Family & Consumer Science

Grade: 6 Unit: Etiquette: 44min.(1 class).

Type of lesson: _x_Acquisition x Refining /Extending __Mastery/Application

E.Q. Why is it important to study etiquette?

A. Content of Lesson:

The sixth grade student will increasingly face social situations where they will need to use proper etiquette. This unit walks them through a number of case scenarios and gives them hints on what to do. They are also given a quick table setting lesson.

B. Key Concepts:

1. L.E.Q. What are some general rules for etiquette?

2. L.E.Q. Why is it important for you to know and practice good manners?

3. L.E.Q. What is the general rule for placing and using silverware?

4. L.E.Q. What are social situations where good manners are extremely important?

C. Key Vocabulary: Previewing

1.bread plate situations

2.cup & saucer 8.knife 14.soup bowl

3.dinner fork 9.napkin 15.soup spoon

4.dinner plate setting 16.tablecloth

5.etiquette 11.salad/dessert fork 17.tip

6.finger food 12.salad plate 18.water glass

Goal(s) of Lesson: What students are to achieve as a result of this lesson…the end product:

The student will:

A.  Complete Etiquette pre-test and then after watching the video complete the post-test to note changes.

B.  Identify and practice good etiquette rules and note occasions they are most important.

C. Identify and practice correct table setting.

Objectives: Observable student performance

1.Students will:

A.  Discuss and demonstrate acceptable table manners used in social situations.

B.  Determine general rules for proper etiquette.

C.  Discuss and demonstrate correct table setting

2.Grading rubric reviewed: Students understand what is expected of them

(grading rubric reviewed on front of student unit cover page)

Activating Strategies: Introduction or “Hook” that links to prior Knowledge

Students are asked to complete an un-graded pre-test on etiquette. They then watch and discuss a video on etiquette and then re-take the pre-test making corrections.

Standards and/or Academic Anchors:

FCS Standards: RWSL Standards: Math Standards:

11.2.6A,D,H 1.6.8.A,C NA

Teaching Strategies: Describe how/what you want students to do (Activities)

Day 1 – Introduction to 6th grade Etiquette Unit.

Etiquette pre-test

Etiquette Hotline: Table Manners video


Work on packet

Correct table setting…using school’s dishes and flatware

_x_ Direct instruction __ Numbered pairs _ _Think-Pair-Share ___ Guided practice

___Graphic organizer __ Independent Practice ___Laboratory Activity _x_ Group Discussion

_x _Media display x Teacher Demonstration _x_ Lecture _x_ Review _x__Hands on testing

Summarizing Strategies: Can students answer the Essential Question? Closure.

Wrap up lesson and review important concepts covered.

Re-ask the essential questions.

___KWL _x_ Ticket Out the Door ___3-2-1 _x__Hands-on tests

___Journaling ___Draw Picture _x _Physically Demonstrate

_x_ Reflection Questions ___Inner/Outer Circles __x_ The Important Thing

Accommodations: List ways to Differentiate instructions

Answers are given during class discussion.

Extra help available during ARP and Flex Time.

Assessment: Check for Understanding

Collect packets and grade with rubric.

Successful participation in the class discussion.

_x_ Authentic Performance _x_ Knowledge – recall learned information

_x_ Class Participation _x Comprehension – paraphrases, restates in own words, summarize

_x_ Class work __x_ Application – can transfer information, predicts, projects

___ Project _x _Analysis – breaks information into parts, distinguishes

___Laboratory _x_ Synthesis – applies prior knowledge to new or original product

_x_ Summarizing Activity _x _Evaluation – appraises, compares/contrasts, justifies

_x_ Teacher Observation __ Other


_x Hands-on Quiz/Test

Materials/Equipment Needed:

6th grade Etiquette Unit Packet

TV/ VCR and “Etiquette Hotline: Table Manners” video

Dishes, cups, glasses and flatware