Meeting held Thursday5th August 2010 in Borden Village Hall at 7.00pm


Present: Cllr Bolas (Chair) and Cllrs Cole,Evans, Harrison, Hepburn,Lainton, Masters, Millican, Paigeand Roberts.

Clerk: Mrs Claire Fahy

There two members of the public.

SBC Cllr Nicholas Hampshire.


The Chairman welcomed all those present.

APOLOGIES were given by Cllrs Baldock and Downes. Mr Ehrlich of the Nature Reserve committee also gave his apologies


Farm vehicles - The two members of public attended the meeting to raise a couple of issues. Firstly, last Saturday a farmer knocked loudly on their front door and his neighbours at around 9.30am, ordering them to move their cars so he could get his tractor and trailer through. They measured the gap at being 11ft wide before the cars were moved. The tractor was towing 2 rigs at once causing them to be offset from each other. It was felt that if he had a single trailer he would not have had a problem getting through. Their neighbour had been disturbed 5 times in the week being asked to move cars. The residents were told that the tractor drivers had informed the Parish Council but the Clerk had received no notification.

Cllr Paige notified the Parish Council that they had the same situation in Mountview when the tractors were trying to get to the field there. They were banging on doors being quite curt causing people to get upset. He was surprised that they had no notification.

It was commented that the farmers tend to use contractors and they may not know exactly where and when they will be or when they will finish one field and move to the next. It was not known whether such large vehicles required police assistance. Clerk to check with police what is the requirement for police assistance and also to write to farmers politely asking them to notify us when they are likely to have large vehicles moving through the village and to consult the police beforehand. Clerk to notify residents of any feedback.

Centenary garden benches - The residents also wanted to raise their concern with the stumps left in the ground after the removal of the park benches. They were concerned that a child may trip and fall impaling themselves on one of the spikes. Cllr Masters commented that they originally had padded material around them with tape but these have been removed. Pictures have been taken to prove that efforts had been made. Cllr Masters will return to site to see if there is any other way to make them less harmful.

Graffiti – Cllr Hampshire said it had been reported to him that there is graffiti of a rude nature on the play equipment. Cllr Masters to take a look.

Traffic noise – Cllr Hampshire advised that there have been a number of complaints by residents on the noise of HGV’s through Oad Street. There seems to be an increase in the number of vehicles using Oad Street but it is not known whether they are using it for access or as a short cut. There is a width restriction of 6ft 6 but this does not count if you are using it for access. Cllr Roberts commented that there are tipper lorries taking away spoil from where the new old people’s home is being built. The other possibility is a local agricultural contractors that move to Grove Elm farm and may be using the route as a cut through. Clerk to discuss with the PCSO and to put a notice in the noticeboards advising people to contact the police if they see any unauthorised HGV’s.

Regeneration of Sittingbourne – Cllr Hampshire advised that the contract with Tesco’s has expired and SBC are awaiting a new tender. As there is less money around this will impact on the regeneration plans for Sittingbourne High Street.


A copy of the minutes had been circulated with the agenda to each of the Councillors. The minutes of July’s meeting were signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations.


Speedwatch–The areas identified were Wrens Road, Danaway and Chestnut Street. Cllr Bolas has had a response from PC Niki Hunt who says she will get back to him shortly. However it has been noticed that with the new development along Danaway, the cars are parking along the road and are naturally slowing the traffic down.

Noticeboard maintenance – Cllr Masters informed the Parish Council that the hall noticeboard is being constructed now and he has collected the Wrens road noticeboard after it was knocked over by a car. Cllr Masters put forward a suggestion of asking for a contribution towards maintenance costs from the groups that bought the benches in the first place as they are costing the Parish Council a lot of money. It was felt that this was not appropriate and it is not known who bought the benches. It was asked if it would be cheaper to purchase new benches however Cllr Masters explained that the benches are cheaply made and it would not be possible to take the apart for future maintenance. The current benches can be taken apart to refurbish them. It had been agreed at a previous meeting that a maintenance plan should be in place.

Allowance Scheme - Cllr Hampshire informed the Parish Council that he has been allocated an allowance £1250 to spend on community projects with two bidding rounds the first deadline is end of August and the second rounds closing date is 12th October. Cllr Hampshire would like the money to benefit many parishioners and would like to encourage groups such as the WI, Cricket club and school to put in bids.

