Church and State. A stabilizing or destabilizing combination?

Some might argue that the combination of Church and State unifies people, motivates them toward acts of charity and heroism, and provides law and order when there might otherwise be chaos.

Others might say that the combination of Church and State provides justification for ethnic conflict and an excuse for atrocities, a lack of desire to better one’s life on earth, and claims by emperors and monarchs of “divine authority.”

The world today is full of examples of both.


This time, you will create your concession/assertion thesis (Paragraph) and phrase outline, and then figure out how to represent the support for itsymbolically. So, you might end up with a poem, a musical composition, a dance, a collage, a political cartoon, a computer game, clothing or armor, a building or fort, a model, etc. The various symbols used in the creative expression of your ideas represent different parts of your argument. You’ll need to be able to explain why you chose those symbols, and what they mean.

What are some examples of “symbols?” Let’s say you are symbolically analyzing the Crusades and a news article about Israel expanding settlements in East Jerusalem. You decide to choreograph a dance. The gestures, movements, music, and pacing of your dance will all be symbolic representations of your interpretation of the question about the combination of Church and State in Jerusalem 1099 and 2014. Or, you decide to make a collage: the colors, size of pieces, and arrangement on (and off) the page will represent your ideas about the combination of Church and State in Jerusalem, 1099 and 2014. Or, you design an outfit. The colors, materials, consistency, textures, flow, and overall design of the clothing can represent your interpretation of the combination of Church and State in Jerusalem then and now. How about a game? The moves and strategies, the “players” and narrative possibilities of the game are all symbolic representations of your interpretation of the combination of Church and State in Jerusalem, then and now.


1. Identify and assess your interpretation of the question. Draft a paragraph expressing and developing your interpretation. Open/create a worklog and begin entering time, date, sources, accomplishments, and questions/concerns/thoughts in it.

2. Choose a document (or a quote, group of quotes) or documents from the Crusades which supports your interpretation. Briefly explain how your claim is supported. Step 1 and 2 Due: 4/18 in Shared Google Folder

3. Choose a news article (or two) that makes the connection to today, and shows consistent support for your interpretation. The news article could be from yesterday or anytime during the last few years. Cite and Explain your choice. Step 3 Due: 4/21, with articles attached.

4. Write (to hand in) your thesis, brief explanations about your document/quote selections (with the articles attached AND CITED), and brief description of your symbolic analysis plan. DUE: 5/5

5. For each of the symbols in your symbolic analysis, you’ll need a written explanation of what it means (why you chose to express it that way)…even if it seems obvious to you.

6. Symbolic Analysis Due: 5/13 (English Essay Due May 17)


*How thoughtfully you have crafted your thesis and chosen your documents.

*The depth of insight represented by your choice and explanation of symbols.

*Your research & research worklog and visible commitment to this project.

*Persistence in pursuing a deeper level of analysis.