Approved DEC: September 2017

1. The Committee will consist of five (5) members in accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Department By-laws: two (2) for one (1) year terms and one (1) each for two (2), three (3) and four (4) year terms. The Department Commander will designate the Chair of the Public Relations Committee. The Chair will be a member of the Media & Communications Commission with a vote on the Commission. The National Appointees assigned to the National Public Relations Committee will be ex-officio member without vote of the Department Public Relations Committee.

2. The Committee knows that good public relations result from well-planned efforts. PR is the lifeblood of any organization.

3. The Committee goal is to present the Legion to the public as a responsible, patriotic, non-military and non-partisan organization dedicated to serve Veterans, their families, widows and orphans.

4. The Committee shall communicate facts in order to encourage public understanding, favor and support for Legion programs and objectives.

5. This Committee shall present news of National Department and Post activities, including but not limited to: Americanism, Children and Youth, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation and National Security.

6. The Committee shall encourage all legionnaires to become acquainted with the history and general background of the Legion since they serve as representatives of the Legion.

7. Committee members shall help all Posts in their areas become aware of Legion activities and cooperate with local officials and news media – working press, radio and TV stations – for proper presentation.

8. The Committee shall carry out such other duties as assigned by the Media and Communication Commission, Department Commander, the Department Executive Committee or a Department Convention.

9. The Chair will call the Committee in session when necessary. He/she will send a notice of meeting and a copy of minutes to the Department Commander and Department Adjutant.

10. The Committee Chair shall submit a proposed budget each year no later than 30 days prior to the Spring Department Executive Committee meeting for the following year.

11. The Committee Chair will approve all expenditures prior to the expense of funds from the Committee budget.

12. The Committee Chair shall make periodic reports of the Commission’s Committee’s activities to the Department Executive Committee. He/she will submit a written report to the Media and Communication Chair or attend the D.E.C. upon the request of the Department Commander or Chair of the Media and Communication Commission.

13. The Committee Chair shall make a written report of the year’s activities according to Article V, Section 7 of the Department Constitution, and submit it to the Department Adjutant no later than 30 days before the opening of Department Convention.