Wrens Road markings – There has been no further update on the request for road markings. It was considered more important now after an accident earlier in the week in which a car ploughed into a post box and the noticeboard without stopping. The police have been provided with photos and are following it up. Clerk to write to police stating that the Parish Council are interested in making a claim for the noticeboard. Clerk also to chase KCC to find whether they have agreed the road markings.

BT Phonebox – the Clerk had spoken to BT who will send out someone to repair the phonebox within 2 weeks.

Surgery – Cllr Paige volunteered to leaflet Mountview to notify residents of the open surgery being held by the Clerk as it was unlikely they would read the noticeboards.

Court Closures – A meeting had been held by Sittingbourne Magistrates who have put together a working party to fight against closure. There has been a lot of local and national press. It is likely that they will reduce the number of closures so that both sides win but it will be down to presentations. There is a lot of disappointment with the document that was put together in 10 days which hasn’t got Sheppey as an island and therefore doesn’t take into account the problems with transport from there. MP Gordon Henderson has been helping fight to keep Sittingbourne and is using the transport and the high level of deprivation to stress the increase need for the court.

Woodgate Oasts – SBC have taken up the case with their Lawyers and are looking to prosecute the owner. Clerk to chase progress in six weeks.

Hooks Hole – SBC are looking at all the planning applications to find out what should and shouldn’t be there. The case is being looked at by a senior planning officer. Clerk to continue to check progress

New benches – Cllr Masters and Bolas have decided where to put the new benches in the Woodland area. The steel has been delivered and it is hoped the wood will arrive soon.

Street lighting – An email had been received from KCC stating that they will adopt a number of our lamps after the work on three lamps had been completed. Clerk to get quotes for the upgrade of these lamps.

Adult fitness equipment – Cllr Paige had been asked to look for potential grants. He had spoken to SBC who stated that they have not been giving out any grants for play equipment. There have been similar projects installed in the Swale area who have utilised other funding sources such as KCC. Cllr Paige had looked at a couple of websites at the equipment but they had no prices so he is awaiting the brochures. Cllr Paige stated that the Parish Council need to determine what equipment they want and where before they could go for funding. Cllr Bolas informed the Parish Council that KCC Cllr Ferrin had agreed to allocate funds towards this project. Cllrs Millican, Cole, Lainton and Paige to set up a group to determine what equipment is wanted, the costing and location.

Traffic – Cllr Paige was concerned with the increase in accidents around the village and wanted to know if anything further was being done by the police. It was determined that there is not much else that could be done. The issue is in the Parish Plan, it was raised at the last police meeting, it is being addressed with Speedwatch and will probably be raised with the police meeting in November.

Newsletter – Cllr Paige was wondering if there was an update. Cllr Bolas to speak with Cllr Baldock.

30mph sign – Cllr Paige has regularly raised the problem of overgrowth on the 30mph sign opposite 199 Borden Lane and had asked if the sign could be moved. There seems to have been an error recently when the issue was logged with KCC who logged the sign being opposite 199 Wises lane. The correct address has been notified to them and an inspector is taking a look at the sign.

Overgrowth of vegetation – There are areas such as along the A249 where overgrowth of weeds is causing obstruction to the footpaths or roads. Clerk to write to KCC to find out whether the Parish Council can arrange their own clearance of these weeds from time to time.

Barrow Trust – Clerk to write to ask for a meeting.


6.1Being a good employer booklet

6.2SBC Gypsy site assessments

6.3Fireworks international

6.4BTCV Tree and pond warden

6.5KCC Minerals and Waste Development – call for sites

6.6Victim support newsletter

6.7KALC minutes of 7th June 2010

6.8KALC newsletter

6.9Vitalise – support

6.10KCC Community safety Unit newsletter

6.11Oast to Coast magazine

6.12Kent Fire & Rescue performance plan 2010/11

6.13Email regarding future of forge and village shop Clerk to write to Barrrow Trust to ask for a meeting and forward email. Respond to email stating share his concerns but the Forge is owned by the Barrow Trust.

6.14KALC finance conference


Spring chicken – Cllr Masters informed the Parish Council that the fitter for the new swing had been delayed but should be on site next Tuesday to fit the new swing and heighten the old swings and to fix the spring chicken as agreed by their head office.

