CH 460 Mock Exam 1 Summer 2015

  1. Water can accept _____ H-bonds while it can also donate _____ H-bonds.
  2. 4;5
  3. 1;1

c.  2;2 – two from the lone pair set, and two on the H’s

  1. 3;4
  2. 1;3
  3. Water has _____ hybridization and _____ a net dipole moment.
  4. Sp2; has

b.  Sp3; has

  1. Sp2; does not have
  2. Sp3; does not have
  3. Sp; cannot have
  4. The distance between the oxygen of one water and the oxygen of another water that is hydrogen bonded to the first is _____ Å.
  5. 1
  6. 2

c.  3

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. Water solvates _____ molecules better than _____ molecules.

a.  Polar; nonpolar --- like dissolves like

  1. Wet; dry
  2. Nonpolar; polar
  3. Acidic; basic
  4. Basic; acidic
  5. Hydrogen bonds can occur when hydrogen is bonded to which of the following atoms?
  6. Fluorine
  7. Oxygen
  8. Nitrogen
  9. A and B only

e.  A, B, and C

  1. When water solvates a polar solute such as K+, the _____ atom of the water molecule _____ the K+.
  2. H; is near

b.  O; is near

  1. H bonds to K+
  2. O bonds to other O’s
  3. None
  4. Substance X, an extremely non-polar molecule, has a partition coefficient of _____.

a.  Kp > 1 -- >1 is phobic <1 is philic…nonpolar are phobic

  1. Kp < 1
  2. Kp = 1
  3. Kp ≥ 1
  4. Kp ≤ 1
  5. HSCN has a pKa of 4. At pH 9, the ratio of HSCN : SCN- is _____.
  6. 1013
  7. 105

c.  10-5 – hend hasselbach

  1. 10-13
  2. none
  3. The _____ equilibrium is used to buffer cells at a pH of _____.
  4. H3PO4/H2PO4-; 7.5
  5. H2PO4-, HPO42-; 7.0
  6. HPO42-, PO43-; 6.9
  7. H3PO4/H2PO4-; 7.6

e.  H2PO4-, HPO42-; 7.2

  1. Fatty acids are amphipathic molecules meaning they have a _____. They have a _____ group at C-1 with a pKa of approximately _____.
  2. Charged and uncharged properties; CH2OH; 3

b.  Hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties; COOH; 5

  1. Acidic and basic properties; NH3+; 11
  2. Water soluble and non-soluble; NH3+; 11
  3. None
  4. _____ is the fatty acid with 20 carbons. It is _____ soluble in water than butyrate.
  5. Laurate; less
  6. Stearate; more
  7. Palmitate; less
  8. Acetate; more

e.  Arachidate; less

  1. Oleate, or _____, is has a double bond between carbons _____.
  2. 18:1 (ω-9); 7 and 8
  3. 18:1 (ω-6); 9 and 10

c.  18:1 (ω-9); 9 and 10

  1. 18:2 (ω-6); 7 and 8
  2. 16:1 (ω-6); 9 and 10
  1. Phosphoglycerides are composed of _____ glycerol(s), _____ phosphate(s), _____ fatty acids(s), and _____ polar alcohol(s).
  2. 1;3;2;1
  3. 1;1;1;1
  4. 1;2;2;1

d.  1;1;2;1

  1. 1;1;3;1
  1. Free fatty acids are prevalent when the concentration of the detergent is _____ it’s CMC. Thus, as the acyl chain length increases, the CMC concentration _____.
  2. Above; decreases

b.  Below; decreases

  1. Below; increases
  2. Above; remains the same
  1. The lipid semipermeable membrane of your cells would be _____ permeable to nonpolar solutes than cations or anions.
  2. Osmotic pressure prevents solubility
  3. Less
  4. Equally
  5. Cannot compare these solutes

e.  More

  1. D-Arabinose, a _____, has _____ isomers.
  2. Ketotetrose; 3
  3. Aldotetrose; 8
  4. Ketopentose; 3
  5. Aldohexose; 3

e.  Aldopentose; 8

  1. _____ are related by changes in chirality at one stereocenter while_____ are related by changes at every stereocenter.

a.  Epimers; enantiomers

  1. Enantiomers; epimers
  2. Isomers; epimers
  3. Enantiomers; isomers
  4. None
  5. In the Fischer projection of D-Mannose, carbons 3 and 4 have stereochemistry of _____, respectively.
  6. D; L
  7. D; D

c.  L; D

  1. L; L
  2. None
  1. In the Fischer projection of D-Threose, carbons 2 and 3 have stereochemistry of _____, respectively.
  2. D; L
  3. D; D

c.  L; D

  1. L; L
  2. None
  3. In the Hawworth projection of α-D-Mannose, carbon-3 hydrogen is pointed_____, while the carbon-4 hydroxyl is pointed_____ .
  4. Up; up
  5. Down; up
  6. Up; down

d.  Down; down

  1. None
  2. In the Hawworth projection of α-D-fructofuranose, carbon-1 hydroxyl is pointed_____, while the carbon-3 hydroxyl is pointed_____; the furanose ring is made up of _____ carbons.

a.  down; down; 4

  1. up; down; 6
  2. down; down; 6
  3. up; down 5
  4. up; up; 5
  5. In the chair conformation of α-D-glucopyranose, there are _____ bulky axial hydroxyl groups.

a.  1

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
  5. In cellobiose, glucose is bonded to _____ using a _____bond. These bonds are called _____.
  6. Mannose; α-(1à4); monocidic
  7. Glucose; β-(1à4); covalent
  8. Galactose; α-(1à6); hemiacetal bonds

d.  Glucose; β-(1à4); glycosidic

  1. Cellulose; β-(1à2); glycosidic
  2. _____ is a linear polymer of glucose found in dietary fibers with β-(1à4) glycosidic bonds.
  3. Cellobiose
  4. Sucrose
  5. Amylose
  6. Amylopectin
  7. Cellulose –amylose has a(1à4), amylopectin is also a(1à4) with a(1à6) branches