TTH 570– THE CHURCH (3 hours)

Also listed as PMN 550

Cincinnati Bible Seminary

Spring 2013 (January 22 – May 14)

CincinnatiChristianUniversity campus

Jerran D. Jackson, D.Min.

(812) 527-2845 office

(812) 527-2530 home

(812) 593-8174 cell

Revised: November 30, 2012

Course Description

A study of the nature, purpose, and structure of the church, withspecial attention to subjects that are the focus of discussion today(such as elders, preachers, deacons, the role of women, Sundayworship, and the Lord’s Supper observance). 3 hours

Course Rationale

Christ built His Church to redeemall people. He built His Church to last. Christ loves the Church, His bride. Christ works through the Church, His body. The Church is important to Jesus, so it ought to be important to every one of Jesus’ followers. The better we understand what Christ created in the Church, the better we will appreciate her, serve her, and honor Christ through her.

Course Objectives

In this course, students will:

1. Examine carefully significant Scriptures about Christ’s Church.

2. Read, evaluate, and be instructed by modern writings about the Church.

3. Interact with important issues in Church life and draw biblical conclusions.

4. Build a Scriptural and applicable theology of the Church.

5. Explore in depth a topic of each student’s own choosing.


Students will be required to read most of these two books.

Clowney, Edmund P. Contours of Christian Theology: The Church. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995. ISBN: 978-0-8308-1534-0

Overdorf, Daniel. What the Bible Says About the Church: Rediscovering Community. Joplin, MO: College Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-89900-993-3 [Available by January 1, 2013]

Contacting the Professor

You may reach me through e-mail:

You may call me at Clarksburg Christian Church: (812) 527-2845

You may call my cell phone (812) 593-8174 (but I do not always carry this).

You may talk with me face to face before class, during breaks, or after class.

Scheduled AssignmentsDr. Jackson may alter the schedule and/or the assignments.

NOTICE: The reading assignments are longer in the early weeks

January 22 – The Identity of the Church #1 (Synagogue)

Read before class:

The Church, chapters 1-2; pages 15-36 (21 pages)

Rediscovering Community, Intro., chaps 3, 7a; pgs 15-24, 71-94, 167-182 (47 pgs)

January 29 – The Identity of the Church #2 (Ekklesia)

Read before class:

The Church, chapters 3-4; pages 37-60 (23 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapters 1-2; pages 27-70 (43 pages)

February 5 – The Mission of the Church #1 (Redemption)

Read before class:

The Church, chapters 11-12; pages 155-186 (31 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapters 4-5; pages 95-140 (35 pages)

February 12 – The Mission of the Church #2 (Ministry)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 10; pages 137-154 (17 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 8; pages 193-220 (27 pages)

February 19 – The Spirit in the Church #1 (Sacraments)

Read before class:

The Church, chapters 8 & 18a; pages 99-116, 269-276 (24 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 10a, pages 241-246 (5 pages)

February 26 – The Spirit in the Church #2 (Baptism)

Read before class:

The Church, chapters 5 & 18b; pages 61-70, 276-284 (17 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 10b, pages 246-254 (8 pages)

Book Review due

March 5 – Spring Recess (No class)

March 12 – The Spirit in the Church #3 (The Lord’s Supper, and Review for the Mid-term)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 18c; pages 284-290 (6 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 10c, pages 255-265 (10 pages)

March 19 – Mid-term Exam and The Spirit in the Church #4 (Gifts)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 16; pages 237-254 (17 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 11a; pages 269-280 (11 pages)

March 26 – The Leadership of the Church #1 (Elders)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 14; pages 199-214 (15 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 11b; pages 280-295 (15 pages)

Scripture Exposition due

April 2 – The Leadership of the Church #2 (Deacons & Deaconesses)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 15; pages 215-236 (21 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 11c; pages 295-297 (2 pages)

April 9 – The Leadership of the Church #3 (Ministers)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 17; pages 255-268 (13 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 9b; pages229-239 (10 pages)

April 16 – The Worship of the Church #1 (Lordship)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 9a; pages 117-129 (12 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapters12a & 15b; pages 299-320, 390-398 (29 pgs)

April 23 – The Worship of the Church #2 (Order)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 9b; pages 129-136 (7 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 13; pages 325-346 (21 pages)

April 30 – The Life of the Church #1 (Fellowship)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 6; pages 71-82 (11 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 6; pages 141-166 (15 pages)

May 7 – The Life of the Church #2(Renewal, and Review for the Final)

Read before class:

The Church, chapter 7; pages 83-98 (15 pages)

Rediscovering Community, chapter 15a; pages 373-390 (17 pages)

Term Paper OR Term Project due

May 14 – Final exam and Review (Highlights, and Course Evaluation)

Read before class:

Rediscovering Community, chapter 14a; pages 347-358 (11 pages)

Book Review – You may turn this in anytime through February 26, 2013.

Read no less than 100 pages of one of the following books OR a book of your choice which you get approved by Dr. Jackson.

Write a three to five page (double spaced) book review.

Include [1] the main point(s) of what you read, [2] your evaluation of what the author wrote, and [3] how what you read will impact your ministry in the Church(70 points).

Present your Review aloud to the class on a date assigned by Dr. Jackson (30 points.).

Anderson, Ray S. An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Berton, Pierre. The Comfortable Pew: A Critical Look at Christianity and the Religious Establishment in this New Age. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1965.

