Process and criteria for an award for contributions to WoRMS

NAME:WoRMS Achievement Award and WoRMS Early Career Researchers Award


The awardee will receive a certificate. In the border, this will include original artwork that illustrates marine biodiversity andreflects the diversity ofWoRMS content.


An individual or group that has made an outstanding contribution to the development or content of the World Register of Marine Species and/or its associated databases.


Nominations should detail in up to 2 pages why the nominee’s contributions to WoRMS are outstanding, together with details of the nominee and nominator. The primary criterion is editorial contributions. Indicators of editorial activity may mention: number of taxa and/or other content entered, number of records edited and checked; quality and completeness of entries;responsiveness to user feedback and Data Management Team requests; length of service as active editor. Editors may also contribute by organising editorial groups, suggesting new ideas or innovations (e.g. improvements to the web interface), helping outreach and stimulation of the use of WoRMS, and helping WoRMS management and funding.


  1. There are no restrictions based on age, nationality, time-period of contributions or kinds of contributions.
  2. Typically, one award will be made annually based on the outcome of evaluation of nominations. However, the jury reserves the option to make more or no awards.
  3. Nominations can be made by members of the WoRMS Steering Committee, by active WoRMS editors, and by members of the Data Management Team. Self-nominations are not allowed.
  4. Persons or groups may be nominated again in subsequent years. Any person or group can only receive the award once.
  5. The WoRMS Steering Committee will appoint a jury of at least 5 persons to evaluate nominations. The Chair of the jury will be a member of the WoRMS Steering Committee. A member of the Data Management Team will attend the meetings of the jury in order to provide data and/or advice, but has no vote.The jury will appoint a Secretary to receive and disseminate nominations.
  6. The jury members will state their potential conflicts of interest and will not evaluate nominations of close colleagues (e.g. regular collaborator, works in same institute).
  7. Nominations will be independently reviewed and ranked by each jury member with reasons. The jury will meet by telephone or video to discuss the evaluation. Discussion will aim to reach consensus on the top candidate. In case no consensus can be reached, the jury will vote. In the event of a tie, the Chair has the deciding vote.
  8. The WoRMS Steering Committee will be notified prior to the announcement of the awardee butdoes not have any power of veto or influence in the selection process.
  9. The jury will produce a brief citation giving the reasons for their selection of the awardee.
  10. Lobbying jury members beyond the nomination process will disqualify candidates.
  11. Nominators should ensure nominee details arecorrect and the nominee is agreeable to the nomination.
  12. The WoRMS Early Career Researchers Award is intended to recognise the effort of a scientist who has contributed to WoRMS significantly as an editor within about 10 years of their PhD. The jury will take into account career breaks and other factors in considering what qualifies as 'early career', and recognise some excellent editors may not have a PhD


  • The Chair of the jury will make a call for nominations by email to the WoRMS Editorial Board giving at least one month’s notice for nominations.
  • Nominations will have to be submitted by email to the Secretary of the jury.
  • The jury will make a decision within 3 months.
  • The awardee will be notified.
  • The awardee will be announcedat a time agreed with the WoRMS Steering Committee. The award ceremony may be organised in association with a related conference or meeting.

APPLICATION FORM (maximum 2 pages)

  1. Name, affiliation and email address of the person or group nominated
  2. Reasons why their contribution to WoRMS is outstanding
  3. Name, affiliation and email address of the person making the nomination.