, page 36

Research to find out what trade exists between Southeast Asia and Canada. ______

Map Skills, page 36

1. Which physical features support and which hinder the movement of people, commodities, and ideas?______

Map Skills, page 37

1. Compare this map with the physical map of Southeast Asia on page 35. What conclusions can you draw about how physical features influence where people live? ______

2. Where would you expect to find the busiest shipping ports? Explain your thinking. ______

Chart Skills, page 38

1. How do the different religions practiced in Southeast Asia reflect the influence of different waves of immigration in the area? ______

Map Skills, page 40

1. Why would traders have wanted to travel such great distances? ______

2. What factors might have shaped shipping lanes in ancient times? ______

Thinking critically, page 41

1. How might the introduction of large plantations affect the lives of the local inhabitants? ______

2. Study the graph. Which export increased dramatically around 1910? What factors may have led to this increase? ______

Inquire, page 42

What changes did the Second World War bring to Southeast Asia? ______

Thinking It Through, page 42

Key Ideas

1. How has the geography of Southeast Asia shaped its history and culture? ______

2. How did colonization and 20th-century conflicts influence economic conditions in Southeast Asia? ______

Thinking Critically

3. Why did different nations want to control the Strait of Malacca? ______

4. In what ways did Western powers change Southeast Asia? ______

Chapter Focus Question: How does globalization affect people and the environment? ______

5. How do interactions with other cultures influence a society? ______

What Do You Think?

6. In what ways may colonization have affected the Indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia? ______

What Do You Think? page 43

How is globalization similar to and different from colonization? What positive and negative impacts might globalization have on First Nations and Inuit in Canada? How might globalization affect workers in different countries around the world? ______

Graph Skills, page 44

1. Which countries have the highest and lowest gross domestic product (GDP) in the region? Suggest reasons for these differences. ______

2. How might the GDPs of countries be related to trade and globalization? ______

Inquire, page 45

Find out more about the goals of and Canada’s role in organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC), Canada International Development Agency (CIDA), or International Development Research Centre (IDRC). ______

Map Skills, page 46

1. Why do Pacific Rim countries trade with each other? How have improvements in transportation helped to increase trade in the region? ______

2. What impacts might more trade across the Pacific Ocean have on the environment? ______

Think Critically, page 47

1. How does Northern Lights Foods represent the effects of globalization in Saskatchewan? ______

2. In what ways are Tammy Cook-Searson and Kitsaki preserving and promoting the values of hard work, respect, and sharing? How could these values be extended to the global community? ______

Think Critically, page 49

How can people balance industrial growth with environmental sustainability?


Inquire, page 51

1. What are the main arguments for and against globalization?

Arguments for globalization ______

Arguments against globalization


2. How might globalization positively and negatively affect the people in your area? ______

What Do You Think? page 54

How does globalization affect you personally? Create a list of the positive and negative changes you have experienced. How is your list similar to and different from those of other students in your class? ______

Thinking It Through, page 54

Key Ideas

1. What effects does globalization have on trade, the environment, and culture? ______

2. What are some of the benefits and risks associated with technology? ______

Thinking Critically

3. How does the demand for products have an impact on the environment? ______

4. How does access to technology help to improve economic conditions? ______

Chapter Focus Question: How does globalization affect people and the environment? ______

5. What do you think is the biggest concern and the most important benefit of increasing globalization for your community? Explain. ______