Ballpark News

2nd Grade Newsletter

November 7, 2016

"We are Committed Academic Learners"

We hope that everyone enjoyed his or her three-day weekend. Last Thursday, we had a great "Skittles" day! It was the winner of our 1st and 2nd grade election! The students had so much fun celebrating our new "candy-date!" We also wrote letters to veterans, and they will be sent out to be distributed among our many heroes'!

This week we will celebrate College Week. Today we kicked it off by watching "Monster's University." Tonight, we are sending home two pendants for you and your child to decorate. We would like for you to share with us, the college you went to, or wish to attend. Your child will also make one, with their dream college on it. Please return the pendants on Wednesday so that we can hang them out in the hallway. On Friday, students and parents have free dress. Please wear your college t-shirt when you come to pick you child up at school! Students may wear their t-shirt, or color t-shirt of their college with their uniform shorts.

This week in our GoMath program we will practice our subtraction facts, use ten to subtract, and use drawings to represent problems. In our Superkids reader we will teach phonics –ou/ow, review homonyms, and continue on our reading journey with the Superkids. We will continue to pray the rosary this week. In writing we will begin a Step Up to Writing lesson on our Thanksgiving Traditions. Social Studies will be fun, as we work on an American Symbols, booklet, and in Science we will continue to learn about force and motion.

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs. VanderKlugt and Mrs. Bento


Dear Parents,

Have you ever wondered what really goes on in the minds of second graders when they think about God? Their idea of most things is so pure and simple that I always wonder what they are thinking about when they hear adults talking about God. Often we mention God when we need something from Him. Since this is such a special year for the children, we need tospend a little time talking to them about what they imagine when they think of God. I wonder what picture comes to their mind. And maybe that will help you think about what picture comes to your mind. WhenI was a little girl I remember lying in bed thinking about my dad (he was not Catholic...and since I knew that religion was not a subject he wanted to talk about) I always wondered what he did when something was wrong. I knew that I could relate to Jesus and I would talk to Him but dad had no one! Who do you think about when things are tough? Is your faith still pure and simple as a second grader or has "life" made changes in your thought processes?

Many blessings on a beautiful week. Love those children and ask them what they see when you say the word God to them???