Manchester Art Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 14, 2016
ATTENDING: Chris Larson, Eric Vogel, Doris Phillips, Jim Oliphant, Carolyn Gimbrone, Emilie Beckwith, Jerry Madara, Judy Burnham
GUEST: Susan Aitner
ABSENT: Sharon Gresk, Diane McDonald, Bonnie Lindland
President Larson opened the meeting at 7:05 saying Janet DePratti has requested to be excused from the Board for personal reasons. Her position will remain unfilled for the time being.
There was no June Board meeting, thus no minutes for the record.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported we currently have $14,800 in the bank. She will work with Emilie and Carolyn G on presenting the full accounting at the members’ meeting next week.
Old Business: Demonstrations for the membership meetings are planned through April of 2017 including Paul Batch in Sept.; BivenneStaiger in Oct.; Elizabeth Rhoades in Nov.; Peter Glass in Jan.; Nancy Cooke Bunnell in Feb.; Kelly Taylor in Mar.; and Sandra Wakeen in April. Also planned will be a Holiday Gathering. Details can be found on the web.
Susan reported all past events information has been moved to the “past events” page on the website. At the top of the "past events" page, you will find links to past member years.
Exhibits: Carolyn G. said the pick up for town hall is Thursday 9/15 from 10:30 to 12:30. Hanging of the photo exhibit will follow the pick up. She will put a reminder out this evening.
The South Windsor Library exhibit had a successful beginning reception with about 75 members and guests attending. Pick up on this show will be 9/29 from 4 to 6.
Workshops: There are openings in all posted workshops coming up. Promotion of all will be pushed next week at the full meeting with applications available. Scheduled workshops: Paul Batch, oils, Sept. 30 – Oct. 1. Cheryl Ciance, Zentangle, October 15. Bob Spooner, watercolor, October 29.
Pitkin Glass: Emilie will be in touch with Don Kelsey of the Historical Society/Pitkin Glass Project to discuss arranging for individual artists to participate in an auction for the benefit auction, sharing a percentage with the artist. A tour of the glass property would be beneficial for anyone interested in painting for this fund raiser. We will promote this project with our members though not make it an official MAA sponsored commitment.
Several art books will be donated to the Whiton Library in Jean Bates’ memory. Carolyn Emerson has volunteered to take care of this memorial for Jean. Carolyn G will return Jean’s artwork at town hall to Jean’s family.
Arbors Art Fair: Doris reported we are almost all set for the art program at the Arbors on 9/25. Hours are set for 3 to 5 pm in the big meeting room we use. Individual subject tables will be set with four chairs for participants and one for the demonstrator. Each group demo will last about 20 minutes. Refreshments will be set in another room on the same floor. Demonstrators will be: J. Madara, acrylics; B. Rosseau, watercolor; C. Gimbrone, photography; C. Emerson, drawing; E. Vogel, pastels; H. Deary, doodle art; J. Burnham, coloring books.
New Business: Susan Aitner has been doing all the press releases and public relations distribution and we could use a PR person specified on the Board to take this over. Jim Oliphant said he would give it a try and was assured of help getting started. A suggestion of using guest books at functions and exhibits for new names for the email addresses was offered and smiled upon. Jerry will look into cost and design of generic business cards for members. Doris asked permission to print more application forms. This was approved.
Having another themed exhibit was suggested by Chris with an enthusiastic approval. She will work a plan up for this, perhaps for the all-member Town Hall exhibit in the spring.
Carolyn G said that Ellen Dougan offered to consider a guidance workshop on framing at her store. This and/or coffee and critique sessions will be investigated further with more details forthcoming.
Having larger demonstrations with noted artists was suggested by Chris. We will look into co-sponsoring something like this with local business and using such as the Whiton library
auditorium. Plein air groups was again suggested either as a fund raiser or just for fun. Someone like Shauna Shane might be a good leader for such mixed groups. Laurie from the Arbors offered her personal garden for this purpose and Wickham Park is also a good site.
Budget: Chris presented a proposed budget for 2016-2017 as basically the same as last year except for workshops. We budgeted income and expenses at half of what we had last year and added an 'other' category of income at 600. Promotion for the scholarships will be directed more specifically to local school districts as some have not been getting notification of the availability. Sue Hollister will be asked to follow up on the high school level pr with the school coordinator.MCC selects their own recipients.
Auctions will be no more than every two years. Workshops should be adequate income on the off years. We can also look into bus trips as money makers.
Carolyn G is looking into a better hanging system for the Town Hall; perhaps similar to the one at the fire house.
Emilie said the hospital change out is scheduled for 9/27, notice to be emailed. She will also confirm with the new hospital administration about our continuing to exhibit there. The art display at 1st Niagara will be suspended until the new bank is in operation. Jim Oliphant will follow up on this change.
Doris reported there are 5 new members; 4 complimentary; 6 honorary; 53 renewals for a total of 68 in good standing going into the first meeting. 32 have not renewed yet and we are looking at a potential 100 members by the end of September.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Burnham, Secretary