Swimming Pool Rules and Regulations

The Corrales Swimming Pool is owned and operated by the Village of Corrales for use by the general public. Any member of the public who pays the appropriate daily fee or possesses an authorized swimming pass will be permitted to use these facilities, as long as capacity has not been reached and the individual complies with pool rules and regulations. The following are general rules and regulations for pool operations. Common sense dictates that these cannot cover all possible situations that might arise, therefore, concern for safety, health, and common courtesy may require the imposition of additional guidelines.

General Rules

  • Parents or guardians must be responsible for supervising their children. Lifeguards are on duty to enforce rules and to respond in case of an emergency.
  • Children, ages 10 and under, must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult, age 16 or older. Children who cannot swim the width of the pool must be accompanied by a responsible adult, within arms reach, at all times.
  • Each swimmer must pay the daily fee or present an authorized swim pass every time the swimmer enters the pool area. Fraudulent use of swimming passes will not be tolerated and the Recreation Staff retains the right to revoke passes due to misuse. Each member must use his or her pass and not allow others to use their pass.
  • Minors may be permitted into deep water if they can display to the lifeguard their ability to jump into deep water and swim the width of the pool. By permitting this, the Village and its employees assume no responsibility for any injury, damage, or loss that may result from this use. The child’s parents retain responsibility for the child’s conduct within the facility.
  • No profane, abusive, or derogatory language will be permitted on the premises.
  • Radios, Discmans, etc. are permitted only if the volume is kept to a minimum and does not disturb others.
  • Neither the Village, its departments, employees, nor agents assumes any responsibility for lost or misplaced items and/or money lost in lockers and vending machines on the premises.
  • Bicycles and motor bikes must be parked or stationed in the designated racks or space outside the pool facility. The Village does not assume responsibility for any lost or stolen items.
  • Village telephones within the facility are for official or emergency use by authorized personnel only. Patrons will be allowed to use the phone only for emergencies.
  • During swim lessons, parents and spectators may watch from pool deck and grassy areas. All non-swim lesson patrons must stay out of the water. Any person who is distracting or interfering with the students or instructor may be asked to wait outside the facility until the class is over.
  • All swimmers must wear swim suits. Street clothes, leotards, non-swim diapers and/or cut-offs are not allowed.
  • The pool has a limited capacity of 200 people. Once the limit is reached no one will be permitted in the facility. Entrance will be on a first come, first serve basis.
  • The use of cameras and other picture-taking equipment, including cell phones, are prohibited in the locker rooms.
  • Alcohol and/or illegal substances are not allowed on the premises. Smoking is not permitted in the pool area.

Health Rules

  • All swimmers are encouraged to shower before entering the swimming pool.
  • Swimmers are not to wear Band-Aids in the water.
  • No pets are allowed in the pool facility.
  • Street clothing and/or shoes shall not be worn into the pool.
  • Children not potty trained must wear disposable swim diapers to enter the pool.
  • Any person having an infectious or communicable disease is prohibited from use of the pool.
  • Any person wearing a cast, even if it is covered, may not enter the water.
  • Individuals who are prone to experiencing seizures should notify the pool manager.
  • All State and Local health laws apply.

Safety and Courtesy

  • Walk in pool area.
  • No pushing, fighting, shoving, or horseplay is allowed. Climbing on shoulders or hanging onto other swimmers is not permitted.
  • Climbing on lifeguard stands and playing with emergency rescue equipment is not allowed.
  • ONLY lifeguards are permitted on lifeguard stands.
  • Swimmers must leave the water immediately when directed to do so by the lifeguards or when one long whistle blast is sounded by a staff member. An emergency may be in progress and the swimmers’ cooperation is required.
  • NO FLOTATION DEVICES of any kind will be permitted in the pool. This includes, but is not limited to, arm floats, inner tubes, baby float seats, swim suits with float devices built in, etc. Any special needs of the patron will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. ONLY COAST GUARD APPROVED LIFE JACKETS WILL BE ALLOWED.
  • Diving will NOT be allowed at any time.
  • Enter and exit the slide feet first. Stopping and standing on the slide is not allowed.


  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area.
  • Eat and drink on grass area only. Stay away from the water with either food or beverages.
  • Please use the provided containers or receptacles to depose all litter.
  • Glass containers are not allowed in the pool area at any time.

Pool Closing Guidelines/Rain Check Policy

The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to reduce pool operations or close the pool due to inclement weather, low attendance or low staff. The pool will close if any of the following conditions are present:

  • Inclement weather including strong rain, lightning, tornado, etc.
  • Air temperature is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Attendance is severely reduced.
  • Posted special events.
  • Health & safety of the general public is endangered.
  • “Rain checks” will be issued, only if requested by the patron, when the pool is closed unexpectedly. Swimmers who have been at the pool less than one hour will be granted a “rain check.” To obtain a “rain check,” the receipt for that day must be presented to the cashier. “Rain checks” are valid only for the summer issued and are not redeemable for cash if unused.