War Memorial – Cllr Masters had obtained a quote for a granite replacement costing around £9700 but this did not include the paving and concrete blocks. He is waiting for the company representative to return from holiday to find out how much concrete is needed before being able to have a more accurate quote. The War Memorial Trust is not a grant body but English Heritage is. The work has to be approved by the war graves committee before any grant can be sought after. It is hopeful that the grant could be as much as 50% of the costs. KCC Cllr Ferrin has given £2500 from his funds towards the repair. It was agreed to continue exploring the costs. Cllr Masters also wanted to find out whether some of the existing memorial can be used to reduce the costs. Cllr Bolas to provide details of traditional writers to Cllr Masters for the memorial board for the hall.

Kissing gate – the land owner has been good enough to replace the kissing gate by the bungalows along Chestnut Street.

School Lane – Cllr Roberts reported that there was an accident up near Hooks Hole cottage 2/3 weeks ago and the road had to be closed off this has resulted in one of the chevrons missing as you come down School Lane. Clerk to report with KCC

Pothole repair – Cllr Roberts noticed that a team of workers were filling in the pot holes by spraying tarmac however they have tarmac over a previously blocked drain along School Lane just before the first slow down sign before the School on the left hand side. Clerk to advise KCC

Playstool – Cllr Cole advised the Parish Council that the newly cleared section near the gate is becoming overgrown. Cllr Masters commented that it needs another sowing of grass seed and though the cutting of the grass would be down to KCC. Clerk to find out if KCC will cut the area.


Finance– Cllr Downes will produce a report for September.

Borden Nature Reserve- no further update

Sports Association – Nothing further to report

School– no further update

KALC – Cllr Paige reported that they have not had a meeting since June. The Chairman of the meeting was suppose to email to those parishes interested in setting up a sub-committee to arrange dates but to date the email has not been received. Clerk to write to the Chairman to ask where the letter is and whether it is necessary to get together to agree a terms of reference.

The freighter issue was raised and Cllr Paige spoke to Swale Borough Council. They said that householders pay for the bins to be collected and nothing else. He mentioned that the letter sent to us was curt but they stated it was not intentional. Amicus had also confirmed that they have had their freighter withdrawn. At the moment there is no indication that it has affected fly-tipping .

Local Engagement Forum –Cllr Paige had distributed a report. Cllr Bolas had asked him to ask about the housing strategy and allocations. They felt it was a too big question to ask at a meeting. Cllr Paige spoke to Swale Borough Council who were extremely helpful. The South East plan is being scrapped and they have a new housing strategy for 2010. Cllr Paige has a copy on email if anyone is interested. They have been informed by the Government to use the numbers they had until recently until they receive further instructions.

Community Engagement Forum – Cllr Paige had to further update. He is awaiting Swale Borough Council to do another review.

Swale Rural Forum – no further update

Hall – report circulated. A request has been received from the court to view the damaged door to pursue a claim from the hirer.


Highways – no report.

Amenities– Cllr Millican had written a report. She noticed a car dumped along Danaway. However Cllr Master commented that the police were aware and they had tape around it but it must have blown away. She also reported that there is no wash basin in the toilet and there was beer bottle glass near the basket ball net. Cllr Masters also reported that the toilet has been used to put beer bottles and cans in. Cllr Masters to take a look at the toilet. Clerk to let PCSO know about the beer bottles.

Cllr Millican also reported that hedges are infringing the left hand pavement going down School Lane near the School. It was thought however that this had now been cut back. Clerk to check with KCC.

Heritage–The Heritage Committee were made aware of a funding opportunity but when investigated it is only applicable for an independent body. Cllr Harrison has circulated a report. It was believed they should form an independent organisation to run alongside the Parish Council Heritage Group and once formed they can go for separate funding and they will run parallel. The expenditure of the committed grant from the Parish Council will be done by the Parish Council on behalf of the Heritage group. When they are properly constituted they can they can apply to the Parish Council for grants. The website is growing in membership of 60 people had has had more than 11500 hits.

Parish Plan – The final copy had been distributed. Cllr Paige has consulted with three printers who each have the wording and pictures and will be providing him with quotes. There are a few technical details that need sorting out so Cllr Paige is taking time off work so he can meet with the printers. They have agreed to do quotes for 100,200 and 1000 copies. It was agreed that a decision on quantity could not be made until an idea of costs were known.