Bloesch, Donald G. Christian Foundations: The Church: Sacraments, Worship, Ministry, Mission. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002.

Boatman, Russell, What the Bible Says About the Church. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1985.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together, trans. John W. Doberstein. New York, NY: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1954.

Colson, Charles, Vaughn, Ellen. Being the Body. Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 2003.

DeWelt, Don. Bible Study Text Book: The Church in the Bible. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1958.

Giles, Kevin. What on Earth Is the Church? An Exploration in New Testament Theology. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995.

Kraybill, Donald B. The Upside-DownKingdom. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1978.

Kung, Hans. The Church. Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1976.

Schaeffer, Francis A. The Church at the End of the 20th Century. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1970.

Vickers, Jason E. Minding the Good Ground: A Theology for Church Renewal. Waco, TX: BaylorUniversity Press, 2011.

Scripture Exposition – You may turn this in anytime through March 26, 2013.

Choose a passage of Scripture from the list below to examine.

Exegete the passage and interpret it for the Church today.

Write a three to five page (double-spaced) paper presenting your work (70 points).

Present your Exposition aloud to the class on a date assigned by Dr. Jackson (30 points).

Matthew 5:21-26 – Reconciliation

Matthew 16:13-28 – The keys of the kingdom

Matthew 18:15-20 – Church discipline

Acts 15:13-19 – James’ counsel regarding the Gentiles

Acts 19:1-7 – John’s baptism

Romans 6:3-10 – Baptism & new life

1st Corinthians 10:14-22 – Participation in the cup and loaf

1st Corinthians 10:23 – 11:1 – Idolatry and freedom

1st Corinthians 11:17-34 – The Lord’s Supper

1st Corinthians 12:1-11 – Spiritual gifts

1st Corinthians 14:26-40 – Worship

2nd Corinthians 9:6-11 – Giving

Ephesians 4:7-16 – Church roles

Ephesians 5:3-20 – Holiness in the Church

Philippians 2:1-13 – Church interaction

1st Timothy 3:1-12 – Church leaders

1st Peter 2:4-10 – A holy priesthood

Term Paper OR Term Project

Term Paper – You may turn this in anytime through May 7, 2013.

Propose a topic regarding the theology of the Church to Dr. Jackson for approval.

Upon his approval, research your topic.

Write a ten to twelve page (double-spaced) paper with source notes and bibliography.

Your paper should include: [1] major views of your topic, [2] exegesis of important Scripture passages on your topic, [3] your conclusions regarding your topic, and [4] how you will apply your conclusions in your ministry in the Church. (200 points)

Term Project – You may turn this in anytime through May 7, 2013.

A term project is the application of a research project in your church.

Propose an area of church life you would like to work on to Dr. Jackson for approval.

Upon his approval, research this area of church life.

Based upon your research, plan an improvement in this area for your church.

Prepare and present your proposal to the appropriate people in your church.

Write an eight to ten page paper detailing your research and conclusions, you plan, your presentation, and the result(s). (200 points)

Reading Game – each night except the first one

Every student must write or type a question based on the reading assignments for the week. These should be thought questions on important topics from the reading, not minutia.

Dr. Jackson will assign you either to present your question or to answer as part of a team.

When a question is asked, team members discuss it to prepare a team-approved answer.

When a team has a team-approved answer, the team captain runs to the front table and slaps it. The captain who slaps the table first will get to answer the question first.

The first correct answer presented by the team captain (judged by the question asker and Dr. Jackson) earns 1 bonus point for each member of that team.

If the question asker and/or Dr. Jackson judge the answer to be incorrect, the captain who slapped the table second will get to present his or her team-approved answer; etc.

Teams must change captains for each new question.

Nightly Schedule: 6:30 p.m. – 9:10 p.m.

Quiz over last week’s lecture, 6:30 – 6:40 p.m.

Lecture, 6:40 – 7:30 p.m.

Break, 7:30 – 7:40 p.m.

Reading game, 7:40 – 8:00 p.m.

Interaction, 8:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Book reviews /Scripture exposition reports/ Guest speakers / You & Your Churchdiscussions/Term Paper or Term Project reports/ Q&A

Group work – Read,Discussion, Report; 8:30 – 9:10 p.m.


15 Lecture Quizzes (2 Questions; 5 pts each) 10 pts X 15 quizzes150

15 Reading Assignments completed 5 pts X 15 assignments 75

15 Participation 15 pts X 15 sessions225

Attendance 5 pts; Reading Q 5 pts; Involvement 5 pts

1 Book Review (3-5 pages) 70 pts 70

1 Book Review Presentation 30 pts 30

1 Scripture Exposition (3-5 pages) 70pts 70

1 Scripture Exposition Presentation 30 pts 30

1 Term paper (10-12 pgs)ORTerm Project (8-10 pgs) 200 pts200

1 Mid-term exam 50

Identification (2IDs X 5pts) 10 pts

Scripture Significance (2 Scriptures X 10 pts) 20 pts

Essay 20 pts

1 Final exam100

Identification (4 IDs X 5 pts) 20 pts

Scripture Significance (4 Scriptures X 10 pts) 40 pts

Essays (2 essays X 20 pts) 40 pts

TOTAL 1000


Reading Game

Each member of the first team answering the question correctly receives 1 point; 5 points possible per class session; maximum of 13 sessions;

(65 points possible)

Extra book review 50 points(50 points)