Teacher’s Name: Julie Larsen Building: Underwood High SchoolGrade: 11 Subject/Course English Lit:

Content / Skills / Essential Questions / Assessment
August / Early American Literature / Reading / How do the writings of Early American authors reflect the historical events of their time?
How are the cultures of American Indians reflected in their literature? / Analyze Literature
Identify ways the author’s experiences are reflected in their works
September /

American Romanticism and Transcendentalism (including Civil War Era Literature)

/ Reading / How do the poets of this time period use structure and language to express emotions and ideas?
How is persuasive writing important to the Revolutionary Period?
How have language and writing styles changed?
How do the writings of the American Romantic Period authors reflect the historical events of their time? / State common themes and characteristics of Early American Literature
Give examples of the way historical events are connected to the literature
Identify the use of literary techniques
Analyze Literature
October / How are the philosophies of the Transcendentalists reflected in their writings?
How have the Transcendentalists influenced modern society?
How do the poets of this time period use structure and language to express emotions and ideas?
How did the Civil War bring about the end of American Romanticism?
How have language and writing styles changed? / Identify ways the author’s experiences are reflected in their works
Define and state common themes and characteristics of Transcendental and American Romantic Period Literature
Give examples of the way historical events are connected to the literature
Identify the use of literary techniques
November /

Regionalism and Realism

/ Reading / How do the writings of the Realism Period authors reflect the historical events of their time?
How have language and writing styles changed?
How do the poets of this time period use structure and language to express emotions and ideas? / Analyze Literature
Identify ways the author’s experiences are reflected in their works
State common themes and characteristics of Regionalism/ Realism Period Literature
Give examples of the way historical events are connected to the literature
Identify the use of literary techniques
December /

Modern Literature

/ Reading / How do the writings of the Modern Period authors reflect the historical events of their time?
How do the poets of this time period use structure and language to express emotions and ideas? / Analyze Literature
Identify ways the author’s experiences are reflected in their works
State common themes and characteristics of Modern Period Literature
Give examples of the way historical events are connected to the literature
Identify the use of literary techniques